Coming Off Pristiq
UpdatedWanted to share my experience with coming of this drug with others because I have looked towards others experiences the past few days which have helped me a ton! I started taking Lexpro around the age of 17 never had any real issues besides being tired a lot. I stayed on Lexpro for over 3 years. After complaining about being tired my doctor wanted me to try Pristiq saying it might give me more energy. The switch over between Lexpro and Pristiq was easy I don't recall any struggles. Now I have been taking Pristiq for about 3 years. I have always taken 50mg once a day. If I followed that dosage I was totally fine. But if for whatever reason I missed a day I was shortly reminded by the terrible dizziness an nausea. About a year ago I told the same doctor that put me the medication I want to try to get off. She asked me why? and said it probably wasn't a good idea. I later for other reasons switched doctors and my idea got brought up again. My new doctor strongly encouraged me whenever I felt mentally ready. She told me it was be tough and she was right! For about a month I told the pristiq every other day which went ok. Than for about a month and a half I did every 2 full days (for example if I took it monday I would not take it again til thursday). After I go use to this I went back to check in with my doctor and she told me now I would just have to go cold Turkey. There was really nothing else she could suggest because Pristiq is time release so I could not brake up the pills or be put on any lower dosage. I was terrified! It has been very very hard considering I am a full time student and working part time. But I am now on day 6 and I am feeling some relief from the withdrawals. My doctor has calledl me in some Zofran because I was very dizzy and nausea which has help some. I would suggest this just because it allows you just to have some options besides feeling sick for several days. I also feel very irritated. This is not an easy process and there has been many times where I have just wanted to take the Pristiq because I know this feeling would go away within a few hours. Im on day 6 and I still do not feel 100% but I sure as hell feel better than I did a few days ago. Day 4 and 5 I was very emotional I just wanted to cry my eyes out because i did not know how to feel. Today I am kind of irritated and still am having some dizzy moments. I highly encourage individuals to get of this drug. It is extremely powerful. It will not be easy in the tinniest bit but hang in there because you will start to see the light at the end of the tunnel!
4 Replies
Thanks for taking the time to share your experience getting off this medication. Weaning off really sounds like quite the process! If anyone else is reading this, I actually came across another discussion thread on this same topic; for those seeking additional information:
The vast majority of comments I've read, state that most of their initial withdrawal symptoms are gone by the 7th day.
I hope this info helps!
My name is Will, I've been on Pristiq for about 3-4years, for anxiety purposes. Originally I was on 50mg per day but I soon stepped it up to 100mg per day. I decided I'm now ready to control my anxiety without medication so I stepped the doses down as follows;
- 100mg one day 50mg the second day for about 3 weeks
- Then I was doing 50mg each day for about 2 weeks
- Next I went 50mg every second day
As of last Sunday (4 days ago) I have stopped taking it all together. I feel fine anxiety wise but I am getting terrible 'brain zaps' (that electric shock feeling in your head) throughout the day.
Has anyone else had an experience similar and can shed some light on how long this will probably last?
Venaflaxine is what my dr put me on to come off the pristiq. So far so good. Have the brain zaps and stroke like feelings but I am emotionally stable. I was on 100 mg of pristiq. Cut pristiq back to 50 and took 37 of venaflaxine. Between the two it works out well
You posted in 2013- How long did the symptoms last?
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