Clonazepam Help Me (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I have always used the same brand of clonazepam. However they changed what is in the medication. I've been gravely ill because my body can't take the change. Now I want to not take it any longer because it's making me ill. How can I detox slowly if I don't have a decent batch of clo that agrees with me? If anyone has any real information please let me know. I'm ill feeling every day if I take it it makes me ill and get withdrawal If I don't take it I get still getting withdrawal.

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Talvez, possa parecer, de certa forma, uma incoerência, se comparar, as minhas opiniões, sobre o clonazepam,e outros benzodiazepínicos, como xanax, (alprazolam), ou o lorazepam. Penso que o clonazepam, é de bom efeito ansiedade, porém, ele intoxica, com o passar do tempo, a não ser em baixas dosagens, para o meu organismo, em particular. Estou a tomar, atualmente o Valium, e apesar de parecer, que não faz efeito com 1 comprimido de 10 mg apenas diariamente, as vezes tomo 2 por dia, principalmente se preciso de um analgésico, e ele não fazer o devido efeito. O que não parece fazer efeito,na verdade, são os 'efeitos adversos'. Tanto o lorazepam 2 mg, ou alprazolam de 1 ou 2 mg, respondem, após 20 minutos após a 'tomada', com uma sensação de grande alívio e um certo 'bem-estar', quando realmente estamos em crise de ansiedade 'calafrios, preocupações infundadas e descabidas, e que acabam por nos roubarem a maior parte de nosso 'tempo disponível', para conosco mesmo, impedindo-nos, muitas vezes,até mesmo de raciocinarmos. O lorazepam e o alprazolam, são de curta duração, e se temos uma certa quantidade a mais,tomamos 3 vezes ao dia, e realmente eles são mais potentes que o diazepam, quanto à este aspecto. O diazepam, tema vantagem de além de ser o mais fraco 'aparentemente', mesmo que dormirmos, ao acordarmos, notamos que continua a fazer o mesmo efeito, que é de longa duração, porém pouco perceptível. Ainda o acho tão seguro quanto a Buspirona, que é de outra classe de ansiolíticos. Mudamos, as vezes de opinião, e acho isto natural, devido ao fato de por estarmos usando ansiolíticos, nossas emoções, problemas, e até mesmo os supostos efeitos, costumamos atribuir a um ou outro medicamento benzodiazepínico. Mas, os problemas, assim como nossos 'estados de espíritos', cada dia se apresentam de forma diferente, e isto, é com todas as pessoas, mesmo que não façam uso de quaisquer medicamentos 'psicoativos'. De qualquer maneira,se podemos 'diminuir a dosagem', dentro de um parâmetro razoável, estaremos em mais fáceis condições, se quisermos parar completamente; mas particularmente, penso ser melhor, para o 'resto da vida'; mas para isto precisamos obter uma dosagem terapêutica, que talvez precise apenas de alguns 'ajustes', de vez em quando.Se podemos interromper 'anti-depresssivos', assim como anfetamínicos, como Metilfenidato, ou Lisdexanfetamina, a não ser por um 'curto período' de tempo, e se necessário, acho que não estamos a perdermos nada. Suplementos vitamínicos, são bem-vindos,desde que interrompamos de vez em quando, para não sobrecarregar os rins, que fazem todos estes metabolismos, entre tantos outros mais.

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Perhaps, in a way, an inconsistency, if comparing, my opinions, about clonazepam, and other benzodiazepines, such as xanax, (alprazolam), or lorazepam, may appear to some degree. I think that clonazepam is of good effect anxiety, but it intoxicates with time, except at low dosages, for my body in particular. I am currently taking Valium, and although it seems that it does not work with 1 10 mg tablet only daily, sometimes I take 2 a day, especially if I need a painkiller, and it does not have the effect. What does not seem to have any effect, in fact, are the 'adverse effects'. Both lorazepam 2 mg or alprazolam 1 or 2 mg respond after 20 minutes after the 'take', with a sense of great relief and a certain 'well-being', when we are really in anxiety crisis' chills, unreasonable and unreasonable concerns, and which ultimately rob us of most of our 'available time', to ourselves, often preventing us from even thinking. Lorazepam and alprazolam are short-lived, and if we have a certain amount more, we take 3 times a day, and indeed they are more potent than diazepam in this regard. Diazepam is an advantage besides being the weakest 'apparently', even if we sleep, when we wake up, we notice that it continues to have the same effect, which is long-lasting but barely perceptible. I still find him as safe as Buspirone, which is another class of anxiolytics. We change, sometimes opinion, and I think this natural, due to the fact that we are using anxiolytics, our emotions, problems, and even the supposed effects, we usually attribute to one or another drug benzodiazepine. But problems, like our 'states of spirits', are presented differently every day, and this is with all people, even if they do not use any 'psychoactive' medicines. In any case, if we can 'lower the dosage', within a reasonable range, we will be in easier conditions if we want to stop completely; but in particular, I think it is better, for the 'rest of life'; but for this we need to get a therapeutic dosage, which may need only a few 'adjustments' from time to time. If we can interrupt 'anti-depressants' as well as amphetamines like Methylphenidate or Lisdexamphetamine, except for a short period 'of time, and if necessary, I think we are not losing anything. Vitamin supplements are welcome, as long as we interrupt from time to time, not to overload the kidneys, which make all these metabolisms, among many others.

