Chrons Disease, Ulcers, Osteoperois, 2 Knee Replacements For
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I have chrons disesae since i was 18 I am now 42 and the pain is umbearable i have had an ileostomy for it, i have ulcer medicineand surgery,and nothing is working i have to bad knees i have a full replacement in my right knee and know i need a right knee replacement due to osteoporosis from so much steriods and arthritis in both knees even after operations and i am not doing well at all. My life is basically laying around not eating cause the pain is unbearable. i am really living a sad life i have two children a husband and i am losing alot out of life because i cant funtion. i am only 42 years old and im so sad that i cant leave a full life because i feel so sick all the time. I miss so much in life because im in so much pain and i feel disabled. I would love for you to be able to help me.I am also very depressed and and have bad anxiety,
2 Replies
I second post #1's response...and also wanted to ask if you've ever tried medical cannabis for your pain/discomfort? I have a friend with crohn's disease and he has told me how cannabis helps him tremendously with his ability to cope with it. Whether it's CBD's or THC I feel that either one may be beneficial. However, if you're going to inquire about this through a doctor, I'd encourage you to consult a doctor who is aware of the properties this plant contains and has an open mind. Most MD's I've heard about seem to shun anything natural without explaining why they feel the way they do about it; but I think it's because they get a lot of their profits through big pharma.
Kratom is another plant that may be worth researching as well for its potent pain relieving effects. Though a naturopathic physician would likely be able to offer the best dosing advice for total therapeutic relief.
As far as the ulcers are concerned, there are OTC supplements and prescription medications available that cater to this; including various dietary implementations for preventing them from coming back. Perhaps a registered dietitian would be your best bet for more specific details on that as well as managing the crohn's more effectively.
I hope this helps and my prayers are with you too!
No one should ever have to suffer such insidious diseases and at such a young age. The best I can do is recommend finding a quality doc to assist you and place you on appropriate Rx's. God bless my prayers are with you
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