Clonazepam 0.5 Mg Teva Vs Accord (Page 2) (Top voted first)
UpdatedI recently received Teva clonazepam and it worked great. Two weeks ago, I received clonazepam from Accord Pharmaceuticals and it was like a placebo pill. Has anyone taken this medicine By Accord and have you noticed a serious difference with it not helping? I've never had a generic never work before. I don't know what to do. All pharmacies in my area are now going with Accord Pharmaceuticals because it's cheaper. Help with an answer please.
Re: cherie (# 45)
It’s a mfg issue. Other drugs had to be pulled so in an abundance of caution they pulled clonazepam and I’m suffering. I talked directly to them.
Re: Veg21 (# 37)
Teva doesn’t work for me. I heard of a French mfr who make’s clonazepam but who knows if we can get it. I’m so distraught. Been on this for over 25 years. It’s the gold standard for panic disorder. Changed my life. Help!
Re: Aria DD (# 39)
I called the company Accord and did some deep dives on the internet and called pharmacies. Ppl are lighting up the internet with questions and problems about this issue. We need our drugs made here not somewhere in Europe, India and Croatia or god forbid, china!
Re: Gems (# 55)
Are you referring to Accord Clonazepam? They did say it is coming back though and not discontinued???
Re: mikeyjoed (# 56)
As far as I know and I spoke with the manufacturer, it is not being discontinued BUT they don’t know when it will come back. Did you find a good replacement for you? Can you share ?
Re: Kita (# 57)
I'm on Teva for 5 weeks and it's been a complete nightmare. Went from stable and working to full acute withdrawal with depression, panic, insane dreams, lost 10 lbs, can't eat. It's a total disaster and I can't settle down my nervous system. I feel like I'm overdrugged and going through withdrawal at the same time. I've heard Teva has a more potent effect for a lot of people, but I don't want/need that. My CNS needs stability as I taper slowly. I am considering switching to Brand name K for now to see if that helps. I am so devastated, Accord worked so well for me in my taper, which is down to .172mg. Now I'm paralyzed and don't know what to do.
Re: Kita (# 57)
I’m calling my doc tomorrow. There is Xanax and SSRIs but I don’t like Xanax. Not a long half life like clonazepam. The minute it starts to wear off you know it.
Re: Salgal (# 75)
Some swear by accord, some swear by Teva. I don’t think one is better than the other because I think it’s subjective. I will say Teva hits way harder than accord and my body hates that so much. It has thrown me into withdrawal and a toxic state that won’t stop. 8 weeks now no relief. Looking to switch to another brand hopefully in another week or two. Can’t take it another day.
Kone (# 91) --
Yeah they'll know more in Oct/Nov, and when I pressed for a release date they said probably not until the end of the year or beginning of next. I said but definitely not a year and they said oh no most definitely sooner than that. But she said don't quote me on that because we just don't know. The lab got a letter a week ago saying they hadn't satisfied the requirements from the failed inspection and had 15 days to respond as to what they were gonna do. The letter said if Intas Lab was unable to meet this deadline or anticipated further disruptions to their production that would cause a failure to meet demand, to let the FDA know. So a lot still seems to be in flux. There are those 24 drugs that are exempt from the import ban that was thrown on Intas, and Clonazepam is one of them, but I know they are prioritizing chemo drugs first to return, not sure how long the unrolling of the rest will take. I think there's a lot in flux still which is why they can't say anything for sure.
I would hope the FDA makes an easy path for shortage drugs like ours to come back in the mean time. Teva is even allocating supply at this time and almost nobody I know is getting Solco/or Advagen, a few are getting brand name, but it seems like Teva is 80% or more of what people take these days. So getting Accord back is a major priority for sure. Fingers crossed. Not sure if my other post went through, but I luckily secured a 90 day rx which I cut in half so that gives me 180 days (6 months) in my possession. They set aside the remaining 60 pills they have in the bottle for me at the pharmacy and said they will not give it to anyone else (its a mom and pop), which will give me another 2 month Rx in Nov that will last me an additional 120 days. So I have a 10 month buffer, I'm hoping to God that lasts long enough to get Accord back. Any luck at any local pharmacies anyone? I thought I posted this last night but it must have not gone through, but local pharmacies source differently than big box stores, they have other smaller distributors that may have supply.
