Cost Of Suboxone (Page 15) (Top voted first)


Have no insurance. Where can I fill my Suboxone prescription cheap? Paying 320 dollars for a 30 day supply - 8mg

306 Replies (16 Pages)

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I need suboxone, and agree that they're about 8$ for one pill. please I want to know where to find it online now?

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im from n.c. does this apply to my state

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Addiction is truly a disease. It requires constant prayer an NA meetings. You have to work the 12 step program. Do not post biased information you could cause a lot of damage. Every addiction counselor and NA book will back this post. I wish you the best of luck

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No I don't. I pay 25 and it's not every month. Its every 4 month's.

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Your name is KnowledgeIsPower, but you either were intoxicated whilst posting, or you learned to spell knowledge with the assistance of a dictionary. I suppose the latter is what I am forced to believe. With your newfound sobriety, you should consider enrolling in your local educational institution for basic grammar, and more likely than not: mathematics as well.

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These people are just asking for help. There is no need to be a *****t. I feel so bad for you having to put other people down to feel good about yourself. Maybe therapy can teach you how to direct your insecurities and anger elsewhere. It must be exhausting to constantly have your guard up and be so scared. I wish you the best. And while you're at it, how about looking up empathy, compassion, sympathy and common decency in your dictionary.

I suppose your obscured word, the name you attempted to classify me as, is just as idiotic as yourself. How do you assume I have insecurities and anger? Because I dislike so many people bragging about their drug addictions whilst collecting federally provided insurance? If that is the reason you claim I exude anger, then I agree with you. I should not be forced to pay for the scum of the world, because they have absolutely ruined their lives, then they take money out of my pockets. I almost didn't want to buy another car due to the ever-increasing taxes I pay to those whom are addicted to illicit drugs.

I presume you wish for Bernie Sanders to become president, in hopes of you continually collecting federally provided benefits. Drug addicts collecting federally backed benefits is essentially them spitting in the faces of people who worked hard, went to college, became professionals, and have good careers. Why should we be forced to aid you, so that you can continue to kill yourself with those drugs?

I assure you my knowledge of those simplistic words is just fine. Why not return the favor by showing us, the people supporting you, your active use of those words. Thank you for being a leech. I now do not feel bad about classifying you as scum.


A Pissed Off Java Engineer

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The generic Buprenorphine tablets are crap. They make a LOT of people ILL. I know of at least 4 people who will sit in full-on opioid withdrawal before taking a generic Bup tab. It causes all 4 of them to become violently ill, vomiting over and over until dry heaving sets in and them goes on longer, about 4-6 hours of that. Another person had stroke-like symptoms from taking a 1/4 of one of those toxic crap pills. I didn't have those problems with them though, my issue with them was that they're WEAK. I can get by on 1/2-1 Suboxone film daily (I take them to manage chronic pain, not necessarily for substance abuse) and the generic Bup tabs, I'd take 2, sometimes the full 3 a day I was prescribed and I still didn't get the relief I got from just 1 film. So after a couple months of those awful pills I switched to name brand films and my dose went back down to 1, at the most, per day.

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I really hope you can find a way to get them cheaper. Are you seeing a pain management doctor? He/she should be able to help you. My insurance doesn't cover them for me but my doctor gave me a coupon that gives me $125 off my monthly rx.I do have to get a new coupon every 6 months but my doctor always has them available. Maybe you can talk to your doctor or pharmacist about the coupon or even a coupon code.

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Thank you,for sharing your story., My,Son is,going through the same thing. He has a heart problem calleed Afib. As his Mother getting him,help could be a matter of life and,death. May God bless you.

I hope you have a great day!!!!!!

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If you're still able to get the Suboxone for $8.50 I'd stock up as soon and as much as you're able. I entered my info and the best price it returned was $354/month for two sublingual strips (8mg/2mg) per day. The Suboxone has truly been the miracle drug they make it out to be for me - no more cravings, running all over the state searching for the pain pills, going through the hell of withdrawls, etc. If anyone has any other advice for finding less expensive monthly supplies I'd appreciate the info! Best of luck to everyone.

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You need to get on the generic form of divided...not the name brand suboxone. It's called videophone and It's just the base medication without the nalaxone. With all the free drug prescription discount cards out there that you can print on the internet there is a company that you pay $4.95 a month and I went from paying $280 for 60 8mg generic divided to paying $190 for the month. Doctors are afraid to prescribe this because of the fear of people shooting it up. Tell the doc you will sign a waiver and call Roxanne pharmacy and see what they can do also. I don't have the savings card on me right now but if you need the info I can give it to you. And I am sure you would get a huge discount on the windows too. And again, it's only$5 a month for this discount card.

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Look up NPS Processing and they have a card that costs $5 a month and that would save u a lot of money. I've tried all the discount cards out there and this company has the best. I used them for 3 months before I got insurance through work and they saved me a total of $550 over the three months. Good luck and God Bless

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If any body wants to sell Suboxone 8 mg pills please email me at xxxxx@xxx {edited for privacy}

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i get 60 - 8mg film per month that i dont use so

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i get 60 - 8mg film a month i dont use

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Sure thing there bulls*** quit making cannabis acceptable, it's not ok it's a drug just like sub is. I personally don't gve a s*** wat u smoke your gonna die of lung cancer. U wana debate that like everyome else does . Loll oh no there isn't carcinogens in cannabis is there. U are only smoking every chemical your drug buddies spray it with

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Best bet is a short term inpatient detox. I did 3 days at St. Mary's in upstate NY and they helped me into a program called SPARC. That was July 1st, 2013. Been clean ever since. Between sessions at SPARC and meetings, been clean with 0 relapse since kicking it. If you already have a script but s*** insurance, go to your local social services office. They can help you with insurance issues. Good luck to all!

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people who went to college and made something of their lives. nice GFYOURSELF. EVERY ONE WAZ not given the same opportunities if you think so then you have been blinded and conformed to certain beliefs like addicts are bad and should be left to suffer for life or od on purpose as to not be a burden on you.. gfy

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Re: Subs (# 284) Expand Referenced Message

Bulls***, just got approved for another 18 months.

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I think it's dangerous to be advising on modification's to the original dosage forms and instructing on how this medication should be administered .MOST FIND IT ADVISABLE FOR A LICENSED MEDICAL PROVIDER TO DISPENSE SUCH INFORMATION ON THESE POWERFUL NARCOTICS

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