Clonazepam 0.5 Mg Teva Vs Accord (Page 13)
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I recently received Teva clonazepam and it worked great. Two weeks ago, I received clonazepam from Accord Pharmaceuticals and it was like a placebo pill. Has anyone taken this medicine By Accord and have you noticed a serious difference with it not helping? I've never had a generic never work before. I don't know what to do. All pharmacies in my area are now going with Accord Pharmaceuticals because it's cheaper. Help with an answer please.

267 Replies (14 Pages)

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Re: Tex (# 26) Expand Referenced Message

Please what we need to do is make sure to call the FDA and Accord company that makes the clonazepam. Let them know that you are having a problem.

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I’m sorry for what u and I have to go through to get good medicine, myself I was taking Teva to and months back noticed the clonazepam wasn’t working r something wrong , well it was the pharmacy changed to accord and everything has went to hell with my body and come to look at pharmaceutical company, yes it was accord and I confronted my pharmacy and they said it’s what ever the companies send them, I told pharmacist what’s happening and he didn’t agree, said all medicines generic r name brand r same, hell no, I toldem , but as story is I’m stuck with accord and 15 yrs of this crap and I just can’t quit, so I’m trying to wing myself with this trash accord Clonazepam, which I hate but in Alaska that’s all that’s here, so good luck to u and best wishes to u finding the Teva brand, and thank u for stating as me the accord is no good, headaches, dizziness, etc, and not going to sleep r relaxing, but that’s the rip off we get for paying high Pharmacy’s prices, it’s all about the damn money they make not our health, thank u so much for speaking out about accord,

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Yes,I had the same experience with Clonazepam. It does not provide much sedation.

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If some medicine from a certain company doesn't work for you, don't take it, simple. Usually there are certain medications which don't work in certain individuals, probably due to their hormones or probably the medicine has not been prepared as per the norms of medical science.

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Yrs. unfortunately same thing happened in January here in The Chicago area. Teva was gone and now I’m stuck with accord and it’s OK. But some days feels like a complete placebo. I miss teva so bad. All my other meds are teva. Idk why they stopped but you’re not alone. Don’t take actavis it’s trash accord is better than actavis to me. The ones with a V in the front I can’t recall the brand but those are the best I’ve tried besides teva.

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Re: Stirfry (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I have blood tests from er showing 0 active ingredient in my blood! They ARE dangerous placebos if you have a seizure Nobody is accountable for this criminal act ..

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I had trouble with TEVA. I now have PAR which seems ok. I didn’t realize there was such a difference in distributors.

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Re: Patrick (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, I am ok with 1mg.. Accord brand. It's the Abbvie & Actavis brands that seemed less effective for me. Finally my pharmacy has ordered it for me. Though they were not ineffective. No Teva in Portland. A lot of bad generics in many meds these days.

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Re: Jen (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

Please call Teva Corp and file a complaint it makes a difference takes a few minutes but they need to hear from the people. I can say after trying : accord, Actavis, brand k, now on Teva ODT wafers. I was on Teva Clonazepam for 7 years .5 twice a day never made a dose change nor wanted too. The Teva wafers are not as good as the old pills but better than all the brands I named. I am off work trying to stableize so I can resume my life.
my Doc told me she can’t continue treating me after I pill switched wow. Guys I fell everyone’s pain to the core I finally caved in to meds 7 years ago I can say the Teva .5 pills gave me 7years of anxiety, panic , relief it was a miracle now I have no idea where we go and get the attention of big pharma it’s all about the profit to them. Teva pharmaceuticals is receptive to hear complaints I hope the do the right thing and bring back the original formula

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Re: J (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Accord Pharmaceuticals is not based in China. They are a UK company with plants in now in several other countries. North Carolina is where my clonezapam is mfg. according to my pharmacist and their website. I think all these new generic companies are subpar...theyre not teva watson roxanne rhodes qualitest etc . It sucks!