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Sarah, it's true the Percocet has helped the pain but I am in constant pain and just the three tablets that I am allowed begins to produce a craving for more and they are really addictive. As for the Xanax they are working better than the generic Klonopin but they are short acting and three is supposed to be the max plus I have been on Benzodiazapines so long a tolerance has developed and the body needs more of those also. I don't know what has happened in my body to make the Klonopin to wear off in just a few hours then I experience withdrawals. That's why I wanted to try and get medical detox to see if it's true anxiety or withdrawals causing the anxiety. I even start to panic when it's time to go to sleep because I can't sleep at all. I told you I am a basket case. I don't believe there is an antidepressant on the market that I can tolerate. I just know today I am severely depressed, and hurting. I don't think I will take that Trazadone again tonight. It's three thirty pm here and I am still my gown. But I have unloaded enough on you. Just hope happy times remain with you. You seem like a person who deserves feeling good. God Bless

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Sarah, the Norco 7.5 that I was on prior to Percocet is by Qualities. Now if I take one of those I break out in a rash. One of those inactive ingredients also caused allergic rash on my left eye. I knew my eyes felt like an acid burn but I did not know it was doing that until surgeon who did my eyes had to treat that first. Do you have any other drug stores around you. I got the Teva brand Klonopin just to keep from getting Sandoz but it's no good either. However I can't get addicted to the barbiturates in the first either. The neurologist put me on them plus my primary care had already given them to me after the found I had the brain vascular disease and could not take anymore omitted for headaches. But I have been on Xanax/Klonopin over thirty years and now they say there is a link to vascular disease. Take care

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Jacqueline, There are plenty of pharmacies, but the problem is the pharmaceutical companies who make these horrible clonazepam. I hope and pray that you're feeling better than before. The pharmacy that I'm going to tomorrow has the Qualitest, Sandoz and Accord brand or at least they had them last time I went. I've been so upset I haven't even called to check, like I usually do. I still have a months left of the Qualitest. I didn't get to pray this morning because I was watching the news of a train that crashed this morning, but after I sent you the last msg I said my prayers for you and many other people that I know are suffering. I'm leaving it in God's hands for tomorrow. I pray that you are able to sleep tonight. Please don't give it to much thought you will only upset yourself. God Bless you xox. I'll try to make you smile, if you knew how bad I cook you wouldn't want to be my friend. : )

P.s.- you still haven't told me how your eyes are doing.

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Jacqueline, I'm glad that you were able to get some sleep. I was just looking up the meds that you took to helped you get some sleep. I read that the Trazodone is used for depression, anxiety, sleep and pain. Since that one worked well, maybe that will be the best one to treat you anxiety, depression and sleep. I read that the Zanaflex is a mussel relaxer and mussel relaxers always make you sleepy. And I'm glad that you checked out the Dexedrine, that doesn't sound like a good medication, read that it's bad for your heart and blood pressure. Maybe, the Department of Health can give you the info as to who you can write to regarding the refusal for detox. Hope that you are having a better today. God Bless you.

