Clindamicina (Top voted first)


Prescribed after gum surgery it is a capsule taken every 8 hrs

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Strep throat.
Question - Given 500 mg, shouldn't it be 300 mg. ?

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This is an antibiotic. The dosage is entirely up to your doctor and what they believe is most appropriate to treat your condition.

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does this work for acne

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My dentist prescribed 300mg of clindamicina 3x daily starting a day before two extractions and for a week thereafter. Apparently it worked because there has been no evidence of infection.

One unpleasant side effect was that my saliva became bitter and it was very uncomfortable to swallow food; much like heartburn.

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I was told to take two capsules a day for five days... After four capsules I had heartburn so bad and my esophagus and stomach was burned so bad, it has taken me two weeks to stop bleeding inside my stomach! It hurt in my chest to swallow anything, including water, for a week. This antibiotic should NOT be taken by anyone that has a sensitive stomach or a tendency to get ulcers.

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I was prescribed Clindamicina, 300 mg, 1 every 8 hours for 8 days to help with a gum infection and possibly keep me from having a root canal. The first one I took, I felt fine but after the second one I had a pain in my chest, like very bad heartburn, which lasted about 30-45 minutes. I thought possibly it was because I took it on an empty stomach. The next morning I ate a piece of toast and then took it and I was fine. No dicomfort at all how ever I waited until after I had an early dinner or late lunch to take the second one and the symptoms returned so badly that I almost thought about going to the hospital. I am anaphalactically allergic to penicillian. I'm wondering if this could be an allergic reaction?

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Can this also treat a bladder infection?

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Re: robert scherer (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

That's how i feel uncomfortable to swallow food like its stuck in there and i have a burn feeling my throat even my chest hurt..

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