Cymbalta Long Term Issues (Top voted first)


Hey everyone! I would really like to get some feedback from people who have been on Cymbalta for at least a few years.
I have been on Cymbalta 60 mg for three months now. I feel that it has given me some relief from my nerve pain related to damage from surgeries on the right wrist. But there have been some concerning stories from long-term users of Cymbalta; including diminished pain relief, short-term memory loss, weakness, etc.
I am very concerned about whether there are long-term side effects of this drug. Especially because I heard that the longer you take it the harder it is for your body to get off it.
Feedback from any long-term users of Cymbalta, good stories and bad stories, would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

5 Replies

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Hello, Concerned! How are you?

There are such risks associated with all medications, regardless of what they're prescribed to treat. The relevant fact, however, is that only a very small percentage of people ever experience them. Yes, on a site like this, you're going to read about a lot of people with such long-term issues, but that's because the millions of people that take it without any problems have no reason to look for a site like this to post on.

But any medication, even blood pressure/cardiac medications and those to treat epilepsy, have been known to cause memory issue and etc. with long-term use.

And the diminished relief is also normal, our bodies will eventually get used to anything we ingest for a long-period of time and it will eventually become less effective. There is nothing that can be done to change this and a dosage adjustment or switch to a different medication will be required.

I'm not on Cymbalta, but I am a heart patient on several other medications and can tell you that it is completely normal for these types of things to happen. That's also why your doctor will monitor you regularly.

The normal side effects to Cymbalta may include nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight changes.

Can anyone who's been taking Cymbalta chime in?

Is there anything else I can help with?

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Been on cymbalta 7 years. If you are used to the side effects, the drug never quits. I recently tapered down slowly and weaned up on new drug viibryd. 3 months in... Not as effective for me and had suicide ideations and some strange thoughts. Good on side effects but not on efficacy. My brain does not tolerate straight ssri's like others. I need the norepinephrine combo. So now I am moving back in with cymbalta (although at this stage in the journey in doing fine with both viibryd and cymbalta doses... Might stay here for a while depending on doctors advice)..... We shall see...but in any event, the cymbalta is helping already with the depression

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I have been on Cymbalta 60 mg for 3 years. Was put on it after neck surgery.....Same time my Dad died and I found out my husband was having an affair. I read nothing about it. Was up to 90 mg three weeks ago. Started not sleeping, ears ringing, nose bleeds. I am off cold turkey Day 5. I have only had two hours sleep. I now find for three years I had extreme anxiety, 20 lb weight gain, sleep problems, not a day I did not cry, and much more. I will never take it again. No matter how hard this is going to be I want it out of my body. Prayers for everyone.

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Thank you for the replies everyone. I have been off Cymbalta for a few months now. I stopped taking it because the sleeplessness never went away. fortunately my pain has been gradually diminishing over time. I now take sam-e 800mgs and feel that it is a much safer drug, though not as potent as cymbalta, with less if any side effects.

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I've been taking cymbalta for at least 8 years. It has been effective, but inhibits libido to some degree. For this reason I went from 60 to 30 a couple of years ago. My main complaint with name brand was nightmares. This resolved when I took it in the evening instead of morning.

My recent switch to generic has been difficult. I feel edgy and jittery during the day. I switched to a pm dose and could not sleep through the night. Anyone else having these problems

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