Cymbalta Side Effects (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have been taking Cymbalta for 6 yrs. along with Wellbutrin (150mg)
Could it cause sores in my mouth?
Could it cause my hands to shake once in a while?
By far Cymbalta has been the worst anti-depressant I have taken.
I am a 60 year old, African-American female. My skin has constantly peeled for over 10 months, (shortly after I started taking it), at this point my skin cells shed off with every move I make. I am shedding from my scalp to the bottom of my feet.
I have very little wax in my ears, mucus in my nose, moisture in my eyes, and my mouth feels like it has flour in it at all times. My hair has fallen out and must be washed everyday. All my clothes, linens, bedding, etc., contain the shedding material. My skin is wrinkly, looks real shallow, and overall I look sick.
I have been to numerous doctors, therapists, allergists, and dematologists. Been prescribed antibiotics, creams, lotions, shampoos, allergy meds., Gabepentine, (nerve pill), to no avail, only to start doing research and discover that all my symptoms can be traced back to this horrible, horrible, drug.
I have very, very, little faith in medical professionals because they share some responsibility in this situation as well. They treated me like I was some senile old woman who was imagining this problem. Who is responsible for all pain and suffering I have and continue to endure, the FDA, manufacturers of the drug, the physicians, etc., because I have done everything within my power to find out what was and is wrong with me.
You responses would be greatly appreciated. Thank God for this website. Maybe my story will help others identify some similar side effects they are having while taking this highly dangerous drug.
Thank You, I did as you suggested and talked to my Doc. and we agreed on a different med.(instead of Cymbalta). I was worried about another new one but it works AND the sores are gone and the trimmers are less & less.
Hi ladies
I was on Cymbalta for 2 1/2 years before I started getting blisters.
they started on my hands and feet then spread to my knees, trunk, arms, legs and bottom! my skin is so badly scared from this! they started off like small water filed blisters but when they popped it felt like acid!
I had been given every cream you could imagine from the Dr and nothing helped! I got referred to the hospital in september they said they had seen nothing like it, the biopsy came back as drug induced.
Cymbalta was my only medication!
I have been off my meds for 4 weeks now and finally the brain buzzes have stopped! my only worry is my skin is still itch now and then!
Is anyone else still having skin problems even after they have stopped taking this med???
Thanks xx
So glad I found this page. I've been on cymbalta for almost a year for depression and fibromyalgia which I believe may even be my Hashimoto's thyroiditis as they have the same symptoms. I may have had it for many years...20 or more. I didn't know how to explain what the brain buzz was and I have it. I've been very upset about hair loss, but my thryroid levels are in the low normal range. I believe it's the Cymbalta. I also have hand and arm tremors. I may try to stop this med. I'm a bit afraid to. I only take 30mg because I'm sensitive to drugs, but a good side effect has been less pain and it stopped constant teariness. The horrible winter didn't seem so horrible to me and I'm usually very sad in the winter. Hearing that the brain buzz and tremors get better is amazing. In 25 years, the cymbalta for the last year has been the biggest help yet, but at what cost?? Do these symptoms disappear if you stop the med?
In the middle of reducing Cymbalta from 60mg to 30mg. Seem to be very emotional. Did you experience that. How long did it take you to get stable at 30mg?
I took cymbalta for 4 days and have blistering water bumps all over painful and skin rips off immediatel. I was told to stop it right away and the sores wonr heal and the brain zaps are HORRIFFIC . And street drugs are bad HA!
Hi Mary,
One of the side effects of Cymbalta (Duloxetine) is an "uncontrollable shaking of a part of the body". It can also cause blisters or peeling skin, rashes, hives, swelling in the face, and unfortunately, much more than this.
The link below lists the vast majority of possible side effects, but I would highly recommend talking to your doctor about switching medications or opting for a natural alternative to this prescription if the side effects are too persistent or severe:
I hope this info helps!
I started having peeling blisters a few days after starting it. That was over a yr ago and they just won't heal. My doctor knows nothing about this because it is helping with my depression, so I am afraid to say anything. Not sure what to do at this point. I'm afraid of withdrawal and switching meds, but the blisters are leaving awful scars on me.
