Chronic Pain Patients Must Get Organized To Lobby For Their Rights. (Page 4)
UpdatedPeople with chronic, intractable pain are being discriminated against and it is imperative that we join forces to fight for our civil rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Please send information on existing associations and organizations that can help or how to establish one that can help pain patients fight for their rights with petitions, letters; emails to send to these state and federal politicians that are determined use prescription drugs, doctors and pharmacies to further their political careers. Drug abuse is not the same as opiate dependent because of chronic pain management and there are over 100 million people living with pain and many of us are unable to live without medication. If the deaths from abuse seems high, the suicides from pain patients that are unable to get relief will be significantly higher. If we do not fight these governors (Colorado's Hickenlooper is a perfect example) and federal agencies that are discriminating pain patients we will be even more victimized. Obviously these politicians no little about pain and they are not aware that chronic pain patients are voters. The statistics used to support their claims regarding deaths from prescription medications are seriously skewed and lacking in additional factors that contributed to the deaths. Compromising the doctor/pharmacy and patient relations is not the government's job; as John Boehner stated government needs to stay out of healthcare and let the trained healthcare professionals make decisions regarding their patients not some politician looking for recognition.
Re: Hop63 (# 60)
Yes we have to do something to fight for our rights. Chronic pain and Pain Managemt Doctors should be allowed to work together to manage pain. The government knows nothing about chronic pain yet they feel they know what’s best for us, not the doctor. Please tell us how we can help save our rights and those of the PM Docs. Thanks for reviving this old post.
Re: Hop63 (# 60)
There is information on sister threads that would be useful here. It's my opinion that a way to start is for everyone reading this write, call and email CDC, FDA, DEA, State and Federal House and Senate representatives as well as the Governor and Lt Gov of your State. These people need to know we're human beings. Contact needs to be consistent. Contact 1 would be your story told briefly. How you've been affected is important. In contact 2 a few weeks later or after something new affects you. Consistent contact gives you a chance for them to understand on a more personal level. Letters to the editor and media sources as well as calls to talk radio. Exposure to our truths is what the public needs to get. Information about a story Greg Gutfeld did a couple months ago was shared. The point was to get our side of the war on opioids story out since the mainstream media isn't telling the truth. You can Google; Greg Gutfeld opioids to see the story. Underlined words and sentences, when tapped, lead you to other articles, studies and statistics. There's a lot of good information. What we know as untrue about the war is verified. God bless you!
For submitting written comments, please visit and search docket # 2018-09379. They are debating on less production of opioid medications and want the public's take. Less meds for hospitals and pharmacies means less for the patients that need them.
Re: Mare (# 57)
You know, I can't wait either! In fact I would bet that some of these gov., the sky is falling opioid epidemic town criers, are receiving some sort of opioid relief from a doctor. After all just about all of them are up there in the years & have some sort of medical problem that required some sort of opioid med relief! Who's gonna say no to a senator, congressman or a representative in politics? They are no more an important human being than us non-gov. humans who suffer from some sort of chronic pain. That ticks me off.
Re: Hop63 (# 60)
I have already had my pm doc cut me back on dosages & quantities of my meds. Going through slight withdrawals now, but I guess it's better than being cut off completely. Getting sick of having to prove my needs & pissing in a cup every month! Getting close to 60 now & been taking opioids responsibly for 27 years. These docs took an oath to help the ill and it seems most of gov officials took their oath, along with another one to take in as much bribe money as they can.
Re: Karri (# 59)
That's absolutely horrible. They took you off of everything? So you have a disease and they are giving you nothing for pain why is that? My heart just goes out to you. This is not right at all. I'm so sick and tired of what they're doing to us that are in pain. #madashell
Proceedings to add, delete, or change the schedule of a drug or other substance may be initiated by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), or by petition from any interested party, including:
• The manufacturer of a drug
• A medical society or association
• A pharmacy association
• A public interest group concerned with drug abuse
• A state or local government agency
• An individual citizen
Re: Mermaid (# 6)
Please don't give up. All of us out there/here, know you're NOT alone. Fight! Fight! Fight! Be informed, stay the course, hang in there!
"This public forum was announced by the FDA on May 15, 2018. The FDA will hold a public meeting on July 9, 2018 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. FDA is accepting electronic and/or written comments up until September 10, 2018.
Topics of discussion will include:
-Symptoms and Daily Impacts of Chronic Pain That Matter Most to Patients
-Patients’ Perspectives on Current Approaches to Treatment of Chronic Pain
- You can SUBMIT YOUR COMMENTS NOW on the topic of “Patient-Focused Drug Development on Chronic Pain” by visiting the FDA’s public comment page, here.
If you wish to comment confidentially you should submit by paper. All the details you need to do that are on the FDA announcement page."
Re: Bobby C (# 65)
I just don't understand why people keep hitting the down button on every single vote. I just hate it. Because so many of us have such great questions to ask and we've had some great answers come back to us. So whoever thinks they're having fun hitting the down button you're not very nice. STOP IT....
