Cherifer Vitamins


i'm 20 years old.. can i still take Cherifer Vitamins pgm? and how long can i see the results? please reply a.s.ap.. thank you so much!

2 Replies

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Hi Assir,
I myself still takes the vitamin, I've been taking it since i was 18 years old, both of my folks are short 5'3 -5'4
I am 22 right now, and I guess it worked for me since I'm already 5'6,
( grown much taller than my parents.)
I guess it doesn't really matter whether you would still drink it or not basing on your age since it is a food supplement, I myself is content with my current height but if I'm gaining height why not?
but since I'm already 22 I'm not sure if I'm still gaining height., the reason why I'm still drinking it is because I feel that my sleep is much sound and deep rather than other food supplement.
Hope it helps and Hope you grow taller!
in wisdom and by heart :)

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It is just a nutritional supplement, so there is no specific age limit on taking it. Some people do experience nausea, or constipation, from taking multivitamins due to their potency.

The only way it will help with your height, as you grow, is if you are lacking in growth due to a nutritional deficiency of some type.

Is there anything I can help with?

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