Clonazepam Help Me (Page 4)
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I have always used the same brand of clonazepam. However they changed what is in the medication. I've been gravely ill because my body can't take the change. Now I want to not take it any longer because it's making me ill. How can I detox slowly if I don't have a decent batch of clo that agrees with me? If anyone has any real information please let me know. I'm ill feeling every day if I take it it makes me ill and get withdrawal If I don't take it I get still getting withdrawal.

458 Replies (23 Pages)

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Re: Sarah (# 383) Expand Referenced Message

I believe the reports to the FDA are just part of the data they collect on people who have had side effects from their drug. They then look into the complaints that are most common. They don't personally respond to your report as this is more about quality control vs customer service. Call the actual manufacturer of the drug instead of the pharmaceutical company. They may be more helpful as they only do the manufacturing. Many are in other countries Accord has their meds manufactured in India. Good luck and always remember you have RIGHTS!!!

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Re: 5 things on the internet which is very John Milton (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Is a round pink pill no markings just a line a clozepam I was told it was made from china

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Re: Sarah (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

I just was changed to the Accord and they seem stronger than the Teva brand. Hope they work for you. Walmart carries Accord in NM stores for anyone who may be looking.....

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Re: Jay4real1000 (# 94) Expand Referenced Message

I know this is an old message but I must tell you that your story has moved me to tears. Any good woman would admire a man so dedicated to helping his ailing mother! I come to these forums at times to read about other's struggles to try and find inspiration for my own. I never post anything though. I find Sarah and Jacquelines friendship and support of each other beautiful as well. I'm horribly depressed by the healthcare establishment, all Drs, the filthy FAD and the poisonous medications they pass off as so called help. Even when they do help, you either become addicted to them or suffer from another ailment due to side effects. I pray for Jesus to come soon, the world just ain't what it used to be and will continue to worsen.

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Re: Sarah (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Have you tried Lorazepam (Ativan)? It is a sister med to clonazepam (Klonopin). I have been on anxiety meds since I was in my early 20s. I suffer from acute Panic Disorder. In the 80s it was Valium they prescribed patients. Then it became (HORRIBLE) XANAX WHICH is by far the worst... hits you hard... that is another family member of these benzos. I then began taking (as needed only) Klonopin...then switching to Ativan. Very similar... I want to stress that if you haven't formed a habit of having to take any of these benzodiazepines on a daily basis, where your tolerance level becomes so high, please be careful. These are no joke. They are HIGHLY ADDICTIVE and cold turkey abruptly will be your worst nightmare. I won't go into detail, just do your research please. An honest doctor will tell you the truth. I've been through it, and it's Hell.... they say it's harder than kicking any opiate and you feel like your dying. Take as prescribed and don't abuse. Run out a few days early? Or accidentally misplace them? No one cares. No early refills. Plz plz don't end up like I did. Take as directed and only as needed. It's so easy to build a tolerance to Benzos. Mix with alcohol and it could be fatal. Statistics show. Hey. If you need it take it. It's saved my life many times.. and I can leave my house and function in the real world. Sorry for the novel. I'm just trying to help shed truth on the risks of abuse. It happens.... so if Klonopin isn't working, ask your trusted doctor about Ativan. Btw. SANDOZ brand Ativan is not very effective either I find. At all. WATSON is highest rated and most effective. Love and light.

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Re: JD (# 372) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Jacqueline, you haven't posted how you've been doing on your meds in three months. Hope that you are doing better. My eyesight is still not good. I'm trying to get around regardless. Please let me know. Hope that you had a Merry Christmas and I pray that you have a blessed and much better new year. Keep in touch. Currently I'm on the Mylan clonazepam it seems to be the one that works best after that horrible Sandoz garbage that destroy my life. But the last think that I'm going to do is lose my hope and I hope that you keep positive in spite of your struggles with the garbage meds these pharmaceuticals companies are producing these days. Hope to hear from you soon.