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Na falta de um 'boa Dexedrine ' ou Desoxifedrine,ou por ter problemas cardíacos,assim como necessitar de ganho de peso e não poder emagrecer,por vários fatores,tem que 'apelar' para o Biperidene ou Triexifenidil,em baixas dosagens.Além de serem 'bons estimulantes' físicos e cerebrais,não afetem tanto o sistema Cardiológico (Pressão Alta),assim como não reduzir drasticamente o apetite.Embora possuam outros 'mecanismos de ação',substituem,por poderem serem utilizados por longos períodos,nesta indicação 'off-label'.Provoca 'visão turva',e embaçada,se misturados com 'álcool',porém,são menos tóxicos,por não queimarem gorduras e anularem o apetite.Alguns compostos Asiáticos 'extrato de plantas',substituem em 'teor e efeitos' a qualquer modo de preparação 'anfetamina'. Diet Max e Diet Plus.Não necessita de receita,no Brasil,mas foi,recentemente proibido o comércio e desapareceram das 'prateleiras das Farmácias.Resta saber os 'princípio-ativo',e manipular em Drogarias especializadas em Fitoterápicos.Em algum momento do dia,vai ter a 'ansiedade';aí vai de o que melhor o organismo se adapta.Uma dose de Clonazepam,ou Diazepam,entre outros,ajuda a estabilizar,principalmente no final do dia e antes de dormir.

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In the absence of a 'good Dexedrine' or Desoxifedrine, or having heart problems, as well as needing weight gain and not being able to lose weight, due to several factors, you have to 'appeal' to Biperidene or Triexifenidil in low dosages. are 'good stimulants' physical and cerebral, do not affect the Cardiological system (High Blood Pressure) as well as do not reduce appetite drastically. Although they have other 'mechanisms of action', they replace, because they can be used for long periods, off-label '. It causes' blurred vision', and blurred, if mixed with 'alcohol', however, are less toxic, because they do not burn fats and nullify appetite.Some Asian compounds' plant extract ' effects' to any mode of preparation 'amphetamine'. Diet Max and Diet Plus. It does not require a prescription in Brazil, but it was recently banned from trading and disappeared from the 'shelves of Pharmacies.Resta know the' active-principle ', and manipulate in Drugstores specialized in Phytotherapeutics. day, will have 'anxiety', there goes from what better the body adapts. A dose of Clonazepam, or Diazepam, among others, helps to stabilize, especially at the end of the day and before bed.

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Jacqueline, I'm so sorry that you are in severe pain. God Bless you. I really feel so bad that you can't find relief. Omg, I pray so hard for you. Don't know what else to do but to trust that you will soon find an answer and some relief. May God grant you peace and good health. Amen

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Hi Sarah Thak you la comunicazuine és muy complicada Dio te bendiga

Google Translate (may not be 100% accurate):

Hi Sarah. Thank you. The comunzione is very complicated. Dio bless you.

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Jac, one other thing I had my vitamin level checked and that was all ok, my vitamin 6 for some reason was very high. The Igg 1 was low and I do have sjorgens syndrome. In the meantime I found out I am allergic to pasta, flour, gluten bread and much more food item. The chemical test showed Thiuram Mixes that I am allergic to. For me that includes my tennis shoes and just about all the clothes I wear because they have elastic/spandex in them. As for as marijuana, I can't tolerate smoke from a regular cigarette therefore I would not ever try marijuana. I guess if I had a medical condition were that was my only relief I may have to do something but that's not even legal in Louisiana. It would have to be life or death.

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I am not confused. Some other person posted something about JD and Sarah not having real doctors if someone used Klonopin for pain and sugesting the reason a person couldn't sleep because of taking Adderall. I let them know people do take Klonopin for pain and even though a person took adderall at very low doses and the last dose was at 12 noon they should be able to expect sleep. The Adderall that a child takes doesn't cause them to be awake all night. It's instant release and last 4-5 hours. I was just correcting the smartalec response they gave to the forum.

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It saddens me but does not surprise me that people are having bad experiences with generic or even brand-name drugs. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence that different companies' formulations are significantly different in effectiveness and side effects, but few scientific studies (see Wikipedia Bupropion for one of the few). The bureaucratic machinery is very hard to get moving, and there are serious vested interests involved. Please, use your pharmacist as a resource as well as your doctor - the pharmacists often have more detailed knowledge these days, and if the pharmacist is not helpful, try another one.

