Contrave And Appetite Control (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I'm currently on week 3 of Contrave (2 pills in the AM/1 in the PM). When should I possibly be noticing a decrease in appetite/cravings? Evenings are the worst for me, and I'm finding absolutely NO decrease in my desire to eat. Am I being too impatient? I was on Phentermine for 4 months, and had lost 30 lbs. I had started to plateau, and that's why my Dr. switched me to Contrave. Since I started with this medication, I've gained 8-10 lbs. because my evening appetite is back. I'm currently on a diet/exercise program where I'm eating typically 1000-1200 calories per day.

22 Replies (2 Pages)

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It's possible that you're not eating enough protein. You should be getting 0.8g of protein per 1lb of body weight. My naturopath suggested I do this and it's completely eliminated my evening cravings. I'm also consuming less calories in total, which was quite surprising. Replacing carbs with protein has given me so much more energy as well.

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Re: ValiVan (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

You are not eating enough. You're starving your body and it rebels by burning calories more slowly.

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