Clonazepam 0.5 Mg Teva Vs Accord (Top voted first)


I recently received Teva clonazepam and it worked great. Two weeks ago, I received clonazepam from Accord Pharmaceuticals and it was like a placebo pill. Has anyone taken this medicine By Accord and have you noticed a serious difference with it not helping? I've never had a generic never work before. I don't know what to do. All pharmacies in my area are now going with Accord Pharmaceuticals because it's cheaper. Help with an answer please.

267 Replies (14 Pages)

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This is EXACTLY what happened to me! ACCORD Clonazepam is exactly like a placebo. Probably is! It does NOT, does NOT work! I've been on Clonazepam for over 30 years due to TBI, brain damage that permanently took away my sleep. I DO know the difference between each of these generic drug companies. ACCORD IS A FRAUD, MADE IN CHINA. IT DOES NOT WORK. I AM NOT GETTING BACK MY ACTAVIS WHICH IS A TEVA COMPANY NOW. THOSE 'YELLOW' CLONAZEPAMS DO WORK. DO NOT EVER USE ACCORD. WHY CAN'T THE FDA DO SOMETHING??? SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT BAD ACCORD.

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Teva clonazepan is not working for me. Have used the blue pill made byACCORD for few years , and has been very effective. Disappointed I couldn’t find a pharmacy that had clonazepan made by ACCORD.

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Accord works well for me and i have been taking it for a long time for panic disorder. Teva does not work well for me and at the end of a dose I start to withdraw too soon and get horrible headaches. Now they are having a hard time getting me Accord but i cannot take Teva!

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I finally spoke with the pharmacist and she said many people have been complaining about Accord clonazepam. She special ordered Actavis for me. My question is why is Accord Healthcare still being allowed to be sold? This is not good and they should not be allowed to be in business. They are playing with people's health. The FDA should look into the fillers that are in these meds.

p.s. the Actavis works wonders. No complaints.

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I have the opposite. Been on it 30+ years for horrible panic syndrome. Every time my pharmacy switches to Teva it doesn’t work. Accord is great for me. I think everyone is different. Use what works for YOU!

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Re: Salgal (# 36) Expand Referenced Message

I also have been using the Accord brand for many years with great success. My pharmacy switched to the TEVA brand a month or two ago, and I have had insomnia and crippling daytime anxiety. I called all of the pharmacies in my city today, Walgreens, CVS, Rite Aid and Walmart and was informed that none of them will be filling Accord now. I don't know where to turn. I think this is outrageous.

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Re: Ellen (# 34) Expand Referenced Message

I also checked every pharmacy in my city today via phone including Walmart, and none of them will supply the Accord brand. I don't know where to turn.

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I have been on 1/2 tablet Clonazepan by Accord and it has worked great for my PTSD nightmares. This time CVS switched to TEVA. My nightmares have restarted. I have got to talk to my doctor. This is the second time in 10 years and both times this happened. I have to take my husband with me to explain what we are going through. He has to hold on to me to keep me from walking in terror.

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Re: Marcie (# 42) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Marcie: I feel your pain I don't know what to do as every pharmacy where I live said they will only fill my script with TEVA Gosh, I even called the drug company that is on my Medicare plan, but they said they could not say what generic they would fill it with. Honestly, how helpful is that when you are suffering from anxiety? I felt like reaching into the phone and strangling them. I would pay cash for Accord at this point in time, screw the insurance.

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Re: Salgal (# 49) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Salgal: I agree completely. Teva does NOT work at all.

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Re: Kone (# 77) Expand Referenced Message

I actually found a local pharmacy that still has Accord, it's a small independent one, and they are filling a 3 month supply for me which is 180 days since I cut in half. I just read a whole bunch of stuff on the FDA letter that just came out, and there are 24 drugs they make at Intas that the are considered in shortage that the FDA are excluding from the import ban and Clonazepam is one of them. They still want Intas to make the changes, but they won't bar import if Accord decides to release. Let's hope they do.

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Re: Kone (# 128) Expand Referenced Message

It seems I am quite sensible as well. I was ímpared sick with TEVA. I think I am allergic to TEVA medications.
I hope this nightmare ends soon. The one thing we are trying to avoid is the one thing they are putting us through

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Re: Kita (# 143) Expand Referenced Message

They knew the lab was having issues. That hasn’t changed. They didn’t have a timeframe. They still don’t. But they know it’s coming back and that’s their best guess. The important thing is they said it’s not discontinued and the FDA put clonazepam on the exception list of products Accord is allowed to import since it’s in shortage. So it’s needed, they said they are making it, and the FDA is allowing it. Just need to get it done and we all know how that works.

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Re: Kita (# 195) Expand Referenced Message

I just talked to Accord today and they said that 0.5mg is due to start shipping to pharmacies next week!

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Re: kathy (# 266) Expand Referenced Message

I do appreciate your tips and suggestions.

You might have missed a couple replies I made but in one of them I thanked you for your suggestion about finding a small compounding pharmacy, after I long ago gave up on all the big pharmacies. In fact I'd even tried some other local small pharmacies as well, here in the San Francisco Bay Area ,many months ago and nobody had accord brand.

Then finally just about a week ago I called a local small compounding pharmacy and they said they could order bottles of it in the exact dose I need, .5 mg, so I transferred my prescription with two refills left from Walgreens to them. And now I just have to wait till it's closer to my refill date and then call them to order at least a couple 100 pill bottles from the wholesaler, and they even said they would set them aside for me.

The only caveat as it may cost me some out-of-pocket money, possibly up to $50 for a refill of 60, but that's fine considering how hard it's been to get this stuff. The Teva brand does not seem as effective to me. Like you and a lot of other people posting on this forum it's very difficult for me being forced to switch to a different brand then we are used to because of the difference of binders and fillers, etc. Despite what the "experts" say, even though the active ingredient is the same from one brand to the next we know there is a difference in effectiveness.

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Re: Tex (# 26) Expand Referenced Message

Please what we need to do is make sure to call the FDA and Accord company that makes the clonazepam. Let them know that you are having a problem.

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Re: J (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

I have the opposite reacción. Have been taking a blue clonazepan pill by ACCORD. Worked very good for me. This week CVS didn’t fill my prescription with another manufacture. I feel isn’t working as well. Called many pharmacies , but could find clonazepan 1 mg. From ACCORD manufacture. Frustrating

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Re: Veg21 (# 37) Expand Referenced Message

Hey where did you get you info, I have been on accord brand for seven years and, they switched me to solco, with no warning, I started to have really bad side effects after 2 weeks and I can’t find the info on it. None of the pharmacies near me has the brand accord and I’m not sure what to do. So I’m trying to research the problem. You’re the first person to have any information.

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Re: Veg21 (# 37) Expand Referenced Message

Someone in one of the posts mentioned that the clonazepam dissolved tablets worked for him better than the other generics when he was switched from accord healthcare. Perhaps this is an option to try? I can not take TEVA, it gave me very bad side effects, not withdraw effect, just bad side effect.

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Re: cherie (# 45) Expand Referenced Message

It’s a mfg issue. Other drugs had to be pulled so in an abundance of caution they pulled clonazepam and I’m suffering. I talked directly to them.

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