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I was put on 25 mg. of chlortalidone several months ago. I lost a lot of weight and felt terrible. I contacted my dr. and they had me cut it in half. I continued to not feel well and started having irregular heartbeat, tingling and numbness, muscle cramps. My dr. sent me to a cardiologist who ran a stress test and echocardiogram. It showed irregular heart rythmns but he said he thought I was ok. I had read about low potassium while on diuretics so he asked if I'd had a blood test (which I hadn't nor was it ever suggested). My potassium came back below normal so the cardiologist & fam dr. were all worried and told me to increase my potassium and get retested in a week. I did and my results came back normal. But I still feel awful--irregular heartbeat, tingling, stomach issues...

8 REPLIES Updated

I have been taking Chlorthalid for awhile, but today when I get a refill, it was listed as Chlorthalidone. Are these one and the same - exactly? ## Yes, the old label was just abbreviating it. Chlorthalidone is a diuretic that's used to remove excess fluid from the body to treat high blood pressure, certain cardiac conditions and edema. Learn more Chlorthalidone details here. Is that what you are supposed to be taking? I just want to make sure. ## No they are not exactly always the same they are different label names for a reason don't believe everything from this article, ALWAYS ask YOUR OWN DOCTOR and pharmacist before having them fill your prescription

2 REPLIES Updated

In my research on Chlorthalidone, I have come upon information that may have a drastic impact on the use of this type of drug. Its action on the NMDA synaptic receptors could be the cause of many of the most damaging degenerative diseases. Parkinson, Alzheimer, Obesity, ALS, Tinnitus, Meniere's, Eplipsy, Huntington's and several others. The action is the reduction of fluids in the brain tissue increases the glutamate concentrations which have a drastic effect on the glutamate activated synapse. It opens the synapse for Sodium which lowers the voltage and allows Ca+ to attach and results in the death of the nerve. It also creates a whole chain of other similar effects with other neurotransmitters. Taken in massive doses it can have devastating effects. ## If you feel that you hav...

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I need to know what this pill is? I found it in my daughter's duffle bag and I am curious as to what it is? ## Hello, Angie! How are you and your daughter? This tablet is manufactured by Sun Pharmaceuticals and they list it as containing 25mgs of Chlorthalidone, which is a diuretic that's used to remove excess fluid from the body to treat conditions, such as high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, and edema. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination, dehydration, and hypotension. Is there anything else I can help with? ## A blood pressure drug is what it is

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After two weeks of taking Chlorthalidone I have a maddening cough, yet my lungs are clear. Anyone else experience this? ## That can be a side effect of most medications used to help control blood pressure, cardiac conditions, or remove excess fluid from the body, according to FDA reports. The problem, however, is that once the cough starts, it doesn't usually go away, so you may need to try a different medication. I experienced it from Lisinopril and had to switch to a different medication. Have you informed your doctor? Are you on any other medications? ## I have been on chlorthalidone for 3 weeks. My cough is driving me nuts. I will stop taking it this weekend and call my cardiologist Monday.

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after starting this drug a frequency of nightly leg cramps started. I took an otc potasium pill but still had cramps. I stopped the pill and the cramps stopped. Has anyone else seen this happen? ## I don't have any personal experience with this medication, but I did find a complete list of side effects associated with Chlorthalidone (that you can view below), whereas cramps are listed as a possible side effect: muscle weakness dizziness cramps thirst stomach pain upset stomach vomiting diarrhea loss of appetite headache hair loss This information and more can be viewed by clicking on the link below: I would definitely consider contacting your doctor though about switching medications if the cramping becomes too bothersome. I hope this helps! ## My husband starting taking Chlorthalid...

