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Diltiazem CD, XR & ER 76 REPLIES
Nitrocontin 2.6 mg 22 REPLIES
doxofylline 400 mg tablets.side efects 16 REPLIES
Please help: Dilt-CD 240mg capsule VERSUS Diltiazem ER (CD) 240mg Cap 15 REPLIES
isosorb mono tab 30mg er 15 REPLIES

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Has anybody else been on diltiazem? I've been on it quite a while at various doses. Because I've had hypertension, it was also used to lower my rate from afib. Since then I've been having light-headedness, balance problems, nausea, stomach pain, and now constipation so bad that it has given me gastroparesis. My quality of life is very very low at this point. I also developed polyneuropathy of my lower legs which I'm not sure is from the diltiazem.

Updated in Diltiazem

Before the pericarditis, I had nothing wrong with my heart. It was contracted after a long viral infection that caused me to cough till I lost my breath. During all tests my Troponin never elevated. My EF has remained normal. Taking 120 diltiazem to control afib during a pericarditis effusion that went into cardiac tamponade without contributing to heart complications. My 47yoF heart is now back to normal after the removal of the fluid, and nearly two months of pericarditis. How can I wean myself off of the diltiazem as it is causing low bp, low energy, vision changes among other issues?

Updated in Diltiazem

I am unable to find Nikoran 5mg medicine in Dubai. Kindly suggest where I can get it in the UAE. Or suggest a substitute of Nikoran 5mg (salt name is nicorandle). ## I'm sorry, but we are based in the U.S., so this site does not have any information on where this is available in other countries. Nicorandil is a vasodilator that is commonly used to treat angina. Have you tried asking your doctor or a pharmacist what alternatives would be available to you? ## Where can I find Nikoran 5mg in UAE hospitals?

2 REPLIES Updated in Nikoran

I am taking 60mg of nifedipine and I am having unpleasant dreams every night. Is there an alternative which does not have this side effect? ## Hello, Mick! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem you're experiencing. That is possible with most medications. How long have you been taking it? Most side effects tend to go away, once your body gets used to a medication, which generally takes about 4 to 5 weeks. The FDA lists other typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased urination and hypotension. There are other medications available, so if it's still happening and it's been longer than 5 weeks, it will most likely just be a matter of trial and error to find one that doesn't cause you such an issue. ## I've been taking nifedi...

7 REPLIES Updated in Nifedipine

I had my thyroid and one parathyroid removed in December 2014 due to a multinodular goiter. It was diagnosed by a cardiologist as I had hyperthyroidism with a constant resting heart rate of over 90 bpm, and I have remained on it after surgery, being put on 75mg of levothyroxine. The side effects have been getting so bad that I went off Diltiazem a few days ago, and after the second day, my energy level and overall well-being started to come back. So, I know I need the dosage adjusted downward. However, I can't adjust it until I see the doctor. Is it safe to stop taking Diltiazem abruptly? ## Hello, Kate! How are you? You shouldn't stop such a medication abruptly, as the FDA reports that it may cause a rebound effect, which could include elevated heart rate and blood pressure and...

2 REPLIES Updated in Diltiazem

I was prescribed Diltiazem for controlling a-fib and I've had no events for 7 months. Could I wean myself off of Diltiazem? ## No, please do not stop taking it, unless your doctor approves. Stopping could cause rebound symptoms, which may include more severe A-fib than you had, before, and there is a risk of it becoming dangerous, additionally, it may be the only thing keeping you from having more A-fib events. Ref: Diltiazem The FDA does want that Diltiazem may cause side effects, including nausea, dizziness, low blood pressure, and increased urination. Are you on any other medications?

1 REPLY Updated in Diltiazem

I only started taking these under a week ago, the headaches I can deal with, but the pain in my jaw, ear and cheek I cannot, the pain is worse than trigeminal neuralgia i get occasionally It only does that on the morning tablet and I really dont think I can take anymore of them, this pain is driving me mad to the point of wanting to scream with the pain and discomfort. ## Please can anyone tell me this is normal? as it lasts about an hour or so, I have even taken paracetamols to try and ease it which I think it is helping. ## It was coming on the afternoon tablet aswell and couldnt handle the terrible pain in my jaw so I have stopped it, had a few angina pains because of stopping it quickly but The jaw pain has practically ended now thank god. I really cant take this medicine I too will...

