Chronic Pain Patients Must Get Organized To Lobby For Their Rights. (Page 5) (Top voted first)


People with chronic, intractable pain are being discriminated against and it is imperative that we join forces to fight for our civil rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Please send information on existing associations and organizations that can help or how to establish one that can help pain patients fight for their rights with petitions, letters; emails to send to these state and federal politicians that are determined use prescription drugs, doctors and pharmacies to further their political careers. Drug abuse is not the same as opiate dependent because of chronic pain management and there are over 100 million people living with pain and many of us are unable to live without medication. If the deaths from abuse seems high, the suicides from pain patients that are unable to get relief will be significantly higher. If we do not fight these governors (Colorado's Hickenlooper is a perfect example) and federal agencies that are discriminating pain patients we will be even more victimized. Obviously these politicians no little about pain and they are not aware that chronic pain patients are voters. The statistics used to support their claims regarding deaths from prescription medications are seriously skewed and lacking in additional factors that contributed to the deaths. Compromising the doctor/pharmacy and patient relations is not the government's job; as John Boehner stated government needs to stay out of healthcare and let the trained healthcare professionals make decisions regarding their patients not some politician looking for recognition.

557 Replies (28 Pages)

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Re: Hop63 (# 60) Expand Referenced Message

I have already had my pm doc cut me back on dosages & quantities of my meds. Going through slight withdrawals now, but I guess it's better than being cut off completely. Getting sick of having to prove my needs & pissing in a cup every month! Getting close to 60 now & been taking opioids responsibly for 27 years. These docs took an oath to help the ill and it seems most of gov officials took their oath, along with another one to take in as much bribe money as they can.

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"This public forum was announced by the FDA on May 15, 2018. The FDA will hold a public meeting on July 9, 2018 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. FDA is accepting electronic and/or written comments up until September 10, 2018.

Topics of discussion will include:
-Symptoms and Daily Impacts of Chronic Pain That Matter Most to Patients
-Patients’ Perspectives on Current Approaches to Treatment of Chronic Pain

- You can SUBMIT YOUR COMMENTS NOW on the topic of “Patient-Focused Drug Development on Chronic Pain” by visiting the FDA’s public comment page, here.

If you wish to comment confidentially you should submit by paper. All the details you need to do that are on the FDA announcement page."


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Re: Bobby C (# 65) Expand Referenced Message

Yes I hear that. Me too. I’m sick of them cutting me down. I always took my meds responsibly so all these changes are doing nothing but hurting all of us.

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Big red balloon (# 78) --

Hi. My doctor says “the pain medication isn’t working for you anymore”. I asked him “how come I feel better when I am using it then when I am not”. His response “it’s all in your head - placebo effect”. I didn’t know that you could imagine withdrawal symptoms from a placebo. These excuses make the patients feel like idiots. I prefer the truth. I wish you well and hope you get medication that will relieve your chronic pain.

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Re: Hop63 (# 86) Expand Referenced Message

And I love when hey throw the term hyperalgesia at you. Or how deadly of a medication it is and should try and stop. Dude, if I was going to abuse this bed I would have been dead four years ago.

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My Ortho stated "I don't prescribe anything that is addicting." Again I was labeled right away as an addict.

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This is an old post but seems so relevant to now! Its 4 years later and look at what is going on it's not a war on drugs if that the case they wouldn't be legalizing marijuana left and right the government just doesn't see opioids as a money maker any more so they are trying to shut things down and leave people that are chronic pain sufferers without proper care.

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Re: Nicole (# 105) Expand Referenced Message

I soo agree w/ Dr prescribed Lyrica for my chronic pain. It did nothing @all!!. I would have no choice but to go into a deep sleep. When I would awaken after 8 he sleep, I felt like I needed to go back to bed. I'm in pain each day, all day. The only thing that works is Norco along with Tramadol. I can't take muscle relaxers cause they knock me out and don't do nothing for my chronic back pain. I'm having a horrible life. Also my Dr always allowed me 2 Norco and tramadol every 6 hrs. That was fine. Now he reduced it to one every 6 hrs...that does nothing. So yes I must take either 1 1/2 or 2 depending on the severity of my pain. So frigging unfair to the ppl that truly, truly require and need it...not good.

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I am guessing that the majority of us posters are over 55 yrs. of age. That being said, who gives a damn if I become addicted? Really! I am over 60 and I don't give a hoot if I become addicted to anything, coffee, whatever. I want a quality of life, not quantity. I want to live now, to hell with the future. I'm sick and tired of being in pain....

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I am here to speak of Chronic Pain. I can say I have been suffering with chronic pain for years. I have osteoarthritis, in my knees, ankles. I have a bulging disc in my neck. and Oa in neck and lower back. The pain is always there. 24/7 every minute of every hour of everyday. I take hydrocodone for my pain. If I did not have my pain meds. I would not beable to do anything but sit with a heating pad on my knees and spinal column. I do not abuse the pain meds I receive from my Dr. I have joined pain websites and not of these people abuse their pain meds, none of them. I think for you to understand what we go through. You need to walk a mile in our shoes. You say that people abuse their pain meds and over dose, These are not Chronic Pain patients. These are what I call drug seekers. The problem is if you had to live everyday in pain. You would understand what we go through. We cry cause we are in pain. Take away our medicine and people would not be able to stand it. I believe more people would take their lives. Why you ask? because living with pain is a awful way to spend your life. I know I have been in pain for over 20 years. Without pain medication, I would not beable to do anything. Think about that, nothing. Would you like to spend your life doing nothing. I doubt it. This subject is important to all who suffer. Please do not take away our pain medication. Do not make us suffer anymore than we already do. Know that I am 67 years old, a women. Who in my opinion is broken due to all the pain I did not ask for, nor do I want. But I am stuck with it for the rest of my life. Know this, That I am not a drug seeker, I take my medication as prescribed by my Dr, only 3 a day. I hope you understand this, and realize that we are Moms and Dads. Grandparents. We are human beings who suffer and I am voicing my opinion. Hoping you understand what life is like for us. You know those walks you take on the beach, will you are very lucky. Most of us can not.

