Conzace Vit B Complex
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Hi! Im 22y.o, 5'8 in ht., and my wt. is 118 to 120lbs. I think I am an ectomorph. I want to gain 20 lbs or more. And since I have no time for gym I decided to take vitamins like Conzace together with Vitamin B Complex (a generic one) to increase my appetite. Is it okay to take conzace together with vit b complex since conzace does not contain vit b? Which is better - Conzace + vit b complex or Conzace + Iron? Can you give me some tips to increase my wt.? THANK YOU.

11 Replies

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I want to know the proper way and right time to take Conzace to reap all of its benefits in a day.

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Can 15yrs take this conzace vitamins? I want my daugter to have best vitamins for her skin

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can i take conzace and neurogen-e in a single day?
is there any side effect?

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gud pm!! can i take conzace although my White Blood Cell is high.thank you

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hi im 23 yrs. old and i am taking conzace for 2 months bec. of my hormonal imbalance but im planning to take pills can i take them both? and what best pills u can recommend for me?and how many months should i take that? thank you

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Hi is it okay if i will try conzace at my 14 year old daughter? Please advice thanks...

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Hi, can i take both Conzace and ferrous sulfate? because i have iron deficiency anemia? Please advise... Thank you.

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good am! I'm asking when is the best time to take Vit B Complex & Conzace..Thank you!

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As I stated previously, it is just a vitamin supplement. That means there is no specific age that they are appropriate for, though young children and the elderly may need different amounts of certain nutrients.

There is also no way to know if you will gain weight by taking them.


Are there any other questions?

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i am19 years of age.,,i want to ask if Conzace Multi Vitamins were ok at my age to take in ? i'd like to gain a weight im just 43 kls.and 5'2 height ..pls i want to gain a weight THANKYOU!

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Yes, since Conzace doesn't contain B vitamins, you can take them both.

It contains Vitamins A, C, E and Zinc.


As to the Conzace with iron, unless you have been diagnosed with Anemia or some other condition that requires iron, it is not necessary, if you have a healthy diet. Most people get enough in their diets, through red meats and other animal products and supplementing it, when it is not needed, can be dangerous, because too much iron is toxic to the body and can cause organ damage.

As to putting on weight, the best and safest way to do it is through a healthy diet and exercise.

You can try to increase your caloric intake, as well as the amount of healthy fats that you take in.

However, some people are just naturally small and there isn't anything they can do about it, so it may just be something that you have to accept.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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