On the subject of clonazepam withdrawal, I have been through this twice after years on the drug, and it is difficult but not impossible. The two most important points are to switch to a different benzo - Valium/diazepam is usually recommended, and GO SLOWLY. Reduce the dose by 10% every 1 to 4 weeks, depending on how long you've been on it and your individual reaction. The most generally accepted authority on benzo withdrawal is Dr. Heather Ashton, at

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Re: Jay4real1000 (# 94) Expand Referenced Message

I know this is an old message but I must tell you that your story has moved me to tears. Any good woman would admire a man so dedicated to helping his ailing mother! I come to these forums at times to read about other's struggles to try and find inspiration for my own. I never post anything though. I find Sarah and Jacquelines friendship and support of each other beautiful as well. I'm horribly depressed by the healthcare establishment, all Drs, the filthy FAD and the poisonous medications they pass off as so called help. Even when they do help, you either become addicted to them or suffer from another ailment due to side effects. I pray for Jesus to come soon, the world just ain't what it used to be and will continue to worsen.

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You’re very welcome and I hope you manage to cut down at the least or come off at best. Benzodiazepines now have shown to have a direct correlation to dementia and so I’m cutting again now. I’m down to 8 mg from 10. I just hope o can see it through as I just cannot sleep at all
Good luck and god bless you

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Re: JD (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

Klonipin/Clonazapam are the sed for many reasons not just for anxiety. It is used by many for Essential Tremors and people with Parkinson's can use it also..

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Re: Sarah (# 403) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Sarah. Many many thousands, hundreds of thousands of people have found themselves in a complete mess due to lack of information and then, when actually knowing, the authorities and big pharma have colluded to stop us from finding out most of the worst things that can and do happen, to anyone of benzodiazepines. As far as I know & at time of writing, only in New Zealand has a class action that has been taken and won. I know money will not help us now but at least it would afford better trained doctors and methods of coming off of these drugs. The irony of them being sold as *mothers little helpers* is something that makes me laugh now, it wasn’t always so and I was so very angry that the doctors not only denied my problems being down to withdrawal but they had me suffer epileptic fits and I’ve now got Wegeners granulomatosis and I believe this is down to the overly fast way in which the doctors took me off.

I was very blessed to find a group here in the U.K. that came with me to one of my doctors appointments. The Dr was unable to just get rid of me, as was usual but he was given a lesson in humility and a lesson on how these drugs work and even when you have taken your last dose, it can be found both in muscle and bone for up to 5 years after. Had I known then what I know now, I’d have never touched them. I had a successful cutting regimen and I would strongly advise you web search the Ashton manual for cutting benzodiazepines and follow it. It has an equivalency chart so that you know what dose of ANY benzodiazepine is the equivalent in diazepam as they advocate going over completely to diazepam as it has a much longer half life and so makes cutting much less dangerous.

My life has been a living hell. I have not been able to build relationships like others, I fear being in large groups and I tend to hide away. I suffered none of these things before I started on the hellish tablets. I was in such a bad place. I was, by any name, a prisoner on prescription. If they tagged me, it wouldn’t have made a difference. I had, still don’t, have a social life and I could really write a book on it but I will leave it there. My final words would be to not think about stopping completely at first but finding a dose at which you feel stable and not on edge. If that is where it stops then at least you are minimizing the damage. I wish you all the very best luck in the world. May god bless you and your family.

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Re: Martin McFadden (# 408) Expand Referenced Message

Clonaazepam is the more addictive and you build up a tolerance quickly. Going over to Valium ( diazepam)would be much better as the half life is much longer. It easier to cut down and come off of with diazepam as well.

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Klonopin or clonazepam only requires 1.5 to 3 mg per DAY. Valium or Xanax would be more appropriate for 10 mg but it is FAR too much for Klonopin.

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Please look up the Ashton manual for benzodiazepines and do as it says, exactly. You will be ok and it may take over a year or more but you will get through it. It basically gives you the equivalent dose of klonopin but as diazepam, as diazepam has a much longer half life. I’m not having a dig at you but please believe me when I say it’s not the pills, it’s the addiction and your tolerance. Good luck.

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As a former user of clonazepam, you have to taper very very very slowly. You can read a manual called the Aston Manual, written by Heather Aston. She knew how toxic Benzo's were and are, and therefore written how it works, what it does to us and how to get off. Most Medical Doctors do not know how severe the withdrawals are, and how long they last. My withdrawal lasted 18 months. I had so many symptoms, me and about 3000 others that I know of. I wish you all the best. We are hostages to this medication that should only be taken 2 weeks to a month.

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I have taken everything from brand klonopin to most generics. I take Teva brand ONLY. My pharmacy orders it for me every month. I take 4 MG a day and I'm good. I do spread my dosage out so I'm only taking 1mg at a time. I've been on klonopin since 1997 so I have no interest in getting off. If it works why fix it!! God bless

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