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Re: Zio (# 16) Expand Referenced Message
check the bag and the. Meds mfg. before you leave the pharmacy because they wont take back after they have been taken out of the store. Been thru this crap with multiple medications.

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Re: Stirfry (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Accord fr Walmart 0.5mg is all that works on me. Its in my profile at Walmart an my Psychiatrist knows to. Before Walmart kept switching back n forth fr Accord orange to yellow Teva crap. I finally said something. That it was litterally making me ill an I might go to ER. DONT EVER JUST STOP YOUR BENZO! You could a siezure an severe withdrawls where u r n the hospital. I take for breakthrough anxiety. Just last month I ho get my refill an it's Pur Pack pink ones! I through fit. Couldnt do anything since I already picked up. I agree with earlier post that ALL pharms should TELL YOU BEFORE you leave its a diff company. I called my Dr an she called them for next refill that it better be Accord. I dont know why its better on me an not everyone. Guess we r all diff. Yellow Teva are TERRIBLE! Body aches. Insomnia. On an on. Hope you figure it out!

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Re: Stirfry (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

Funny its the opposite for me. Accord 1mg. works better than Actavis for "me". Teva cant get in PDX arrea

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I finally spoke with the pharmacist and she said many people have been complaining about Accord clonazepam. She special ordered Actavis for me. My question is why is Accord Healthcare still being allowed to be sold? This is not good and they should not be allowed to be in business. They are playing with people's health. The FDA should look into the fillers that are in these meds.

p.s. the Actavis works wonders. No complaints.

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This is EXACTLY what happened to me! ACCORD Clonazepam is exactly like a placebo. Probably is! It does NOT, does NOT work! I've been on Clonazepam for over 30 years due to TBI, brain damage that permanently took away my sleep. I DO know the difference between each of these generic drug companies. ACCORD IS A FRAUD, MADE IN CHINA. IT DOES NOT WORK. I AM NOT GETTING BACK MY ACTAVIS WHICH IS A TEVA COMPANY NOW. THOSE 'YELLOW' CLONAZEPAMS DO WORK. DO NOT EVER USE ACCORD. WHY CAN'T THE FDA DO SOMETHING??? SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT BAD ACCORD.

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Sadly TEVA is no longer even making their clonazepam, they bought out Actavis and are using Actavis' formulation. I suggest you all call TEVA and complain if Actavis doesn't work for you, I've heard mixed reviews but mostly negative.
I'm currently trying the name brand because I'm all out of ideas. Its still not as good as TEVA...

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Re: Stirfry (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

That's wonderful news to hear! It may help you and others to think of your medication in a way that helps me. A lot of people think of their medications manufacturer as this laboratory that scientists are sitting in making the batches of pills when in reality it's more like a factory you would see making beers or candies. While it is a much larger issue to get a bad batch of medicine than it is to get a bad bag of candies it's not unheard of right? We've all seen the bag of chips where the bag has too much dust or that all the chips are stuck together. Realistically medicine manufacturers suffer from the same problems as any other product in a similar industry and this leads to one batch of medicine being stronger/weaker than others.

I'm really glad that this batch worked for you and I hope that from this point forward you don't have any more unpleasant experiences.

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Re: Kevin (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I called the Walgreen's corporate office. I was having a lot of problems with the RiteAid (turning to a Walgreens for a year now?). I have called them 2 times and now they bend over backward to assist me.

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Re: Stirfry (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Kevin. This is crazy, but got my clonazepam refill this past Thursday and believe it or not, it is much better than the others I had. All are Accord. I think I must have gotten a bad match previously. I have no other explanation as to the difference I've seen. Maybe Accord had so many complaints they decided to add more active ingredients and less fillers. Any feedback?

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I contacted my pharmacy (Rite Aid/Walgreens) and they specially ordered the gree 1 mg Teva for me as the blue made me not feel well. The pharmacist told me that they had received some complaints about the blue ones that they actually let me trade in.

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