Chantix Coupons (Page 2)
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Are there any discount coupons for this product or how expensive is it?

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I seen this Rx Drug Chanix go from anywhere from $110 to $135 out of Pocket ..

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One pill in the morning and one pill in the evening

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I have started taking the Chantix, i am on my 4th day, still wanna smoke but I don't smoke as much. I have a small problem though. I lost the paper where it tells me how many to take a day after I finish my 3rd day of .5mg. Can someone tell me the dosage for the fourth day and thereafter?

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I was in Las Vegas when I started my starter pack and was smoking like a chimney, I didn't think that this was going to work, but I woke up on my quit day and I didn't smoke or miss it! This is my 10th day smoke free and I have never felt better when trying to quit. Not the least bit cranky or over emotional! It has been very easy. Thank you Chantix!

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I would not take Willbutron. It isan anti depresant and can really screw with your head. It will make you stop smoking but you will lose your sanity for long afterward...

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Chanix is 129.00 every month for 3 months, My DR. gave me Weillbutrin and it has been helping me quite. and my ins. BCBS paid all but 10.00 for the willbutrin. Try it.

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Help, I have been on chanix for week. Monday will start another week. I did well last week but now ciggies call me all the time. I have given up on the call and smoked a few.

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My husband has tried to stop smoking on his own several times. He would be cranky, and difficult to live with. Plus he gained weight. He has gone cold turkey and has even tried the weaning method. He is almost finished with his starter pack. His temperment has stayed very even. Pleasant to live with. Has not gained any weight. After the first week, twice he tried to have a cigarette, both times after about three puffs he got stomach cramps that lasted a couple of hours. He has not had a cigarette since. Our insurance does not cover the cost but I found four-week supply for $94.32 at Sam's Club and you do not need a membership. Just bought the second 4-week supply and have a feeling my husband will not need the final 4-week. supply.

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I am taking Chantix. After the first week even if I smoked a cigarette or chewed a nicotine gum, I got no satisfaction from them-nothing. The Chantix seemed to calm me too. It is a godsend. I smoked for 40 years and I have been able to QUIT, thanks to Chantix. My night cough and breathlessness are gone. My nervousness is gone. I no longer worry when I can smoke my next cigarette. I know I can any time, but the cig will have no effect on my mood or emotions, so there is no reason to have one. The nicotine cravings were gone by the third day. The habits were still there for about 2 weeks-you know well I have just eaten so I need a cig. But when I smoked the cig, it had no effect. I got nothing from it. I breathe better, smell better, and have the monkey off my back about when and where I can have a cig. No more morning cigs, no more bed time cigs, no more cigs to calm me, no more cigs to celebrate, no more excusing myself from other people to have a cig. No more embarrrasing conversations with fellow smokers in some small out of the way smoking place. I am free. I have gained no weight. Three weeks. It is great.

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Im a pharmacist and on chantix for almost the whole starter pack and smoke free for 17 days. This drug is a Godsend. I talk to all my patients and they mostly have had good results. Even in a stressful enviornment I hardly have any urges and if I do they pass quickly. Just don't buy anymore cigs. You can't smoke what you don't have.

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have smoked for thirty some odd years - been on Chantix for 7 weeks - been menopausal for a couple of years - the drug works wonders - it has for me - as for worrying about the weight gain, so far i have gained none - don't dwell on that - the weight if you set your mind to it will eventually come off and you will be smoke free - YaHoo!!!

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i've been taking chanix for 5 days now and i missed taking one in the evening yesterday what should i do i also still smoke not very often because it makes me feel sick
how can i stop the cravings

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My Doc told me about this new drug to stop smoking and I told him I would think about it. I have been a smoker for over 40 years and have quit often. I seem to always go back. This time I want it to be for good. Do you use the patch along with Chintax? or do you just take the pill? Any information would be helpful in making my decision to stop smoking. Thanks

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Are there anymore side affect's such as sexual or weight gain. thank's

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I was put in menopause from chemo for breast cancer and then I am also experiencing heavy hot flashes due to surgical removal of ovaries. I am starting chantix today so I will keep you informed.

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Hi, I've just been reading everyones comments about Chantix. My Dr. had told me about it a couple of months ago, but suggested I didn't try to quit yet because I wasn't doing well mentally. My mom died 1 year ago this month after having part of her lung removed due to lung cancer. I've been pretty depressed and scared since she died. She had quit smoking 24 years earlier because of having a heart attack. No one ever thought she'd end up with lung cancer. I have a 10 year old daughter(who went to see her grandma everyday because we lived next to my parents) who is so afraid I'm gonna die, and it scares me too. So on Friday I'm going to have my dr. give me a prescription. I've been smoking for 35 years so I think it's about time. One thing I would like to know is if anyone(females) out there is also going threw menopause? With all the mood swings and hot flashes were you still able to quit, and did you end up putting on alot of weight?

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Shelly, Thanks for that replie. I need to hear that. Last night I could not sleep at all because I could not breath. I have tried a millon times to quit. One time I made it for 18 days and then caved in. I know it will not be long from now that they will have to put me in the hospital if I do not do something fast. Congratulations for you and your brother. God bless

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Roger it really works...After I quit my brother who has smoked as long as you tried it. He has not smoked in 4 weeks.. I think the first thing I noticed is that the cigs tasted like crap smells, then befor my week was up I found that I was not even finishing my cig. It did not do anything for me and tasted bad. I was ready to quit by the end of the week. I quit and it was not like the times before when I wanted to explode or cry. I just quit. A few times I thought well I am almost home and I will have a cig and then cook dinner....oh yeah I dont't smoke anymore. That was it. Now every once in a while I have a dream I am smoking and I wake up pissed that I started again, I soon realize that I don't smoke and I am sure glad to be free.

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Hi, I have been smoking for 35 years and it is getting to the point where I can't hardly breath at night. I am scared and I have tried everything. Does this product really really work?? Please help ! Thank you.

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I have not smoked in 7 weeks and do not want to. It was easy, a slight urge but gone very quickly and they came less and less. I have not taken the medication for 5 weeks because it agrivated an ongoing kidney problem but I still do not want to smoke. Good luck.

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