Clopitab 75 Mg Uses (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedMy Dr. advised this tab. What purpose is it for? My blood pressure is 90-140. Is it is for that purpose?
There is also a swelling on the upper side of my right leg.
I am 52 years of age. I have been suffering with paralysis. I am also and diabetic patient with 6.2 of HB A1C. Recently my heart has been feeling weak. Doctors suggested Clopitab 75 mg and Ecosporin 150 mg daily, I have been taking a Diabetic tablet and BP tablet often. I am also going on morning walks for 1-2 KMs. I am requesting you to provide your advice for my best health.
Iam on palvix 75 being heart blockage patient how long can I to continue palvix tab
I am 74 had 2 angiopesty + 2 stants . I am taking the following medicines:-
1. Telmah 80, 2)Monot 10mg twice a day 3) Clopitab 75mg, 4) Ecoesprine 150mg.
Please let me know what a loading dose of Clopitab 300mg is measured at? It's supposed to be taken at the time of a stroke.
am ayub 45 m,i have varicose veins of right lower(leg)limb with superficial thrombophelebhits
i am diabetic from 4 years i am glimsave m1 morning and everning. aswell i am using human acrapid 22 in the morning and afternoon.clopitop75 afternoon.
in the evening i am using lantus 22 units and my blood sugar levels are un even like 225 fasting and 275 post lunch can u please suggest me what is the right dosage
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