Chronic Jaundice
Updatedi am 31 years old. i had jaundice in 2010 and it got cured after 3-4 months. but my billirubin levels hovers around 1 to 1.4 most of the times. my apetite is perfect but i feel lethargy, muscle pain, mild fever, heaviness in head and my eyes also looks little yellow. these days i was taking Liv-52 tablets but to no effect. my doctor says the it is happening bcoz i had jaundice and not to worry.
Bilirubin, Total 1.12 mg/dL
SGPT level is 30.00 U/L
SGOT level is 44.00 U/L
TLC Level 5.50 thou/mm3
HEPATITIS B SURFACE level - 0.00 IU/ml
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