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I've been taking diltiazem 120 milligrams once in the morning and once at night. I've been taking it for several months and I can never fully wake up I feel super sleepy all the time my doctor said to try to start taking it at night only. When will that other extra dose get out of my system and when will I possibly feel more awake? ## It may take a week, or two, before things fully settle back down and you really start to feel better. Have you ever checked your blood pressure, while feeling that sleepy? While this medication can cause drowsiness and dizziness as side effects, according to the FDA, it shouldn't be that severe. You may be experiencing very low blood pressure. ## Might be too much. Check your blood pressure.

2 REPLIES Updated in Diltiazem

Hello, I am taking the 180 and about to run out, and have some 240 mgs left. Can i take them until my 180s get filled? Would there be any problems? They are the same except the dosage. ## Hello, Donald! How are you? It would be best not to raise your dosage, without your doctor's approval. Taking a higher dose could result in your experienced nausea, dizziness, lowered blood pressure and lowered heart rate, as reported by the FDA, which may put your life in danger. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Use a good pill cutter. Cut them in half. ## That's probably not a good idea since "ER" means "Extended Release" - they are likely coated to be time released and if you cut them in half, the dosage would take effect too much at one time. If the tablets don...

3 REPLIES Updated in Diltiazem

Feeling so tired on Cardizem. Doc said I shouldn't be. Is fatigue a possible side effect? ## Yes, it is actually one of the most common possible side effects that the FDA warns about. Other side effects may include edema, nausea, dizziness, headache, and hypotension. However, the tiredness can also be a symptom of your blood pressure dropping too low, dehydration, or just your body adjusting to your blood pressure being lowered. Are you on any other medications? How long have you been taking it?

1 REPLY Updated in Cardizem

I tried Cardizem right after my stroke. I felt calm. My BP was good. First I was on Digoxin , which made me crazy. Then I was on Metropol . Neither stopped my A fib. Then I took the Cardizem, but had to quit it because of my insurance. I also tried Cartia and Verapamil. I had heart palpitations and didn't fell Google's. I just got Cardizem approved and am taking it for 5 days. My heart rate is high now ( not the first time) and I feel dizzy, depressed, and fatigued. Do you think the dosage is too high? ## Those can be normal side effects, when starting a new medication in this class, according to the FDA. You may also experience nausea, increased urination, and hypotension. Has there been any change? ## Cartizem takes time. And if not working good u need higher dose

2 REPLIES Updated in Diltiazem

I was put on Metoprolol last year for sinus tach, but after a couple of months on the medicine I began to experience sexual dysfunction. I was then put on a lower dose, but while the sexual dysfunction improved it did not control my sinus tach at all. I was then put on Diltiazem 180 mg. The heart rate lowered and things were great for a week or so but then the sexual dysfunction returned. My doctor lowered the dose to 120mg, the sinus tach is still improved but the sexual dysfunction is still here. My wife has mentioned that it is bothering her. I'm going to see my doctor on Monday. I feel I have three options. 1. Keep things as they are and hope the SD gets better, 2. Try a different medicine or 3. ask the doc to allow me to stop taking a med for sinus tachycardia. Apparently my sy...

1 REPLY Updated in Diltiazem

Doctor prescribed Imdur for my Dad as he got heart attack. But he was getting severe headache once he started this. So i went to doctor and told the same and he told to stop using imdur. Is this fine if he discontinues using this. What are the disadvantages of discontinuing this pill ## my dr put me on isosorb mono 60mg generic for imdur it is giving me a headache i cannot bear and i have had headachesfor two weeks since i stoped i have got to have some relive thank you ## A headache can be a common side effect of Imdur, along with nausea, dizziness, flushing, and hypotension. The terrible headaches are the most common reason people discontinue it, but be careful to only do so, if your doctor approves. Is there anything I can help with?

2 REPLIES Updated in Imdur

Diltiazem 120 having no effect for frequent PVC’s. I stopped my statin and PVC’s disappeared after about a week. I then stopped the Diltiazem and PVC’s returned. Back on Diltiazem and all good again. Is it possible that Rosuvastatin is somehow blocking the effect of my calcium channel blocker? ## Rosuvastatin has been known to cause some heartbeat irregularities in some people that take it, though it isn't common, so it is possible that it is causing an issue, or worsening your existing issue, beyond the capability of the Diltiazem to control it. Other side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, and joint/muscle aches. Have you consulted your doctor? You may need to switch to a different medication, or stop taking statins altogether. ## Thanks. Have an ap...

