Ciplactin And Dexona (Page 2)
UpdatedSir i take these 2 tablets since 3 year. Now i stop to take this. So please tell me what is the side effect of it.
How to eat ciplotyn and dexsona tablet..before food or after food...please reply me
Please tell me which remedies work for the side effects of dexona and ciplactin?
Hi I want to know if can I take cipla actin I am HIV positive but not started ARvs
About 13 years ago my friend suggested I take ciplactin n dexona tab for weight gain, but whenever i take a single dosage of both i feel tiredness, very weak, vomiting n dizziness. I have taken many treatments for the side effects of these medicines but it was all a waste and now a days i'm suffering from stomach ulcers due to a single dosage of both medications. Please give me some solution. I'm very depressed. {edited for privacy}
Plz never use dexona and ciplactin. That has lots of side effects. If you want to increase your appetite plz try gamon syrup. It's natural and safe. This is available in ayurvedic shops.
Re: tanveer (# 4)
sir mai ciplectin and dexona 2020 se 2021 year tak use ki thi lekin sir ab ham ye medicine ab use nhi kar rahe hai 1year ho gaye hai we are not married yet agar ho gai to koi problem to nhi aayegi jb married hogi aor agar ayegi to sir please bataye solve our problem please
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