Chronic Pain Patients Must Get Organized To Lobby For Their Rights. (Page 27) (Top voted first)
UpdatedPeople with chronic, intractable pain are being discriminated against and it is imperative that we join forces to fight for our civil rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Please send information on existing associations and organizations that can help or how to establish one that can help pain patients fight for their rights with petitions, letters; emails to send to these state and federal politicians that are determined use prescription drugs, doctors and pharmacies to further their political careers. Drug abuse is not the same as opiate dependent because of chronic pain management and there are over 100 million people living with pain and many of us are unable to live without medication. If the deaths from abuse seems high, the suicides from pain patients that are unable to get relief will be significantly higher. If we do not fight these governors (Colorado's Hickenlooper is a perfect example) and federal agencies that are discriminating pain patients we will be even more victimized. Obviously these politicians no little about pain and they are not aware that chronic pain patients are voters. The statistics used to support their claims regarding deaths from prescription medications are seriously skewed and lacking in additional factors that contributed to the deaths. Compromising the doctor/pharmacy and patient relations is not the government's job; as John Boehner stated government needs to stay out of healthcare and let the trained healthcare professionals make decisions regarding their patients not some politician looking for recognition.
Re: C (# 473)
Moderators : Please close this Thread. The subject has been changed several times. That would encourage new threads opened. And why do All of my replys have to be approved? If you don't want me to post just say so..I'll leave .no problem
Re: Hop (# 478)
I’m so sorry Melatonin didn’t work for you! It is ok to take 2 in lieu of recommended dose of 1 taken 1/2 hr before bedtime. It’s said to produce more serotonin in your brain that brings on sleep. I pray you find a Dr who will treat you & provide you with a med that will work for you.
Well folks...looks like another loss for us pain management team. Here is one of the latest article I copied.
Second opioid distributor charged over role in U.S. drug epidemic
Federal officials said Thursday that Miami-Luken, an Ohio drug wholesale distributor, and two of its former executives have been charged for their roles in the U.S. opioid crisis. This is the second U.S. criminal case against a drug distributor regarding its role in the deadly opioid epidemic. The indictment charges Springboro, OH-based Miami-Luken, the company's former president, former compliance officer, and two pharmacists with conspiring to distribute controlled substances. Federal prosecutors in Cincinnati assert that the company and its executives failed to safeguard the deadly drugs it shipped to pharmacies in five states from being diverted for illegal uses or to report suspicious orders to DEA. According to prosecutors, Miami-Luken shipped millions of opioids to rural Appalachia, including 3.7 million doses of hydrocodone from 2008 to 2011 to a West Virginia pharmacy in a town with just 400 people. Two pharmacists who ordered drugs from Miami-Luken, which discontinued operations last October, have also been charged. Earlier this year, federal prosecutors in Manhattan brought the first opioid-related criminal case against Rochester Drug Co-operative Inc., and the company paid $20 million to resolve the charges.
Source: Reuters (07/18/19) Raymond, Nate
As the witchhunt keeps rolling along.......
Re: Etech (# 484)
That case did not have a jury, only a judge. Just thought you would like to know.
Re: I feel ur pain (# 486)
Sadly all those chronic pain patients won’t be able to get to the polls. Now that all their meds have been taken away their quality of life is dwindling fast.
Re: methadonehater (# 496)
Thank you for ur positive post. When I read that one negative review I almost exited this msg board since it's suppose to be about getting organized for our rights. The post from the guy in South Carolina seems to also be on board & now the question is where do we start. I'll be researching that effort & welcome any positive suggestions.
Re: methadonehater (# 496)
I was trying to make a point. I am aware of absentee ballots. If someone is dealing with constant pain it’s more likely they will miss deadlines for things like absentee ballots. I find your response rude. I think you need to work on expressing your opinions using kinder words. After all we are all in this same sinking boat.
Re: C (# 504)
Soma has not been banned. I just got a prescription filled for it.
Re: etech (# 500)
Good work. Letters be sent to federal law makers as well as state lawmakers.