2 REPLIES Updated in Diltiazem

My doctor gave me Raneza 500mg. I am worried because I have stage 4 Kidney disease. I also have a dizziness problem. Recently I fainted and had to go to the emergency room. I have had this dizziness problem for more than a year but cannot find out why it's happening. I also have angina. Raneza has given me very bad constipation. I am very worried for my kidneys. ## Ranexa is most commonly used to treat chronic angina, its typical side effects may include nausea, headache, dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting, and seizures, so it may have caused your fainting spell. How long have you been taking it? Unfortunately, this medication has also been known to cause kidney failure in some people that take it, though it isn't a common occurrence.

1 REPLY Updated in Ranexa

Is there a difference between the drug Diltiazem 120mg taking tablets or capsules? ## Wow! Here was a really personal question, and I can't wait to see answers. I started taking 30 mg tablets three times a day for a total of 90 mg. When 120 mg capsules became available, I was switched to one a day. That dosage controlled my tachycardia well for some time, but then I was diagnosed with a defective aortic heart valve, and I rejected replacement, preferring to risk failure rather than accept the negative aspects of replacement. After continued control of tachycardia for a year or more, the episodes increased, and since I maintained refusal of valve replacement, my cardiologist, with some trepidation, increased the diltiazem to two times a day for a total of 240 mg a day. The episodes a...

3 REPLIES Updated in Diltiazem

to help chest pain ## wanting to understanding what this mediaction dose for me. and if it helps chest pain and or anziety and pania disorder ## I realy would like to know a hole lot about this drug. It was just percriped to me 06/19/05 for chest pain. And lowering Blood oresture. ## Imdur contains the active ingredient Isosorbide Mononitrate, it is used to help treat heart related chest pain, as well as to prevent it. Its typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, lowered heart rate, jaw pain, and bleeding gums. Gayla, have you been prescribed anything else? What dosage are you currently taking?

3 REPLIES Updated in Imdur

There's an Egyptian Nicorandil 20 mg double scored down to 5 mg named Randil ## Is there another tablet I could take instead of Nicorandil? I got terrible mouth ulcers and had them for months. ## Is there a substitute medicine for Nicorandil-5 that's available in Dubai? Please advise. ## Were you able to find a substitute for Nicorandil 5 in Dubai? Please let me know. I'm looking for the same here in Dubai, for my mom who takes this medicine and who is here on visit.

3 REPLIES Updated in Nicorandil

I've had severe weight gain after being on nadolol for 2 years without success in diet plans. Dr switched me to diltizem CD 120 mg at bedtime. My heart rate was up to 100-110 today (I just started it last night and stopped the nadolol). How long does it take for it to have a full effect on my system? A few days or weeks? How long before I should tell my Dr to up the dose? Thank you. ## It may take about 4 to 5 weeks for it to reach its full level of efficacy in your body, and things are likely more severe, due to stopping the other medication and switching to the new one. The FDA lists the typical side effects of Diltiazem as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination, and hypotension. How are you feeling, now? Has there been any change? ## I was on it durin...

2 REPLIES Updated in Diltiazem

My renewed Rx shows "Tevau". Is Tevau a place, a company name. How do I find out where the drug is MANUFACTURED?? The diltiazem capsule looks entirely different from the generic I have been taking. ## Hi Ginger, I think you may be referring to Teva Pharmaceuticals (possibly a misspelling of Teva). They are a drug company and they do manufacturer Diltiazem: I would consider contacting them directly if you have any concerns about their product, but hopefully this helps to answer your question about who the manufacturer is. ## Tevau is the way pharmacies spell it on their bottles, not Teva! My mother's HCTZ bottle has Tevau. ## I was using the manufacture Act and now they switched me to Tevau and I have been dizzy for 2 days

3 REPLIES Updated in Diltiazem

Taking 120 mg per 24 hrs diltiazem with 0.1mg clonidine transdermal. Expected some decrease in heart rate, but experienced a SEVERE attack with EXTREME elevation in heart rate when prescribed tamsulosin for urination control. No other medications except latanoprost. Taking the diltiazem for BP & HR surges that it appears to control well. Pre-existing aortic valve problem. ## PDR Net does list warnings regarding taking Tamsulosin with most blood pressure medications, since it can potentiate the hypertensive effects, and if your blood pressure drops low, then your heart has to work harder, so your heart rate usually goes up. Thus, the combo might not be right for you. Have you informed your doctor? ## Yes! Must have taken bp and/or hr very low to go into panic mode.