Re: PAM (# 55)
Unfortunately, this is what Obamacare looks like. When the government runs things, this is how it is. As a former RN for 38 years, I saw this coming. I'm going thru withdrawal now because of cost and being stigmatized. I pray to die soon. I can'T live in chronic pain indefinitely. I don'T sleep so chronically exhausted. I know your frustrastion.
Re: myst (# 63)
DEA is by far the worst department. They tell pharmaceutical companies to cut supply. I just read in our local paper that people are having to postpone procedures because of shortages of Fentanyl, etc. All the DEA is doing is forcing people to street drugs for pain relief, which is killing people. Many are laced with ketamine, a drug used more in animals. I live in "progressive" CO. They are pushing Tylenol as post op drug after major surgery. Are they nuts! I've had multiple surgeries but now I'd sooner die than try to get by with Tylenol.
Re: pessimist (# 72)
My husband had an emergency surgery here in WI he sliced his foot open with a lawn mower blade. He layed in the ER for over an hour with nothing for pain moaning. When Doc finally came he cleaned his foot again without any pain meds. He got pain meds when they took him to a room in hospital and he was treated well and they even would not let him leave til they gave him a dose to get home. He can not walk or put any weight on his foot at all.
The problem was when I tried to get his meds at Walmart. That was a mess he has no insurance. The doc made the script for over what CDC guidelines suggest per day for acute pain and they had to make calls etc cause they have to go by CDC rules that are being made law they are lying saying they are just guidelines no they are law!!!
I had surgery at a different hospital and was treated like crap before, during and after surgery. When u wake from surgery in worse pain than you went in with, you would think you could get treatment. I believe that surgery and anyone with any contact with these meds should be drug tested. I believe the patients they consider nonspecial, their meds are being diverted by hospital staff... long story. That is my opinion from my experience.
Re: pessimist (# 72)
The shortage of injectable opiates. Has nothing to do with the DEA. Pfizer supplies over half of these medications. Pfizer have been having manufacturing problems at their McPherson, Kan plant. Limited production has started back up. But full production is not expected until the second quarter of 2019.
The DEA raised the production quotas in February and March for Fresenius Kabi and West-Ward Pharmaceuticals and a third unnamed company.
I totally agree. I need A PAIN Management Dr. I am in so much pain after my dr retired and I am unable to do my job properly. If I do not get a dr I will lose my job. I have no quality of life. I can no longer shop for groceries and walk for my health like I did before. I am in Virginia. I will gladly take all sugestions on doctors.
I definitely agree that government officials know nothing about pain. If someone wants to die they will find a way opioid are not the only way when they start taking heart and high BP meds to die what then stop them
Re: Sandra Parris (# 75)
I wish you wellness and luck, I have had to obtain 3 Pain Management Drs in the past 6 months due to Dr. I have had for 10 yrs opted to close his practice rather than fight the bulls*** with the Government who do not belong in Americans quality of life or then 2 others closed for same reason. It’s caused me to have to turn to Methadone which is not helping with my pain. I had a friend 2 weeks ago take her life due to not being able to get a Dr to write because the GOVERNMENT CANT KEEP THEIR NOSE WHERE IT BELONGS IN A CORNER AND OUT OF THE private lives and wellness of pain patients.
Why does the DEA think they know what pts need. They are not living peo plea lives but they sure are controlling them this is turning into a semicommunist state the Pres even wants his own berlin wall when they start controlling our food we eat and where we can go and say what then.
Re: madashell (# 67)
And therein lies the problem! When doctors and their respective patients are no longer able to discuss medically sound treatment options and how best way to treat/manage, not only chronic pain, but all other health conditions without fear of the very scenario we're seeing now, we the people have the right and must to be willing to advocate for ourselves and those who cannot!
My mother, 77 years old, has had 25 surgeries since 1977. She has Degenerative Disc Disease all through her back and has had three fusions, three knee replacements, a shoulder replacement (just last month) and numerous other surgeries. She has chronic inflammation and arthritis and is barely able to walk. She is in CONSTANT pain, has been since I was little, and always took opioids for pain. NOW, since Obamacare took effect, the doctors have stopped writing prescriptions for pain meds that she DESPERATELY needs in order to function at all. My mother worked hard until she was forced to retire and go on Disability at a young age. Her back, at 35, looked like that of an 80 year old woman, so her doctor told us. They are forcing my mother to go to pain management which does NOTHING to HELP her and adds to her misery by stressing her out. They put my mom in a room with 20 something DRUG ADDICTS who are on Welfare- and VOLUNTARILY doing harm to themselves while collecting a fat paycheck because they are supposedly "unable to work" OMG. CLASSIFYING 77 YEAR OLD PEOPLE WHO NEED MEDS WITH SAID TRASH IS JUST UNIMAGINABLE but, this is where we are with the Obamacare mess. I think it's SICKENING. I don't know WTH the DEA and Communists in the DNC are trying to do, but, they are intentionally hurting the WRONG people. This mess needs to stop. If a doctor cannot distinguish which patients NEED medication and those people who are ABUSING medication, they need to go back to school and/or learn street smarts and common sense!
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