7 REPLIES Updated in Isosorbide Mononitrate

Can I cut isosorbide mononitrate 30mg tabs, made by Torrent, in 1/4's? 1/2 tab dropped my blood pressure to 105/54 which I didn't like. ## It would be best to speak to your doctor, before lowering your dosage further. Are you on any other medications? What condition is being treated? The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, and headache. Did you experience any symptoms when it was that low? ## can somebody please tell me if certain vegitables aggrivate DURIDE after popping tablet any spicy foods or vegitables like capsicums chili etc ## I researched the same question, because the dosage I was taking , though effective, was too intense and left me with a headache. The isosorbide mononitrate 30mg ER pill manufacturer by Tor...

7 REPLIES Updated in Isosorbide Mononitrate

How can I quit taking isosorbide mononitrate er (imdur)? ## Hello, Jim! How are you? Why do you want to stop taking it? These types of medications can potentially cause rebound effects, if you've been taking them for a long period of time and then stop suddenly, so you have to be careful, or it could put your life in danger. Have you consulted your doctor about stopping it? ## Just increased iso mono dosage from 60 to 90 for 3 days -its working for my chest pain but it bothers my stomach big time all day and I'm up all night because I cant sleep and it's very disruptive all day. Pepto bismol doesn't help - Any suggestions 4 help? ## my doctor took me off iso mono because it kept lowering my BP below 110 & at times below 100 sometimes as low as 90 i was on it for 6 mo...

4 REPLIES Updated in Isosorbide Mononitrate

Hi, my name is Daylan. My doctor prescribed me Trolic 5mg and it's giving me terrible pains in and around my heart! Is this normal or should I be concerned? ## Hello, Daylan! How are you doing? Any time you get new chest pain, please seek medical attention and have it checked out. Even at a young age, there is a risk that there could be something serious going on that isn't due to the medication. And if it is due to the medication, your doctor needs to do something about it and prescribe something else. How long have you been taking it? ## My son was very ill he had a high fever n droping cough we took him to the doc n the doctor said he has signositie n frm signosities he got brokities n frm brokities he got astma the doc gve him trolic 5mg also a subscribition we had to go fet...

4 REPLIES Updated in INH

I am taking 120 mg Diltiazem CD 24 hour. Just switched from CVS Pharmacy to Optum mail order. The new pills are clearly from a different manufacturer because they’re a different color. Is that big a deal when you switch manufacturers? ## No, you should be fine. The FDA warns that Diltiazem may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, increased urination, and hypotension. Ref: Diltiazem Information Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Updated in Diltiazem

How long does it take for the side effects to go away after discontinuing the drug? I stopped it one week ago and continue to have severe anxiety, vasodilation (red blotchy skin), and GI upset including bloating and gas. ## Hello Patty, There is no solid literature that states the length of the side effects. What the NIH does state is that if you are experiencing these symptoms that you should notify your doctor. I am certain that your physician will have a much better timeline of how long your symptoms will last based on their severity. I apologize that I wasn't able to find an exact answer but I hope that your doctor will have a good estimate. ## Thank you for your comments. Side effects are lessening by baby steps each day. I've been told that if you have a serious side effec...

5 REPLIES Updated in Diltiazem

Hello. Please help. I am responsible for my father's medication and I recently switched from community pharmacy to mail order. For years he has been taking Dilt-CD 240mg Capsule made by Apotex. The shipment just arrived and I received Diltiazem ER (CD) 240mg CAP (24hr) made by Actavis. Please can someone tell me if these are in fact the same thing only made by two different companies? Or, what I need to explain to the mail order company to have it fixed? I am concerned to give him this new medication, but he is out of his old pills. Thank you in advance for your information. ## Dilt-CD and Diltiazem ER are not the same thing. When the Cardizem LA which I was taking became unavailable, the pharmacy switched me to Diltiazem ER. The Diltiazem ER did not control my irregular heartbeat w...

15 REPLIES Updated in Diltiazem

diltiazem 120mg sa cap. What does the sa stand for. ## The SA stands for sustained action, which means it's a time released formulation, rather than a regular release, so it helps maintain better blood pressure control. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I was recently put on Diltiazem 120 SA, 11 days ago..I was on Lisinopril for about 4 yrs. as well as lorazepam...My heart rate was elevated..So the Dr did the change. My question is, Does it take the new drug time to work? I checked my numbers after my 3 mi walk today, and I was 143 82 w 108 Heart rate. It was like this yesterday, 145 81 88 HR than 5 hrs later it was 134 78 87HR...I have also had to go careful with my Lorazepam since I started this drug..I have .5 tablets that I take one and one half or up to 2 of these 3 ti...

