Clonazepam Help Me (Page 16)


I have always used the same brand of clonazepam. However they changed what is in the medication. I've been gravely ill because my body can't take the change. Now I want to not take it any longer because it's making me ill. How can I detox slowly if I don't have a decent batch of clo that agrees with me? If anyone has any real information please let me know. I'm ill feeling every day if I take it it makes me ill and get withdrawal If I don't take it I get still getting withdrawal.

458 Replies (23 Pages)

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Zaboeav, I've just now noticed some message I didn't even notice were sent. I would really like to thank you for all the Information you have sent. And your friend is correct about Teva brand pure garbage. Although for many years Sandoz made a very good clonazepam I never had any side effects from them. They had always worked well for me. I always made sure to get the Sandoz brand. But now it's pure garbage and it really upsets me that they denied it and the FDA doesn't help us. God Bless thanks for your help.

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I've been on benzodiazepines for 15 years, antidepressants too. Paxil made me shaky and weird, cymbalta did g help my musculoskeletal pain but had my bp high , had me shake and it was help getting off of cymbalta. I do well . With the Welbutrin XL, the generic nutrition. In around 2008, I was taking name brand bellybutton Immediate release only 50 mgs had me climbing walls.
Still the Xl gives me slight anxiety but in all the least side effects for me.
I have been on xanax for 9 out of 15 years, I switched myself to Illinois, from 2010 to 2014 I preferred the Teva. Klonopoin. I moved in 2014 and was switched to qualitest, at first I was skeptical, but they worked. So 2016 came back to the state I was getting Teva, I made it through a month so I could go elsewhere and get my qualitest brand back.
It works way better than the Teva, which at one time I felt they were the better klonopin.
Cpuld it be my brain is used to the qualitest. ? I don't know, but I did stick it out a month of Teva and there was no relief of anxiety at all. So much so I had 20 pills leftover from a month rx.
Basically I've been able to get down to 2mgs a day total.
Now that I have the qualitest I'm still going to go down on prescribed dose of 3 day to 2 , if possible. I'm not going to have a full blown attack and deny myself for the sake of trying to get off, but after being on benzodiazepines for that long it's scary thinking of being without.
Everyone's body is different, I am by no means giving any advice here, just wanted to share my experiences

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Sarah my opinion is that the gov. Or Idk who is watering our meds down/ so to speak
For example I take perc 10/325 I'm now on the Alvogen brand, I did try a month of the amneal they were a 5 of 10 for pain.
Activist makes a Oxycodone and Norco generic, they hurt my stomach and just the worst, amneal didn't hurt my belly it just felt as though I was taking a 5 mg. Percocet vs.a 10 .mg.
But that activists that bought watson has really messed up on the Percocet.
From what I've heard about generics is they can put 20% more or less of the active ingredient in the generics.
I believe the old yellow watson perks about 12 mg in them. The new activis seems like 5mg. In a 10 mg pill..
Amneal actually works but seems like there's 6-8 mg of Oxycodone in them
I haven't seen the Endocet brand of oxy 10/325 for years. The next best is Alvogen brand.
Has anyone had endocet brand Percocet lately.? If so what year? Tia.
I apologize as this is off subject

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Hi Jacqueline, I'm a bit concerned that I haven't heard from you. Please let me know how you are doing. Please let me know what the MRI show regarding the burnt nerves. Oh Lord, I pray that you are well and that you will soon find the right medications to help you. God Bless you my friend.

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Hi Sarah, I have missed our chats so much. I have been so sick. The neurologist has ordered another brain and cervical MRI but when I told them my t spine and lumbar is also in pain I am waiting to hear back on date. The headaches have been really severe but all this pain started after that dr. Burnt the nerve in my neck. I have been trying to get psychiatrist to call in authorization for name brand lexapro because all of this has got me so depressed and lots of anxiety. Nothing stops the pain. How have you been? Hope you have been good because I need you to feel good enough to keep praying. The Adderall is not working neither is the trazadone or elavil. I lost everything on my phone but went back to this merchant and found you. I'LL try to get back with you tomorrow if possible. God Bless and Be Safe.

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Dear Jacqueline, Thank you for getting back to me. I've been worried about you and yes I've been praying so hard for you. You can't lose me, all you need to do is Google and use the keyword, "clonazepam help me". My heart goes out for you with all the pain that you are in. There has to be an answer and a means to help you with your pain. Insist on the MRI to be done asap. Try not to get too anxious. I know that it's not easy when you are in pain. Trust that God will help you. Please keep me updated. God Bless you my friend. I care, sending you a hug.