Box stores like CVS and Walmart have rapid turnover in inventory with their suppliers so Accord is long gone, slower volume niche suppliers obviously still have it here and there since my pharmacist bought their bottle last month. They checked again and its not available at the moment. They put an alert on their computer to let them know if it becomes available and they will get auto notified and call me right away and set it aside for me. Honestly, I think this is the only way guys for now. Shop local mom and pops everywhere, go in and talk to them, tell them your situation. They listen differently, they have options that big chains don't. Let me know how you all make out. So far back on Accord for 5 days. Feel more like myself, maybe 40-50%, but still can't shake the side effects/destabilization that Teva and a liquid compound did to me. I imagine there is a healing/transition period back over.
Re: Kone (# 108)
I’ve been back in Accord for 9 days now and still don’t feel right. Teva really messed me up and I’m sure my brain needs some adjusting to get back.
Re: Kita (# 124)
I would give it a try, if it is your only option. The pharmacist said their are many reasons, it may work for one person and not another. Most people the brand doesn't matter to their bodies. I am very drug sensitive. I tried Klonopin and did not work well, for you it may be enough like the Accord brand and will work.
Re: dapperdog (# 141)
Supposed to be coming back in a few months. I called the company a month ago and that’s what they said. Said it has not been discontinued. Just on backorder due to a manufacturing issue in their factory in India they are trying to work out with the FDA to get in compliance.
Re: Gems (# 146)
What were your symptoms from Teva? I felt super agitated, anxious and depressed. It was constantly a panic attack about to happen.
Re: mikeyjoed (# 204)
My pharmacy just called me and said they were able to place an order for Accord Clonazepam today in the 0.5mg amount. The supplier will only let them have one bottle at a time as they are rationing it to pharmacies. So I have enough now for at least the next year as I continue to taper.
Re: Kevin (# 1)
Hi Kevin. Thank you for your response. I've given Accord clonazepam a few days now and still nothing. Pharmacies in my area are only carrying Accord. My doc upped the dosage and still nothing. I hate to keep bothering him because of the pharmacies only carry Accord around me. Pharmacist said It is cheaper for them to carry this manufacturer and they have to take what they get. Two pharmacies told me this. My doc will not change me and in am using more than directed so when I run out it will be too soon to refill. Accord needs to go back to China. I guess I am stuck with this manufacturer. Any other suggestions?
Re: Stirfry (# 2)
First and foremost, never feel like you are "bothering" your doctor. It is their job to ensure that you are getting the medical attention that you need.
If you do not feel that your concerns are being met, it may be time to consider a different primary care physician. Ultimately it is your responsibility to ensure your health is being taken care of.
Going back to the task at hand. Unfortunately, there is no way to force a pharmacy to carry your brand, however, it has always been my experience that shopping around to different pharmacies helps. Walmart, CVS, Walgreen's etc. they all have different capabilities and flexibility in what they can order. My suggestion is to not give up. If this had been my personal experience I would continue to call or go into different pharmacies until I found one willing to accommodate me.
If this brand is not working for you, it should be addressed. I hope this helps you find what you are looking for.
I agree I’ve been taken the accord brand for for a month and a half now, I’ve had over 60 seizures this medication doesn’t work at all!!
Re: Stirfry (# 4)
Hi Kevin. This is crazy, but got my clonazepam refill this past Thursday and believe it or not, it is much better than the others I had. All are Accord. I think I must have gotten a bad match previously. I have no other explanation as to the difference I've seen. Maybe Accord had so many complaints they decided to add more active ingredients and less fillers. Any feedback?
Re: Stirfry (# 14)
Funny its the opposite for me. Accord 1mg. works better than Actavis for "me". Teva cant get in PDX arrea
Re: Stirfry (# 9)
Accord fr Walmart 0.5mg is all that works on me. Its in my profile at Walmart an my Psychiatrist knows to. Before Walmart kept switching back n forth fr Accord orange to yellow Teva crap. I finally said something. That it was litterally making me ill an I might go to ER. DONT EVER JUST STOP YOUR BENZO! You could a siezure an severe withdrawls where u r n the hospital. I take for breakthrough anxiety. Just last month I ho get my refill an it's Pur Pack pink ones! I through fit. Couldnt do anything since I already picked up. I agree with earlier post that ALL pharms should TELL YOU BEFORE you leave its a diff company. I called my Dr an she called them for next refill that it better be Accord. I dont know why its better on me an not everyone. Guess we r all diff. Yellow Teva are TERRIBLE! Body aches. Insomnia. On an on. Hope you figure it out!
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