3 REPLIES Updated in Diltiazem

What is this medicine used to treat? ## For what purpose is nitrocontin 2.6 used? ## Ihave undergone cabg in 2005 and again undregone angioplasty in april2009.Now Iam taking Ecospirin gold 10 mg which contains ecospirin75mg clopigrel 75mg and statin10mg one tablet in the night as per doctors advice. Also iAM TAKING 25MG NUBETA for B.P.Recently i AM ASKED TO take nitrocontin 2.6 one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I GET HEADACHE IF TAKE THIS TABLET.Please advice on the nessecity of taking this drug. The doctor is not to be distubed often. ## Nitrocontin is a continuous release Nitroglycerin tablet, it is used to treat Angina and heart failure. Common side effects may include: nausea, headache and low blood pressure. You can read more here: Is there anything else I can help you w...

22 REPLIES Updated in Nitroglycerin

I have been on this drug for 6 months due to an AFIB episode. Before taking this medication I was never likely to nap or being drowsy during the day. On this medication I feel like I need a nap daily and non motivated. My PCP and Cardiologist say it is a side effect that my body will adapt to, but with me that is not the case. I wake up tired after a good night's rest. I am going to the Doc to see if I can switch, but have anyone else have had this? ## Hello, JB! How are you doing? Did they switch you to a different medication? I had similar problems with many blood pressure medications. It took about a year to find ones I could take that wouldn't make me miserable, after I had congestive heart failure. Other side effects to this medication, as listed by the FDA, may possibly in...

7 REPLIES Updated in Diltiazem

What is the difference between diltiazem CD, diltiazem XR and diltiazem ER? Can you refer me to a website where I could research this information? ## There is no difference, it's just different abbreviations for the same thing, a time released version of the medication, some places will us CR, ER or XR, there is no definitive way that it has to be done. Diltiazem is a calcium channel blocker used to treat hypertension and angina. You can read more here: Do you have any other questions? ## Not quite true. These are indeed all timed release versions of diltiazem, but they all use different drug delivery systems and are released into the body at different rates. You can verify this if you look at the professional write-ups on each drug. For example, diltiazem CD, which is generic for t...

76 REPLIES Updated in Diltiazem

I was recently given 500mg time-released caps of Ranexa after a heart cath, with blocked/failed stents but blood has re-routed, so no need for more stents. I do not do well on new medications. I had a severe reaction to the medrol pak that landed me in the heart procedure dept. It's been two days since procedure, I always have PVC's and am terrified to take this new med. The Dr. is out of office til next week and I'm on Lisinopril already and worry about more arrythmias/PVCs or other side effects. I live alone, no family. ## Ranexa contains the active ingredient Ranolazine, it is usually given in conjunction with a medication like Lisinopril, to help treat chronic, stable angina. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, and co...

1 REPLY Updated in Ranexa

I take Nifedipine 60 mg each morning. Previously I was on 30 mg twice a day. I feel warmth and notice redness in my lower legs and face about an hour after taking my medication. I also seem very tired about an hour after taking it. Is this common? Does it ever go away? Thank you! ## Yes, those issues can both be side effects of Nifedipine, according to FDA reports, you may also experience nausea, dizziness, heartburn, and headache. Ref: Medline Plus Nifedipine How long have you been taking it? Side effects typically hit their peak about 4 to 6 weeks in, as your body gets used to the medication, and it reaches its full level of efficacy in your body, then they begin to taper off, and eventually disappear. However, if these are severe, you may need to try a different medication, or need a...

1 REPLY Updated in Nifedipine

Not sure what they are for. ## How long does it take for diltia XT 180mg to leave your system and side effects to subside? ## My doctor started me on Diltiazem HCL time released beads 240/CP24 in January of 2012. Over time the meds continued to make me dizzy and the headaches would come and go. My doctor said it was my body adjusting to my blood pressure. My BP went down but not as much as I wanted. My insurance plan covers this med so I don't have to pay for it. On 3/24/11 was not feeling well because of the headaches and dizziness so I went to the ER. The ER doc asked me why I was taking Diltiazem......I told her that's what my doctor prescribed. My heart is fine. After checking me out she prescribed Hydralazine 10 mg and I was discharged. Took them the next day and there were...

8 REPLIES Updated in Diltiazem
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