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Re: Benzo Girl (# 387) Expand Referenced Message

Yes the do melt n yes minty especially 2mg white by Mylan they say M15

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My bad the company is Accord not afford for blue 1mg say C1 n no score

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Re: Houdini (# 389) Expand Referenced Message

I get various different ones from my Walmart but mostly the blue ones say C1 on them they have no score u have to bite them in half they are 1mg by a company called afford

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I have had other brands of clonazepam (1mg) that are scored but unfortunately I do not know about the manufacturer called Northstar. My pharmacy is telling me that the tablet is scored, as per them - a small indentation. The brand has E 64 on one side and nothing on the other side.

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There are two 2 mg clonazepam tablets by Northstar. What's the difference in the one that is scored and the one that is not?

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I just started taking 2 mgs of Clonazepam. Should it melt in your mouth and should it have a mild minty taste?

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Re: JD (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Jacqueline, Just checking on how you're doing on you're medications. Wishing you Happy and Healthy holidays. God Bless you

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Re: holliebear17 (# 375) Expand Referenced Message

You are not getting brand name. Brand name is Roche and they are a weird looking pill, with a K hollowed out In pill.

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benzo"s are one of the hardests drugs to shake off,sounds to me that you should contact the prescribing doctor, and tell him exactly what your post says. he will gladly help you to properly detox off them..IF what your saying is what you really want to do.LOL, thats how I would go about it. the alternative is get rid of everything in your house,and go COLD TURKEY,dont know your age but if your 21 a pint of vodka couldnt be any worse while going cold turkey.good luck.

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Re: Trish (# 382) Expand Referenced Message

Oh Trish, very well put. I'm sorry what you've been through. I know that I did my part when I first came across the bad Sandoz clonazepam. I call Sandoz and the FDA and not a thing was done about it, just a letter from Sandoz saying nothing was wrong with the medication. They didn't even check it because if they did they would've known that the medication was not right. I did my part and at that time I truly believed that they were going to do something about it. God only knows how many other people filed reports for bad medications and were disregarded just like my report. We live in a world that money has more importance than humanity. Please keep trying till hopefully you can find a manufacturer medication that works best for you. God Bless

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Re: Sarah (# 373) Expand Referenced Message

We all need to fight the FDA to produce the proper medications as they began with as I'm so sick and tired of getting generics and most times they don't work! For instance, I had to get some pain pills for the horrible pain I was having in my back and going into my hip and they didn't work at all~~highway robbery!! Let's all fight for the good medicines such as they were intended to be. I wasn't able to walk because of the pain and then got the awful medicine!!

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Re: Myrnamouse (# 377) Expand Referenced Message

I think finding out the manufacturer of the klonopin that isn't working than asking the pharmacy you get it from how to contact that company and request a readout of all ingredients in that pill so you can compare it, the ingredients and measurements.

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Change to brand name or .5 every ten days BUT that will not work on this brand as it has been tested and there are only fillers no active ingredient. Trust me. I learned the hard way.

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Re: Mouse (# 374) Expand Referenced Message

I gotta agree with mouse on that if you have the klonopins on the bottle it tells you the brand usually, if not go on the internet and look up the color, shape, and marking, and you can read about it, and who manufactures it. Then I'd research and find other people who have written blogs or statements and print it out, go to your Dr and tell the Dr, look I was getting this brand and it's worked great. Now I'm getting this brand and I'm having anxiety, no sleep and bad withdrawals. You may even call some pharmacy and see what manufacturer of klonopin they carry. If you find one that has worked for you, ask them is this your normal manufacturer's brand always because I have had a lot of bad issues with other brands... If so then just go there n fill it or have the Dr transfer you there. If they don't tell you, ask your Dr to write a prescription for NON generic klonopin, not generic brand clonazepam and you will get the real deal. Or if a manufacturer like Teva works, have him write it out and write "can only take brand name Teva" so then you get what you need.

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