Confused About Starting Suboxene
UpdatedMy pain Dr. by my suggestion wrote me a prescription for Suboxene but without instructions how to take. Do I have to stop the opiod pain meds a certain amt of hrs prior to taking my first Suboxene? Ive been told no can stop the night before and take Sub next AM....also read need to stop opiods 48-72 hrs prior to starting. Can someone with experience please instruct me on what to do. The pharmacist wasn't very helpful either. Thanks in advance.
1 Reply
Hello, Mickey! How are you?
You must be in full withdrawal, before starting Suboxone, otherwise it could throw you into dangerous precipitated withdrawals. There is no specific time frame, it can vary from person to person.
The FDA classifies this medication as an opiate, so it carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation and dry mouth.
Is there anything else I can help with?