Cocaine Forums (Page 8)

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did a small amount of cocaine on thursday last bump was at about 12:30am. I vomitted before i went to bed at about 2am i did about 5 key hits and one line which is when i vomited. I had to do a drug test on monday for court and i have been so worried i will fail it? How long would this of stayed in my system? #Hi nana, The length of time that Cocaine can be detected in your system for a urine test is actually quite diverse, being anywhere between 2-30 days after your last dose. I'm assuming these figures are based on how much you used and how often you used it, but it looks like it's going to be a close call no matter what with the numbers mentioned above. Could you post back when you get the results in?


I have a urine drug test in 5 houra and did cocaine yesterday up till about 6 hours ago. I also am prescribed 4 mg xanax a day and I have a very fast metabolism. I'm 97 pounds. Have been drinking water and took vitamin b12 pills. Trying to urinate as much as possible before I have to test. What are my chances of passing the drug test for cocaine?


Well, My Dr actually used an old urine screening to have my test come up dirty. Now I admit, I did have a dirty urine 3 mts ago. But I've been clean ever since. I actually had a clean urine and on the same day I got a 3 of 2 come up on a mouth swab for Cocaine. If you know anything about those levels that is a trace amount. barely even there actually. If it would have been 2 they wouldn't have even mentioned it. Now I'm no genius but I had to take another one last time I went and I wasn't afraid to take it because i KNEW i was clean. So imagine my surprise today when I got a phone call that my oral came back with the EXACT same level of cocaine as it did 3 mts ago, In fact, all my levels were the same. Every single one. In fact the only way you could tell the difference ...


I have been urine tested with a posotive result of heroin and cocaine witch of either I havre not used but I am prescribed oxycodonev30mgd symbalta some fentanyl and oxymorphone ns 60idea what any of these would cause thilese posotive results Thank you ## Hi Denise, To my knowledge, any of the synthetic opiate medications (oxycodone, oxymorphone, fentanyl, etc) can test false-positive for other opiates/opioids as well, depending on the reliability of the drug test being used. However, on the cheaper drug tests, it seems as though anything is likely to show up no matter what you took. At this point in time, the best advice I can offer is that you try to dispute your case by getting re-tested with a gas chromatograph mass spectrometer. This method has the ability to distinguish the exact ...

3 REPLIES Updated

I work at a factory I was recently tested at work and the test came back positive for cocaine. I have never used or been around any drugs I can not come up with any reasonable explanation for this. I do have a history of UTI and kidney infections but I don't understand why this keeps happening to me. This has ruined my life. I now suffer from anxiety and depression because of this! Someone please give me some insight!


Please help, my wife had just heard that she tested positive for cocaine in the metabolite form in a minute minute amount but never in her life went near that stuff. Its very odd but same month last year showed methadone in very high dose, I'm 100 percent sure she didn't take either one. Anyone have an idea of what could cause that too occur, its a lot of stress to go through that's unnecessary but I guess it happens. They said they were having some problems with some of the other tests coming in as well but the problem was something different. She goes to a place that tests every month with a test that reads levels up to 22 days they said and all her results have always been perfect. Not condoning anyone who does use as to each their own, but I'm definate that she never...


I took one Norco the day of saliva drug test. And I know I have cocaine in my system. My question is will the cocaine show as an opiate? And what does the doctor test you for? Just the medication he prescribed for you? or does he go further in the testing process? And will the Norco I took the day of test, will it show?


I USED THREE LINES OF COCAINE ON SATURDAY AND I ENDED UP GETTING A RANDOM DRUG SCREEN FROM MY PROBATION OFFICER WENDSDAY AFTERNOON DO U THINK I COULD HAVE FAILED MY DRUG TEST ## stupid as as studid does! ## Yes, your failing the test is highly possible, cocaine can be detected in urine for as many as 7 days, after you have used it. In the future, if you're on probation, it would probably be wise to stay away from drugs. Are there any other questions or comments? ## well i was told it was only thre days is crack different? ## YES IT CAN CAUSE IT STAYS IN YOUR LUNGS LIKE MARIJANA SOMETIMES UP TO TWO WEEKS DEPENDING ON USEAGE! ## Can I get an update? How did the test go? I have done 3 - 4 lines 11 days prior to a drug test, b 4 that it was approx a month, b 4 that it was pretty well we...

7 REPLIES Updated

my son took a mouth swab test and it came back positive for meth and opiates. He was shocked and can not explain this. He has never taken cocaine or meth in any form. Not on pain meds at all. He is however a diabetic and takes Lantus, metformin & glymepride . His blood sugars usually run high. What's up??


is there any traces of cocaine in any prescribed medications? ## No, but there are some that are related to Cocaine, such as Lidocaine, which is in the same family. Have you had a drug test, or something come up positive for it? If so, there are some things that can cause false positives for it, so if you can post back with details on anything you are taking, including over the counter medications, I'll gladly research it for you to help. Learn more about Cocaine Details here. ## I was given lidocane for a tooth being pulled and I had to take a hair test a couple months later and it came up positive for cocaine. I have not done cocaine but did take the percocet they gave me and it was negative for opiates. Could the lidocane have made the test positive for cocaine? They only tested ...