7 REPLIES Updated

I found a pill in our spare room that is approximately the size of a pencil eraser with one side blank and the other side looks like a design of an N or Z. There is no scoring on the pill anywhere. ## Hello Justme, I have located a Chlorthalidone 50 mg pill that is green, round and imprinted with a Z. The medication (NDC 75834-0110) is most commonly used to treat high blood pressure and is prescription only. Below is some additional information on this drug. Active Ingredients: Chlorthalidone 50mg Inactive Ingredients: Cellulose, Microcrystalline Starch, Corn Sodium Starch Glycolate Type A Potato Silicon Dioxide Magnesium Stearate D&c Yellow No. 10 Fd&c Blue No. 1 Color: Green Shape: Round Size: 7mm Manufacturer: NIVAGEN PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. I hope this information helps. Pleas...

1 REPLY Updated

I started on this bp med 25mg. for the first time and on the 3rd day started to feel a little ill. Called doc, said whatever you do, don't stop taking. Took 1/2 tablet that night and on 4th day I felt HORRIBLE, like I'd been poisoned. Headache, nausea and dizzyness. Could barely get up. That was the last time I took it, and was sick for an entire 2 weeks, the half life is long. My last 3 days of being sick, I felt better but could not sleep for 3 days in a row. The whole thing was a heavy duty ordeal, and am now making a huge effort to do all the other lifestyle changes and alternative therapies as I will never want to go through what I did with chlorthalidone. It was really bad I told my doc, and not tolerable. Doc wanted to put me on lisiniprol, but I said no way am I trying s...

2 REPLIES Updated

Since I started taking this I have been experiencing really bad foot cramps. Off and on during the day and some nights life tonight its really bad and causing me to lose sleep. Dr told me to make sure to eat leafy greens which I do daily and also bananas for potassium but they won't stop. Any suggestions? ## Hello, April! How are you? Are you also being careful to take in enough fluid each day? This medication is classified by the FDA as a diuretic, so it works be removing fluid from the body. You may be experiencing the cramping due to dehydration. That's always an early warning for me that I'm getting dehydrated, which I have a bad habit of doing. Other side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, hypotension and increased urination. ## I too am having le...

2 REPLIES Updated

I have successfully lost 100lbs over the last 2 years. I went off chlorthalidone three weeks ago and I have gained about 10 pounds while lowering my calories by 50 a day. My period and blood pressure are staying great but I'm depressed and don't want to get fat again. I had been on 25 mg every other day for nearly six years. I then stopped taking it at once, not gradually. I wasn't told to do that, perhaps because I only took a pill every other day anyway. ## That could be some rebound fluid retention, since this medication is a diuretic, according to FDA reports, it may take awhile for things to settle back out and return to normal. Stopping abruptly could also cause edema, and elevated heart rate. How are you doing, now? Has there been any change? Are you on any other medi...

4 REPLIES Updated

I am taking multiple medicines for my hypertension. 10mg lisinopril, 50 mg Metroprolol XR and Chlorthalidone 25 mg. In the afternoons, I get very dizzy, have mild chest pain and I have spaced the doses out to determine that it is the Chlorthalidone that is the cause. My cholesterol has also shot up after taking Metroprolol & Chlorthalidone for 4 months. My doctor says it is fine to just stop the Chlorthalidone but I am worried about rebounding edema. I am a 54 year old female. I'm thinking maybe it would be better to wean by skipping one day, then 2 days, then 3 days until I see how I react since this medicine remains in your system so long. Help! I had the sensations in my heart "getting" on this medicine but my doctor told me it was normal. ## Hello, Anita! How are you...

8 REPLIES Updated

I started taking Chlorthalidone 2 days ago. Was wondering if you can still drink alcohol while taking this medication? There is no warning on my bottle, so I thought I would ask. ## Hello, Eva! How are you? No, you should not drink, while taking this medication. Chlorthalidone is a diuretic that works be removing excess fluid from the body, alcohol does the same thing, so you could end up seriously dehydrated. Side effects to the medication may include nausea, dizziness, headache, frequent urination and stomach pain. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I started taking this 25 mg chlorthalidone once a day along with my regular bp med Norvasc 5 mg...My pressure was way high for about 3 weeks. Since starting this is is like 145/85 good but I feel like I've ran a marathon I'...