2 REPLIES Updated in Cardizem CD

i have been having trouble with water retention every since i was put on steriods which i am no longer on. i am also taking 40 mb. of lasix and 205 mg. of zaroxol. this is to alimanate all the fluid. what still have water retention and the doctor i visited today told me that cardizem would also retain fluid, so she told me to stop taking the carizem. what i won't to know is the information i am receiving correct or not. hoping to nget some insight on the matter. ## Cardizem, a 'calcium channel blocker' is well known for ankle/foot swelling, and it's not difficult to extend that propensity to include more of the legs ... My own experience took only one day for exactly that to happen: awakening with massive ankle/foot edems (where being horizontal during slleep would NOT b...

1 REPLY Updated in Cardizem CD

I am on Eliquis 5 mg. per day, and Diltiazem 240 mg. ER. Have insomnia, dizziness, loss of balance, weak legs, itching especially of scalp and face, frequent urination, swelling in ankle and foot, and small appetite. I am in my 80's. I'd like to know if others have any of the same symptoms? ## Yes, those are possible side effects of one, or both of these medications. You may also experience headache, diarrhea, stomach pain, and easy bruising from the Eliquis and Diltiazem. How long have you been taking them? Some side effects will go away, in time, as your body gets used to them, but if it has already been a few months, and you are still having issues, you should speak to your doctor. ## I have been taking both for about 2 years. I have told my doctor but he insists I stay on th...

2 REPLIES Updated in Cardizem CD

I am on Ranexa for just 10 days 500 mg twice daily and each night I wake up at 2 or 3 am and cannot fall back asleep till morning. I feel exhausted already and don’t know if I can use only one tablet in the morning? I tried once to skip evening dose and slept much better. Please let me know if any sleeping pill can help and if it is safe to combine the two. Also can my body get use to it? Not being able to sleep make me feel depressed. ## How are you doing, now? Has there been any change? It would best not to change your dose of the Ranexa, or to combine it with other medications, unless your doctor instructs you to do so. It has been known to cause insomnia as a side effect in some people that take it, but it is very rare.

1 REPLY Updated in Ranexa

Caridzem CD ... is this is the cause of my water retention. My knees are in such pain from water build up. How do I get rid of the fluid. I am drinking a lot of water. ## Cardizem CD contains the active ingredient Diltiazem, which is a calcium channel blocker, used to threat high blood pressure and certain cardiac conditions. And yes, it can cause fluid retention, which can lead to some severe health problems. Have you consulted your doctor? Drinking more water, if you are retaining fluid, is only going to worsen the condition. ## CARDIZEM CD 120 mg mfg Valeant OUT OF STOCK AGAIN This is a critical drug for me prescribed for AFIB. Being that hypersensitive to medications it is the ONLY drug I can take for my problem. They have tried me on all of them all the side effects are severe. Eve...

2 REPLIES Updated in Cardizem CD

Has anyone had the reddening of the skin due to peripheral vaso dilation, if so when med. Was discontinued did it subside and long did it take? ## Hi Tee, While I don't have personal experience with this particular drug, I did want to add that one of the severe side effects related to Diltiazem is a rash. Does this sound like what you are referring to when you mention "reddening of the skin"? You can view a list of the "severe" side effects posted below: -swelling of the face, eyes, lips, tongue, hands, arms, feet, ankles, or lower legs -difficulty breathing or swallowing -fainting -rash -yellowing of the skin or eyes -nausea -extreme tiredness -unusual bleeding or bruising -lack of energy -loss of appetite -pain in the upper right part of the stomach -flu-like sympt...

5 REPLIES Updated in Cardizem

Can a patient take ecosprin 150 & ecosprin gold at once if having chest pain (heart attack)? ## Hello, Ibrahim! How are you? That would essentially be doubling up on the same medication and really won't do anything to help. Only one is necessary. The U.S. FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding, and stomach irritation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I was taking Ecosprin gold 20; can I take Ecosprin 150 instead of Ecosprin gold 20?

2 REPLIES Updated
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