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Glad to hear from you. I went for follow up for my eyes. I could not stay I was so sick. The MRI is next week. I woke up with my legs an head hurting really bad. Every day I am having stomach upset. I see pain management Thursday. How are you? Have you got your meds straight? I went ahead an got generic Lexapro filled and I broke off about 2 mg of the ten. I got really sick. I am also scared about changing to dexadrine I can almost bet it will effect my heart. I don't understand the constant nausea. The psy dr did not even bother to call insurance to get name brand Lexapro but I don't even care now. I know I want be able to tolerate it. I keep reading that the Adderall, Percocet plus the little 50mg of trazadone can cause Serotonin Syndrome but the pharmacist said no. Is your mom and sister OK? God Bless talk to you soon.

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Dear Jacqueline, I'm heart broken to hear all that you are going through. Please be careful with meds that can affect your heart. Is the combination of the Adderall, Percocet and trazadone helping you at all? It's these lousy pharmaceutical companies causing all the problems. I've been nauseous myself and haven't felt well either, but I refuse to take more than a half in hope that my body will adjust to it. I'm still on a rollercoaster and my teeth still hurt. I came home from my mom's on Saturday so tired I feel asleep at four thirty and didn't wake up until almost eleven. I've read that the generic Lexapro isn't good, keep calling your psychiatrist he needs to help you. I hope and pray that once you get the MRI they can determine what is causing the pain. My angel I pray that God will soon find a solution for you and I trust that He will because I'm praying so hard for you. Sending you angels to comfort you and a hug because I care. God Bless you.

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Hi Jacqueline, I know that today you have your appointment with the pain management doctor. I hope and pray that he can find a solution to help you to feel better. God Bless you. Please let me know how you are doing. As always you are in my prayers.

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Hi Sarah, I went to my pain management and like always I saw the nurse practitioner. She refilled a one month supply of Percocet and ordered an x-ray. I probably don't need the x-ray with me having the brain and cervical MRI coming next month. But she said I needed to see the doctor so I'll guess I'll see him on the 11th. But I hope the neurologist who ordered the MRI can find what's going on. The severe neck spasms and headaches began this bad after the pain management doctor burnt the nerves on the right side of my neck, it hasn't been the same since. Then every scene I had the Botox I can barely stand for a brush to touch my scalp. But along comes this problem with bad nausea and diarrhea every day. I received two certified letters from Teva about the bad Adderall but they should have sent an extra because foolish me got my prescription filled for Klonopin at CVS and I thought they were going to be OK but I was wrong. Thank goodness I kept some of my Xanax because the Klonopin just don't work anymore. The psy doctor has not bothered to call for authorization of name brand Lexapro plus he had the refills on the Klonopin cancelled at the pharmacy. That is were I got the Sandbox Blue. In fact he hasn't bothered to call me back at all for two weeks now. But how is your sister doing and you mom. Does she still recognize you. I am at the point I dread for morning to come. I know it will be another day of pain and fatigue. I am very grateful for your prayers and thoughts. Keep in touch. God Bless You.

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Jacqueline, God Bless you angel. I had a feeling that you haven't been well since I haven't heard from you and believe me I'm constantly praying for you. I hope that the Percocet can help your pain. I have always suffered with diarrhea and the best thing for diarrhea is Imodium, trust me, it works very good.They have one now that also helps with blotting, maybe that can help you with the nausea.Taking digestive pro biotics can help too. I'm so sorry that the botox has only made you feel worst and that neurologist has to take responsibility for the burnt nerve. Thank God at least you have the Xanax that still works good because the Teva clonazepam is horrible doesn't work. I hope that you can soon get the one mg from Sandoz, you said that they are still good. I'm really upset with your psy.he needs to continue to help you, please keep calling him. My heart and prayers are with you. I wish that there was more that I could do for you, but I'm believing that with God all things are possible.

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Thanks for checking in. I just came from brain and cervical MRI. Headaches and neck pain are fierce. Husband is having defibrillator put in tomorrow. Stress at home is almost unbearable. Was going to go check myself in before I had a breakdown but have to go with him to hospital. If there comes a time when you haven't heard from me for several weeks be assured I will be back in touch ASAP. Thanks for your concern and keep praying. I got a refill for Sandoz Klonopin but nothing seems to work for anything. Dr. Changed Adderall to Dexedrine but that stuff is so potent I have to just take a pinch as my heart goes crazy. It's nothing like the old brand of Adderall that seem to work best before recall and Teva discontinued. However my beta blocker is supposedly made by Sandoz and it doesn't keep my heart steady anymore either. I don't know why they changed packager to Raxbury. Keep in touch and so will I. God Bless

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Dear Jacqueline, Thank you so much for getting back in touch with me. Omg, I pray that God will grant you the peace and strength you need to deal with all that you are going through. It is just so heartbreaking to hear. God willing the MRI will determine what is causing you so much pain. I just looked up information on that Raxbury Co. and it's a company in India that the FDA is having problems with. Please let your doctor know that. O Lord, know that I'm constantly praying for you every single day. I will keep your husband in prayer also, especially tomorrow. Please keep in touch and thanks for letting me know that if I don't hear from you that you will get in touch when you are able to. God Bless you angel.

