Citalopram Manufacturer Change (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Mail order changed my citalopram manufacturer from Amneal to Aurobindo. Have noticed side effect after the change. Should this be happening? Anyone els have this issue with manufacturer change?

124 Replies (7 Pages)

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I've used Torrest since 1998 when I got my thyroid removed. I take Citalopram HBR 40 mg. It's been the only one that works for me. I've tried other brands and nothing else worked. Had to switch to Walgreens and use their brand. Been taking for 6 weeks, and I can tell they aren't working as well. I'm going back to CVS so I can get Torrent. They work that much better.

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For years I have taken the generic Celexa by the manufacturer CIPLA. My Pharmacy changed to a different manufactor called Mylan. WOW what a difference and how it made me feel. Not in a good way I was sad depressed felt empty and dizzy has anyone else had this reaction and if so what advice can you give me to find someone with my original manufacturer of CIPLA. If so I would appreciate hearing from you thanks so much God's blessings!

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Yes, I am having that issue right now. The Walgreens pharmacy used to have Mylan, which worked for me. Then last month, they switched to Aurobindo bc they were having issues getting replenishment from Mylan. I tried the Aurobindo and felt good. Now this month Walgreens switched to Amneal. I've only taken it for 2 days and I feel like my anxiety has gotten worse. I had asked Walgreens about why they switch generic brands and she said it's all dependent on what Walgreens decides to buy. I asked if they could stock more than one brand of generic but she said they don't normally do that. I've read other reviews and people have said that they were able to get their Walgreens pharmacist to stock the generic that worked for them. If I was able to afford the brand name medication that worked the best for me, I wouldn't be in this situation. But most insurance plans have dropped it from their formulary list as a covered drug. Unless I want to pay out-of-pocket $430 a month, I'm forced to try other drugs, which may or may not make me feel good. That's what's wrong with pharmaceutical and insurance companies today. They shouldn't be the ones to decide what medication you should be taking or raise the price of the medication so high that you can't afford it (if your insurance doesn't cover it). Pharma companies also shouldn't be able to raise prices so high on brand name drugs once a generic hits the market. I know for myself, I respond better to brand name drugs than I do to generics.

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I have been on the new pills from Walmart for a month now. The pills LOOKS like Dr. Reddy’s but the name on the bottle is International Laboratories. I am doing well except for one particular side effect... my muscles feel like they are in spasms. I get this “vibration” like feeling, especially in my thighs, when I’m lying in my bed at night trying to sleep. I will also feel it in my abs, my chest, and my arms. It started after the meds change so I’m assuming that’s what is causing it. Anyone else feeling this?

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The AUROBINDO brand is the ONLY brand that works for me. I am assuming because that is the one I have been on for years an years. I have seen others say the opposite...that AUROBINDO doesn't work for them, because they were taking a different brand "before" they were prescribed the one made by Aurobindo. Go with how you "feel" on a particular brand. If it works, fine, but if they change brands and it doesn't work...find a pharmacy that will order the brand you have always taken.

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my wife has been on citalopram 20mg for past few years Previous prescriptions had used the Almus brand ,which worked extremely well The next prescription supplied was by Auribindo and this has failed to control the depression. After some discussion the doctor provided a further prescription,specifying Almus. The chemist has ascertained that Almus have now stopped manufacturing citalopram but did manage to secure two 28 day packs. What now?

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my wife's citalopram was changed from Almus to Auribindo two months ago and she has experienced bouts of depression which she never had when taking the Almus brand. Her doctor has specified Almus in the repeat prescription and although we have sourced two months supply the pharmacist has told her Almus have stopped manufacture of citalopram.

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when i fill my script at CVS here by my home i get the Aurobindo manufacturer and at Walgreens I get the Amneal manufacturer. I think the Aurobindo calms me a bit better in regards to anxiety and I seem more focused... but the Amneal works better on depression and I feel more lively on it. I'm very tired on the Aurobindo and seem to sleep a ton the Amneal seems to give me a ton of energy at a lower dose so I may refill at walgreens next time.

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ROY is right - it's all about supply chain and sometimes a specific manufacturer has a temporary shortage, or another manufacturer offers better prices to the distributors

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I have found out that it is actually the Torrent manufacturer that has been working for me. I've double checked, and I was right that the Amneal manufacturer is indeed the one that doesn't do much of anything for me.

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I have had the same problem. Almus do stil make citalopram, collected mine yesterday.

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Hi there,

I'm glad I just found this thread. I've been taking Citalopram for over a year now, had great results for my anxiety and actually regained my life back.....alas it's all gone a bit sour as my pharmacy changed my pills from Treva to Sandoz (here in the UK) I took the first one last monday and have felt dreadful ever since, it started with very vivid argumentative dreamsthe first4 days, now I sleep really well, but have trouble functioning in the day, have booked to see my doc this thursday with a hope that I can return to the Treva make, because right now this is really doing my head in. I seem to be unable to function and am getting totally stressed about everything, I'm getting the same feelings as when I first started taking Citalopram. I'm sure the doc will tell me I'm imagining it, but really the difference is marked. So thanks everybody for posting your comments, I feel it's not in my mind now and that a change of manufacturer can cause problems.

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I recently acquired Citalopram 20mg from my pharmacist and he told me it is from a different manufacturer.This is how I found this comment thread,as I was curious if it was my imagination.The first two days I became completely depressed as if out of nowhere.I just started taking Citalopram a few months ago.When I first started,I would get itchy skin when it was nearing time for my next dose.However this stopped after a few days.Since the change in manufacturer,the itchiness is back.The exhaustion I heard described on this thread is also happening.I don't know who the new manufacturer is but the pills themselves are more oval than the previous ones.How do I find out the manufacturer? Sadly,I threw away the paperwork that came with my latest prescription as I thought nothing of it.I'm sure I can contact my pharmacist and find out the new manufacturer.Anyway,thought I'd share as it was good to see I wasn't alone once I started reading this thread.Thank you everyone and hang in there.

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I absolutely can tell the difference!

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Several local pharmacies told me that Teva was no longer making it.

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Cambridge works just like Teva brand for me.

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I have had to call pharmacies to see if they carry citalopram from the aubro company. I've been lucky so far, so hopefully it will stay available. After I couldn't get the citalopram brand, I found if I took half a pill more of the aubro brand that it was better, so I've continued to do that and feel great.

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The other way around for me. The Amdeal Citalopram worked great. They changed me to the Auribindo, which didn't work at all--and I gained 8 pounds over the past few months! I am trying to see if I can find the Amdeal again. Funny how they work for some and not for others.

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I just renewed my prescription for Celexa and was informed that the manufacturer had changed. It is hard to describe, but I don't feel the same with this drug. I am having rapid mood shifts. Is anyone else having this problem?

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I was taking citalopram 40mg with the manufacturer Aurobindo. Since my insurance changed the manufacturer is Camber and I am not doing well with it. I have called 8 pharmacies in town and none of them use Aurobindo. I just left a message with the manufacturer to find out if they are even making it anymore

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