I just started cymbalta, it has caused me to have rashes all over my butt!!! Also I feel really restless and clench my teeth all the time. For the people with migraines, neurotin saved my life from those monsterous things! Migraine free for 3 years now!
I have been taking Cymbalta for many years and I see that I have many of the symptoms. What I fear is that the effect the medication has on me (the good ones), that I won't be able to find a medication that will help me in the ways I need. I do have severe rashes on my bottom. And the do not heal. I am going to go to my doctor and see what she thinks what is best for me. I have accidentally ran out of Cymbalta during a holiday and couldn't get a refill, all I wanted to do was crawl in a whole and I cried constantly. It worries me a lot to change. But the blister issue has me even more worried. I am a diabetic and some of the side-effects for Metformin are a problem too. I need some advice on the blisters. It really scares me.
I have been put on Cymbalta 30mg for three weeks for migraines. The first two weeks, my blood pressure fell through floor and I kept passing out. Every joint in my body hurt, and I was so restless, I just sat there and cried. I called the doctor, because I refused to up my dose to 60. I was scared to death of the side effects. Now at three weeks, I have swollen glands in the back of my neck and my feet are bright red and itchy. I can't stand it. The benadryl doesn't even help. I left a message for the doc., but I am starting to think I will just cope with the migraines.... cause I can't take these side effects. I was straight out lied to. I asked both the doctor and the pharmacy about side effects, and they both told me not to worry, it was a better, newer drug with less side effects. An honest answer would have been nice. I wish I hadn't gone on this.
I take neurotin for my migraines and it's a miracle pill!! I haven't had a migraine in 3 years and my migraines would last for at least 3 days!
I have been on Cymbalta for 8 years started at 30 now on 60 for 2 years I have horrible sores on my scalp and hair loss. After reading this I am going back to 30 and then a different drug. I take it for scoliosis back pain and it is great for pain.
what may I ask, medication did they switch you to that you no longer have mouth sores?
I have been on cymbalta for one year. I've always had some excema, but now especially in the sun, I have rashes and blistering on my hands and arms. My doctor insists it is not the medicine, but I wonder.
Been taking 60 mg Cymbalta for 8 years, and for the past year, have noticed a rash on my arms, trunk, legs abd bottom that itches and leaves scars..
Hi I reduced my dose from 60 mg to nothing over a period of 18 months, However between the 60 mg and 30 mg dose I reduced it in thirds over at least 6 weeks. I did feel emotional and angry as I kept reducing it, I had no choice to do this as I developed a bad case of hives after 6 years of being on it. I have now been off it for 6 weeks and although I am still experiencing Cymbalta withdrawal, I'm emotionally a lot more stable, and my depression is so much better. The depression I had on the medication was terrible.
Good for you! I agree wholeheartedly, they would rather see you feel like an i**** and keep on harming yourself with these worse than street drug prescriptions rather than admitting any wrongdoing and negligence or to do anything that may jeopardize their kickback or the legal drug pusher's (pfizer, astro zeneca, johnson & johnson, etc...) kickback. These bastards will eventually get what they deserve. My doc actually played the blisters off as "ok well try something else" as if to say, oh this wacko is not liking this medicine either, until I lifted my pant leg and showed him the scars on my legs In which case he stood up with a face that I've never seen before and apologized profusely to me and said I am so sorry let's get you on something else right away.
I have been on the Cymbalta medicine for a long time and this February I started getting sores all over my body I'm being this past week I got them on my face do you think that I could be have a allergic reaction To the medicine I have to go to the doctor this Monday
Dear Bubbles, I cried the day I had to stop taking my Cymbalta..... but, sadly it caused these very firm acne like places on my face. I was on 30mg. And switched right back to Lexapro no problems of withdrawal (for anyone wondering) . Great for my pain.... but not good for my skin, still in the process of getting skin better, the day I stopped started to improve Shame, because I actually hung my cane up for a while. Hope this helps anyone that needed some info. Also, I thought it might be my Adderral, but no...... Cymbalta was the culprit.
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