Cozzar And Kidney Issues
UpdatedI started on Cozzar at the end of April 2012 since my ins would not pay for Benicar. I was told by the doctor yesterday July 12, 2012 after my anual A1C for diabetes that I now have kidney disease. Prior to taking Cozzar there were no issues after blood tests regarding my kidneys and high creatinine levels. Could the Cozzar possibly have created these high levels????
5 Replies
What type of kidney disease is your doctor referring to?
Just one test with odd kidney levels would not diagnose kidney disease, it actually takes 3 of them being low, for 3 months in a row to diagnose kidney disease or kidney failure.
And yes, the Losartan in Cozaar can cause decreased kidney function, but it is usually reversible, just by stopping it and switching to a different medication.
Learn more Losartan details here.
Well, at this point the doctor was not specific about what kind of kidney disease I have. I will see him in a month to see what my levels are. I have stopped taking the Cozzar to see if that was the issue.
Cozzar killed my kidneys one month after being on that pill my creatinine levels went up, and up,i saw my GP who was totally clueless, my heart doc was too, who put me on the crap. I saw two Nephrologists who saw my Meds and never said anything, they were also clueless finally i went to the FDA web site and put in all my drugs and the word kidney failure bang CAME UP ON the second one i put in was COZZAR I got off OF IT AT ONCE, but i had to lose a 93 pounds and work my butt off on the treadmill to live i'm 72 now. MY DUMB ASS GP WHO I FIRED SAID I WAS THE ONLY PERSON WHO EVER CURED HIMSELF, i stormed into my heart doctors office wanting to rip him a new one, lucky for him he was on vacation SO IF YOUR ON THAT F--KING DRUG STOP NOW, BECAUSE ITS KILLING YOUR KIDNEYS, AND I'M LIVING PROVE OF IT. WISH I COULD SUE MY DOCTORS BUT THEIR NOT REQUIRED TO READ THE FDA REPORTS
I am taking 50 mg. Losartan(Aurobi) . Also was put on 5 mg. Amlodipine. I have a lot of kidney pain when i get up to go to bathroom at nite. Also feet are numb and tingley, toes are red on bottom and inbetween toes. Toes feel funny and I do not have dibetes.
Yes, please stop taking it, go on a raw vegan food diet, lose weight fast that way. Eat very little protein until your kidneys get back to normal, check with the FDA. I'm 73, that was 3 years ago. I lost 93 pounds. beats dying.
Go to the FDA web site and put in renal failure and the word cozzar in the same search box:
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