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Well said Liberty, I couldn’t have said it any better myself. I’m disabled and have been a pain patient for years and I have several conditions from being in a job related injury’s then sustained more injuries from a car accident and I need my medicine just to help me get through the day if you get any info on getting organized on this subject let me know how I can help out anyway I can. Thanks for your concern for the people who have legitimate need for the people who suffer all day every day.if they keep us from our meds. I believe a lot of people will turn to the black market heroin or fentanyl then maybe people will see more and more people who will OD on who knows what. And the government needs to stay out of medicine that a MD has deemed appropriate for the people who will benefit from joining together for standing our ground. Come on let’s stand together and and vote for the ones that stand up for our rights.

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Re: Hop63 (# 161) Expand Referenced Message

I had my pain medication filled at the same Pharmacy that I have been going to for quite a long time. The pharmacist said it would be about 35 minutes so I did my shopping and went on with life. I went back to the pharmacy to pick up my pain medication and he told me that he called my pain doctor to make sure my pain doctor was aware I was taking Klonopin. And I said to him why would you do that? And my pain doctor knows everything and he said oh yes he said he knew that you were taking Klonopin. So the pharmacist went on about Narcan. He said since I take a narcotic and Klonopin and a muscle relaxer that I had to have Narcan in my home. So I felt humiliated I felt stupid so I went ahead and purchased it through my insurance for $25 and change. So I don't know if I did the right thing or the wrong thing. Moral of the story is what the hell is going on in the United States of America. I call bulls*** on all of this.

Pharmacists now can prescribe Narcan to patients without a prescription from their own doctor. All they do is call and talk to the doctor and the doctor okays it. I don't get this at all. I think pharmacists have way way too much power. I told the pharmacist I don't abuse my pain medication or any other medication and he said oh I know that but we just have to concentrate you.

Does anyone have any answers to what I just went through on the 21st of August? Thank you.

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Re: madashell (# 177) Expand Referenced Message

My PCP required I agree to a script because I was getting perscriptions for narcotics. I laughed when I left the office. I'd been on higher dosages in the past. The doctor at pain management was already reducing my meds. Now that he's cut all narcotic meds off I wonder if they want to recycle. Needless to say I am angry. Blood pressure spikes, sleepless nights, back to pain that has taken away my ability to walk, turn my head and bend. This push to prescribe narcon to chronic pain patients is further proof that the Powers that be have an ulterior motive that doesn't include helping those in medical need.

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Re: Linda (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

The FDA is wanting to hear from people like you. Please find the link on their website and tell your story. It's an open survey type thing until Sept 15th. This is the 3rd time they have extended it.. please check it out and share your story. Visit and search for pain mgnt, chronic pain, ect. Along those lines... Everyone needs to do this to show them jerks we don't sell our medication, ect. Most of all good luck.

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Re: Mare (# 200) Expand Referenced Message

Me too, thank you. I looked up my information at my pain management doctor you can do that through Halo and now we are rated a number for overdosing I've never seen that before but it's there now just unreal.

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Re: C (# 205) Expand Referenced Message

Hello, I was wondering the same thing.. I think that it's just some clown "down voting" to get their jolly's.... gotta be an a-hole in every bunch.

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Re: James (# 213) Expand Referenced Message

The so called "opioid crisis" is a manufactured crisis. Opioids are NOT the problem. "Drug abuse" is the problem but the politicians have bled that cash cow dry so they claim acts of drug abuse are caused by opioids. Time after time after time I see these newspaper articles with huge headlines "OPIOID CRISIS" strikes again. "So and so found dead after crushing a stolen opioid medication, grinding it into powder and ingesting it." That headline could be any pain killer drug and has nothing to do with anything except drug abuse that has been going on for hundreds of years. Politicians are getting talking points off of a medication with a legitimate use in pain management. They've turned this into a non-existent crisis for political purposes telling people they have the solution to a problem, just keep electing them and they will magically make the crisis go away. Total BS. Currently, people using opioid meds to make it possible to have a "quality of life" are being penalized because drug addicts have stolen meds from people they know and people they don't know, buying opioid meds from people that have gone doctor shopping to get as many opioid pills as they can to illegally sell to drug addicts that abuse them and don't use them correctly. There's also the problem of people self medicating and running out of their meds before the end of the Rx. There are solutions to all of these problems, NONE of which are being addresses by politicians. I know lots of people that responsibly use opioid medications and they are the people being penalized for the jackasses in politics and the drug addicts and drug pushers. I was once asked if I would sell my pills for $100 each. The answer, HELL NO!!! I'm far more likely to pay $200 a pill if stupid politicians enact BS laws making law-abiding citizens into instant criminals by passing laws that have nothing to do with the situation. BTW now that I've typed this, gonna send it to my state reps.

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Sandra (# 233) --

Sandra, you are welcome. I was really miffed when I read this post and I had to be careful how I worded my response. It is posts like this that show just how ignorant some people are about this topic.

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James (# 230) --

Hey, your's is one of the most ignorant, I'll informed, rude, and downright nasty post that I have had the displeasure of reading in these forums..Go away!

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James (# 230) --

You're just unreal. To say that to someone that is struggling every single day to get out of bed and go to work step by step is a way better human being than you. Your comment I take offense to.

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