4 REPLIES Updated

I am on BP medicines :Amlopres AT/Saroglitazar and Chlorthalidone 12.5 .Doctor has prescribed RAZO D 10 mg before breakfast. Nowadays I have constant pain in centre of stomach below rib cage and also upper back before use of RAZO D. Can you assess the reasons for new pain (started a week back) .Please guide and advice. I am 62 years old and also have COPD and spondylisis.


I had calcium kidney stones. My doctor prescribed Chorthalid tab 25mg. to prevent me from forming more stones. I have seen no reference to taking it for this purpose. I also have low BP. Is it advisable for me to take it? ## Hello, Helen! How are you? I'm sorry about the kidney stones, they are very painful. And yes, according to the NIH, Chlorthalidone is used to help prevent calcium stones. As listed by the FDA, its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination and dehydration/ How low is your normal blood pressure? ## I know this is an older post but was wondering if this is why my urologist has me only taking half a tablet at a time. I hate kidney stones.

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Has anyone experienced side effects from taking Chlorthalidone? ## Can Chlorthalidone 25 mg and Lotensin 20mg combined cause mild angina in a 64 year old females? I recently developed angina after taking these combined medications. The angina happens at rest. ## The FDA has approved Chlorthalidone to treat congestive heart failure, and high blood pressure. They list its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, increased urination, hypotension, headache, and dehydration. Greengoat, it is more likely that you were going to develop it, anyway. These medications are most commonly used to treat it, not cause it, according to NIH studies. How long have you been taking them?

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small, yellow, round ## m35 small yellow round pill ## Mylan states that this tablet contains 25mgs of Chlorthalidone, which is most commonly used to help reduce the amount of fluid in the body to treat conditions, such as congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, and edema. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination, and hypotension. Is there anything I can help with?

2 REPLIES Updated

I was advised to take ctd6 25mg daily each morning. Why? ## Hello, Ramesh! How are you? Chlorthalidone is a diuretic that removes excess fluid from the body, it's used to treat conditions such as high blood pressure, congestive heart failure or edema. Learn more Chlorthalidone details here. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache and dehydration. Did you ask your doctor what your condition is? ## Maximum duration advised for taking ctd 6.25 medicine ## Within 3 days after starting this tablet, I started feeling giddy, exhausted and run down, and sleepy. I have high BP for which I am taking other tablets, but I have stopped taking this one. ## can azilsartan bisoprolol and chlorthalidone can be taken together

4 REPLIES Updated

I took bystolic 10 hours ago, but am having chest discomfort and my blood pressure numbers are going up. Can I take a chlorthalidone now? ## Which one has your doctor prescribed for you? The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination, and hypotension. What type of discomfort are you feeling? And what BP numbers are you experiencing? What time of day are you checking? There are many factors that can affect that, but it may not necessarily mean you in any danger. Have you consulted your doctor?

1 REPLY Updated

The doctor put me on because he said that my blood presure had been 140-150 over 86 -92 for awhile now I take a vigara 100mg about one time every four-five weeks. I am 64 and very active. Can I still take the vigara ## Hello, BobbyB! How are you? What are your blood pressure readings with the Chlorthalidone? The Viagra can also lower it, so it's really going to depend on that. Did you ask your doctor about it? The Chlorthalidone is a diuretic that removes excess fluid from the body, so you will most likely experience increased urination and possibly dehydration. ## Hi any guys tried the female vigara the pink pill. I had some left over from a ex and i had one wow three or more times stronger than the male counterpart anyone know why

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This drug has been linked to diabetes in quite a few people, which is the reason why i've decided to no longer take it. You take a medication for one thing and end up taking meds for the side effects. ## Hello, Lisa! How are you? There are possible risks associated with all medications. What everyone needs to do is learn as much as they can about whatever they've been prescribed, then discuss the risks and benefits with their doctor to see if the benefits outweigh the risks. There can be a risk of diabetes associated with Chlorthalidone, as noted by the FDA, but it is a very low risk, so some people might need the benefits of this medication, so it could be worth taking that chance. Typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, hypotension, stomach pain, increa...

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