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I am 6' 3" 450 pounds I did 1 gram of blow it's been about 133 hrs (5 1/2 days) since I took a random ...I did not drink any alcohol and drank plenty of water I pee like a race horse Pryor to doing that gram it had been a month since I last used ... Will I come up clean on my urine test? ## Erowid claims that nonhabitual users should pass after 2-3 days. However, on many other sites, some claim 7 days is regular. I think from personal xp that you should be alright as long as fluid intake is above average to high, and you do some exercise (given your weight, power walking should do).

1 REPLY Updated

I am a methadone patient who has been clean from all other drugs for at least 4 when I went for regular urine testing it testedositive for morphine and coke.they re tested and it showed ( faintly though) is this possible? They are sending it to a lab ( my request) because I am pissed off and mostly is this possible and will the lab squash any suspicions that they may have that I am lying? I also have to do a hair test and am worried if there can be errors there too


I take perscriptipn suboxone. I was given a urine screen for the Army National Guard and it came back positive for cocaine. I have never used cocaine. I am in jepordy of being discharged because of this. Why did it come back positive for caocaine and what can I do to show I don't do drugs of any kind except soboxone? ## I no longer get Medicaid so I can't take out my my home town pharmacy I got a's to expensive.I can't afford. can u help me with a discount or something?

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I have never taken cocaine. But I recently failed two five panel hair test for cocaine. I do, however, take Ritalin every day and it did not register in either test. What the heck is going on? I lost my job of 12 years. Those people saying only cocaine can cause a positive result for cocaine - are dead wrong. something is causing it. And I really need to find out what it is. Can someone please help?


I work in a hospital in the Medical Records dept., I release information for many reasons with our patients' signed consent. Please answer my question regarding a Lab test called "Pain Management Panel". It tests patients' blood or urine (not sure which but not important to this question) for many different drugs such as marijuana, cocaine or oxycodone. (It is different from a test called "Drug Screen") This test shows whether or not the patient is taking their prescribed medications. It is usually not accompanied by a signed consent/admission form (as it is just a Lab test), therefore, I do NOT have the signed permission from the patient (the sensitive information clause regarding drug abuse {HIPAA} is on the consent form and the patient normally signs it). I ne...

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I tested positive I never ever in my life took or even thought of taking cocaine. I had a bilateral knee replacement and became addicted to opiates after that. I am on suboxone and was given a swab test about ten min before using the test and thy are making me take the whole beginning of the program or I am out. Will not listen to me and told me there is no such thing as a false positive. I have a autoimmune disease which gives me large sores in my mouth and use the lidocaine 2% vicious for about a year. Ps I had no idea I was going to be given a oral swab. All suboxone clients are supposed to do urine the lab made me take that. The clinic I go to waited twelve days to tell me it was positive. So now I had no recourse to take another one. Please help


Please please help me. I have lost my son due to a false positive on a hair follicle test for 49 something. They are saying I may have touched someone or something. Problem is-I've never seen cocaine. The test was not even considered positive. The lab had been sued for extortion, bribery and fraud. Although I plan on suing them I have missed my son these past two years. I cry every single day and wonder why my heart is still beating cause my soul is dead.


I went to my doctor for my quarterly check up, where I get blood tested and they check my thyroid, and sugar levels, and I'm prescribed xanax 1mg twice daily for anxiety and panic attacks, and lortab 10 for chronic pain from when I had a car wreck and shattered many bones. I have been going to my Dr for about five years and have been on xanax for 2andl lortab for 14. This past visit my urine came back positive for cocaine but not my blood. The weird thing is I have never seen or touched the stuff in my life!!! In fact the idea of any stimulant kinda bothers me...if I drink to much caffine it doesnt settle right with me...hence why I have anxiety attacks and on xanax. How is this test showing positive for cocaine, I did use orajel, but thats a joke it wouldn't show up as that in ...

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I did a small amount of cocain on thursday last bump was at about 1230am. I vomitted before i went to bed at about 2oo am i did about 5 key hits and one line which is when i vomited. I had to do a drug test on monday for court and i have been so worried i will fail it? How long would this of stayed in my system? ## From the most current tests, it would have been detectable in your urine for approximately 5 days after last use. The precise time frame can always vary from person to person, depending on traits that are unique to each individual, such as your metabolism, overall health, fluid intake, activity levels and etc. but 5 days is the average for most people. Learn more Cocaine details here. When will you get the results? ## i had used cocaine on sunday around 10.30 pm and i got tes...

2 REPLIES Updated

I tested positive for cocaine in a urine test, but have never taken cocaine or any other illegal drugs. What is the chance of a type 1 statistical false positive in a urine test for cocaine? Is it 10% or more? I am not on any meds, and I do not have any kidney or liver problems.

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