Cymbalta Adrenal Insufficiency (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have been on Cymbalta for 7 yrs. For the last 4 yrs I've been on 120mg per day. I have dealt with many, many side effects, however it helped me so much I put up with them. But the last two years I started having severe heart palpitations and extreme bouts of fatigue. I had many cardiac test and was eventually diagnosed with a heart arythemia. And now last month I was diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency with my cortisol levels dangerously low. My FP doctor referred me to a Endocrinologist, but before I could get there I was hospitalized 4 days with pneumonia. Extreme Adrenal insufficiency causes fluid to build in your lungs. Coincidence? I don't know? Has anyone else on Cymbalta had symptoms of Adrenal fatigue? Has anyone else been on Cymbalta for 7-8 yrs?
12 Replies
I can't believe my old post is still up here.... I never saw the reply. I've been through hell from Cymbalta since that first post. To answer your reply....No... My adrenal fatigue is not caused by a hormonal issue.... I went through menopause 8 yrs prior, no problems. My adrenal fatigue was caused by actual "adrenal insufficiency". Since my last post I have been hospitalized 3 more times..... with adrenal insufficiency, dehydration, loss of consciousness, burning sensation on extremities, extreme diaphoresis, anaphylaxis and chronic hives. I've been on Hydrocortisone for 11 months and now on a tapering off trial. My Endo has tried tapering twice. Each time my Cortisol falls very quickly. I'm dying to get off this steroid I'm so fat and puffy, but I can't. And now I'm on a very expensive and powerful Mast Cell stabilizer drug call Xolair as well as other high dose antihistamines because I also developed Mast Cell disease. I had hives the last two yrs on Cymbalta that got increasing worse toward the end... and became chronic. They did not go away with discontinuation... So now I also have Mast Cell disease...and also have to see a Hematologist and Immunologist. And yes, my FP doctor, my Endo, my Hemo and even my PSYCHIATRIST believe Cymbalta caused the adrenal insufficiency and the Mast Cell disease. According to the N'atl Inst of Health... Cymbalta causes "Adrenal Fatigue" and pharm drugs are a leading cause of Mast Cell disease....
I would love to hear from anyone else who has experienced either of the conditions during or after taking Cymbalta. What a wonder drug! It just keeps on giving!
I just recently developed adrenal insufficiency which is causing all kinds of problems to include constant pre syncope state. I took Cymbalta for two years and stopped a year ago due to it messing with my thyroid. I wonder if it also screwed with my adrenals.
Honestly, the way antidepressants are so easily handed out with doctors usually totally underdescribing the severity, diversity n commonality of serious side effects enrages me. I have tried faverin, lexapro n cymbalta. Could not handle any of them. Right now I feel almost completely devoid of all energy, have gained 15 kilos, feel starving almost every 2 hrs. I am so tired it makes me highly irritable n unable to manage simple daily tasks. It never surprises anymore how many people have experienced similar things as soon as I start googling. I was so exhausted I thought I had diabetes. By chance I googled hyperthyroidism caused by cymbalta and this site came up. I'm going to get tested for diabetes n hyperthyroidism n some of the other conditions that I found out about when I Google searched causes of sudden exhaustion n ravenous appetite. My gut tells me it's F***ING CYMBALTA. 6 months ago I read about how some theorize that antidepressants bleed dry the adrenal system. Every time I suffer unmanageable n extremely uncomfortable side effects, I think n I think n I Google n I see that there's always so much evidence from others n new theories that always supports n seems to validate my initial gut feelings about the damage I'm feeling from antidepressants n the relationship between different chemical ripple effects. Doctors n pharma companies n researchers have a hell of a lot to answer for. The warnings are no where near adequate. Not even close. I'm so angry at the changes in my body n mind that have been caused by antidepressants. Disgusted. I can feel that my body n psychology has not returned to what it was before. I think the changes last for a very long time, they damage other systems n organ functioning, n lots of other serious things as well. I'd write more, but m tooooooo tired thanks to another some unknown f***ing internal systems failure which as I said, I know in my gut is attributal to these chemical f***ing cocktails.
Actually, many medications are known to cause it, including Cymbalta and other SSRI antidepressants. It can also be caused by stress and hormonal problems, such as estrogen dominance.
A combination of all of them may have even worsened the problem for you.
When will you be seeing the endocrinologist?
You can learn more Cymbalta details here.
Getting to the root of the problem is really the best way to find your best solution.
If you've been under a lot of stress, which having the symptoms and tests you were experiencing makes perfect sense, plus taking this med, there is a very good chance that many factors have contributed.
Do you suffer from PMS? Menstrual cramping? Heavy cycles?
All of those, and more, would point to a hormonal imbalance, likely estrogen dominance. Your body may have started using all of your progesterone to try to create more cortisol, so it's may also have gone far to low to keep up and help with anything.
I have been on 60mg Cymbalta with terrible side effects. So decreasing to 30mg to see if side effects lessen. I have been very emotional. Anyone experience this with decreasing Cymbalta? I also have primary adrenal insuffiency. Wondering too if Cymbalta decreases cortisol?
Not sure if you'll see this being that this is old but I was preceded Cymbalta and I have adrenal gland issues so I'm glad I didn't start taking it!
I'm 63! No PMS or estrogen surge here! And yes...both my primary care physician and my psychiatrist think Cymbalta damaged my adrenal glands by over stimulating them for 8 years. The withdrawal was horrendous and I vomited for 13 days straight with sever abdominal cramps. It's been 3 years and I still have adrenal insufficiency. I'll be on hydrocortizone for life! Tell that to your Pharmaceutical Company employer!
Re: Lauren (# 3)
I was on cymbalta for 6 years. I stopped because my health was being terribly affected by it with muscular side effects, skin and digestive problems and a constant need to sleep. The withdrawal symptoms were hell on earth and that is no exaggeration. 4 years later nothing is the same. Most foods trigger histamine release in my body so I can eat almost nothing now. I had no food sensitivities at all prior to cymbalta. I cannot work full time anymore due to extreme fatigue and difficulty with stress. The doctors cannot help me but they gave me this cymbalta so eagerly. Diet is key to my ability to function at all.
Re: Sick from cymbalta (# 8)
Have you considered using Diamine Oxidase to help with the histamine issue? And too, looking into Histamine reducing Probiotics? Then maybe look at raising progesterone via foods and rebuilding GI mucosal layer? It is a long haul, but I have this combo work.
I do take Cymbalta 30 mg daily, for past 5 yes, although I've been under a great deal of stress for past several yes, I too am dealing with extream fatigue, can't say that the Cymbalta is the culprits are not but I know that I am feeling so awful these days extremely exhausted and definitely the Cymbalta comes with a baggage of several side effects but like you and has been helpful in some areas but I'm really so ready to walk away from it if I can I'm sorry that you were going through these issues I do hope you find the answers you need so that you can have a better healthier and happier life
Re: Lauren (# 3)
I would desperately love to connect with you as my story is very similar and I need help!
I was given Cymbalta in Dec 2009 by January I ended up in the hospital with super low blood levels. Hemoglobin was 4. Cymbalta killed my adrenals and I live a miserable life now. Wish there was a way to be compensated. I made 80,000 a year pre-cymbalta. I now am on disability living like a pauper and have a college education. Thanks Cymbalta!!!
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