I am going to look for a link that may help everyone in the sinking boat. Wish me luck!
Re: Hop (# 502)
I didn't put much thought into my nickname. Sorry about that.
i want to have major oporation to straiten out my spine all docs are against it osteopor sis pinia 49 yo
Re: Alan E Hall (# 517)
I still can't sit back & just complain. I already sent my letters to the Republican candidates.
They need to be informed what over 50 million voters are experiencing & how lives are being destroyed.
Never give up.
Re: Hop (# 520)
Hate? Give me an example of my "hate" I have no idea what you are talking about. Aside from my nic, you have nothing to say about me or you would have said it by now.
Re: Alan E Hall (# 517)
I wish there was a way to testify on behalf of the drug manufacturers. I've tried to figure out how to contact them and get no response. This whole thing is a scam because now they have somebody they can sue, something they never had in all the decades and decades of drug abuse in America. This is like blaming people in the lumber industry for house fires because houses are made out of wood. What in the hell do the manufacturers of pain medications have to do with people abusing drugs? Or doctors not informing patients of potential problems? When I get my Vicodin it comes with all kinds of warnings. I sense some incredible stupidity in all this and those of us that responsibly use opioid pain meds are forced the pay a penalty for other people's stupidity. I'm fed up with it. How about thousands of us testifying on behalf of the drug companies?? I don't know how to make that happen but I'm willing to testify.
Re: I feel ur pain (# 527)
was getting about 25% relief on a hyydrocodone 60mg & fentynal patch 75mcg @ 48 hours ..(but my absortion rate due to my hot body metabolism i had to cut each patch in half and apply it half at a time so monday i would remove sat. 1/2 of patch & apply a new half then tues remove sun.1/2 & apply a new half & so on) this worked great for me i could function to a point but i could do much more ... now i have a struggle to do nearly everything ... i have been cut back to 50mg of hydrocodne & now i am being sent to nueosurgion to implant a spinal cord stimulator ... which seems kinda wierd to keep me from taking pain meds that i never had an issue taking (no od scares) this operation will be very expensive .... my guess much more than taking pain meds for 20yrs ..... but hey its a govt they like spending our money ..... i am on medicare so """the people""" will pay the bulk of the bill ... if this actually happens .... rumour has it this is a $200,000 event (been researching about a month now ..... my 1st appt is in around 3 weeks ..... from what i could find boston scientific appears to work best (but who knows it is most likely those that got B. S. stimulators may have followed instructions & procedures better) thdre are a few that got higher than 50% improvement ,,,a few more that got 50% improvement & some got between 30-50% improvement ..... (could not find lower %s listed but it seems to be a long process .... a psych review if pass psych review ya get stimulator leads implanted & wear a stinulator outside the body for a week or so ,,, if ghat proves to be helpful then you go in for removal & then a week or so later you go in for an in body unit (not sure about if leads are removed & replaced with dif ones yet) ..... after implant is done you must aviod twisting and other motions for 6-10 weeks to keep from stressi g unit & moving it preventing healing & securement.... then in 7-10 years a new unit will need implanted ....... the unit has a (bluetooth ?) charging pad that you put on outside of body over the unit at least once a week but those that made videos charge more often (while watching tv or reading) basically while in a stationary position ..... the scary part what happens if congress decides to stop covering this ...... we all know congress doesnt care .... they vote for a lowest cola in years yet give themselves a raise of about 18.5 percent ...... if you have had this procedure please share your experiences
Re: Mejane (# 526)
It probably is a sugar pill, I feel your pain.
Re: Dead (# 543)
I love your advice here! How i remember that song! By the rolling stones "mother's little helper ". ..however i do not know the sweet taste of the pill your talking about because I have never taken it.. thx for taking time out of your day to give your opinion.
Re: Charlene (# 547)
According to my clinic cdc says no more than 50mg morphine or equivalent a day ..... hydrocodone is 1 to 1 & oxycodone is 1.5 to 1 (10mg = 15mg equivalent to morphine)
Re: TG (# 4)
Obama could care less he's nothing but a shill for Wall St.
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