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Sarah, after today I may not be in touch. If they admit me in mental ward I don't think they will let you have phones. I want the medical detox. Just read and keep thoughts to yourself. Remember back around May when I got so sick on Paxil then in hospital it was fine. Well that was not all my heart med stopped working, some of my other meds started crumbling when I touched them, and remember the mouth burn. Well I just so happen to notice a canister of pepper spray that was in a leather case. It was mine from years ago but the little red top that you spray was turned in the on position. I always had it turned off. So I unsnapped it and found were someone hap taken pliers and bent the canister just enough to allow the pepper spray to swap out slowly and fill the drawer where I kept my medicine in little trays. Then it hit me why the burn had not only been my mouth but every where I touch my face. I also found a canister of butane. It had began to happen with every tablet I let sat on my tongue it was like acid. Then I remember my Desani water bottle felt like a burning chemical reaction when my tongue touched the bottle. It got so bad that after I took the medicine I was almost completely blind for several hours. If they do admit me I want have accomplished anything because I will have to come back to this. About five years ago I committed myself about 5 times because I was just broken down trying to remain alive. A comment was made that he might have to make me go blind. The very next day the retina was torn in my eye. I don't know how it was done. I slept on the floor for almost a year. I don't know all about telecommunications and radio wave frequency but when I was in bed it was like my body was drawing up somewhat like being shocked. I do believe that is what caused the chronic vascular disease in the brain. When my husband picked me up I thought the torture was over but I must have done something wrong because it has been going on since May. The sad part is my daughter takes side with my husband. In fact most of the family, thinking of him as a good ole boy. And me not knowing what I am talking about. So if they admit me it may be several weeks before you hear from me. Just keep praying, I am the christian in this house hold now. He wont even let me talk to him about this. I am basically all alone. God bless you keep praying. One other thing just within the last few days when I use my nose spray my blood pressures goes sky high and the chest pains are horrible. I know my medicine has been tampered with I really need to get them all out of house but doctors want right a refill. I can't be sure someone else is being allowed in house. I do know cameras follow my every move. Keep safe.

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Sarah excuse mistakes. I went to Baton Rouge OLOL sat 15 hours to see Dr to get admitted to TAU Center. Next thing I know I was put in police car and hauled to a mental center about 20 miles from my house. I don't say bad words but I lived a week of Hell. Beside withdrawal the pain unbearable. I got out and home life was just about as bad. So pain management and he upped my med. Headaches so bad they were almost unbearable. All my medication has been tampered with since May. I know I do not have enough money to leave. If things were normal I would be satisfied to remain in my home. I don't know what I did to put myself in this unsafe situation but my husband does not do anything to help me. I know this chat will be monitored. Just wanted to let you know I was alive but the way things are I can't tell about tomorrow. Please keep praying and I will be back in touch asap. Miss our chats. I am taking Prozac but the other week was cold turkey. The way things are I will have to take something for anxiety. Problem is I suffered the burning mouth for so long I never know if pepper spray was used. I have three locks but it doesn't do any good. Everything I say or do is monitored. About an hour after my husband leaves for work My head is in horrible pain and I can't even get my self out of house. My car is same way. But keep praying the Lord will have the final say. No comment.

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Sarah are you still there? Please reply so we can update our meds.

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Sarah are you taking the Teva brand, because i'm finding that this brand is also useless

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Sad to say but these lousy pharmaceutical companies Sandoz and the rest of them putting out pure garbage ended me up having a stroke two days in the emergency room and nine days in the hospital and now I have vision problems lost the left side of my vision in both eyes. Right now I'm taking the mylan clonazepam, plavix and lipitor because of theses lousy greedy good for nothing pharmaceutical liars. But as it is said our Lord will have the last word.There greed will not get them anywhere in the long run...These pharmaceutical companies are literally killing us. God Bless take care and beware.

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Wally, Teva are one of the worst. They gave me horrible jaw, gum and teeth pain. Mylan is ok but I need a little higher dose. I got the mylan clonazepam because that's the one that they were giving me while I was hospitalized and they worked better than the rest of the garbage I've been trying for the last seven months. But everyone's body is different so I can't guarantee that that will be the best for you. God Bless us all.

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Please pray for me to regain my eyesight. I did not fit the criteria to have a stroke. All the test taken while I was in the hospital did not add up for me being a candidate for a stroke. Blood pressure perfect, cholesterol a little high but not excessive, good circulation no test met the standards for what happened to me. It was these last seven months of stress trying to find the right clonazepam after Sandoz and the FDA denied that they changed what was in there clonazepam. I eventually tried to get off clonazepam and after six days ended up with a stroke. So please be so careful. Please pray for my recovery.

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