Chantix And Anti-depressants
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I've been on Zoloft now for over a year for depression, decided to quit smoking 11/2010, started on Chantix, right after thanksgiving went to the ER with SEVERE, and i mean Severe Head pain that required cat scans, docs dismissed it as a side effect of chantix, gave me pain meds, sent me on my way, by this time i decided 1 chantix a day was sufficient, my general practioner agreed, the next month, i becam irritable, angry, moody, my family didn't know what was happening.... xmas eve day, i slashed my arm, for no reason...., i was supposedly in control of my depression...., had a nice few days in the hospital which refused my requests for my Chantix, i came home, content, happy, realizing the doc's had weaned me off Chantix, So this is a very SERIOUS WARNING, IF YOU are Taking any Sort of Anti-depressants, STAY OF CHANTIX unless u talk to a psych doc, not a general one, tyvm for your time, i'm alive today becuz i stopped
12 Replies
Re: terri (# 1)
This is what I worry about. I just got a prescription for this and online reviews says it's a miracle helped them quit, etc. however I take an antidepressant already and I am concerned with the side effects of this drug. That's how I ended up in this forum. Thanks everyone for posting your experience and/or concerns.
I am 43, Take xanax for anxiety, been smoking since i was 16, recovering addict, on week 3 of chantix and I have had nothing but a good experience, no crazy dreams, no feelings of suicide, I am having a great experience. I had maybe one cigarette a day the first week, but the taste made me sick to my stomach, so i stopped smoking because i did not want to be sick all day. I've been addicted to many things in my life, smoking is the toughest I've ever faced. Chantix took my nicotine cravings away, the habit part is there still, that's the tough part, getting in the car and not smoking, drinking coffee without a smoke, not knowing what to do with your self on break from work....maybe smoking with chantix is the part that makes you crazy...
Can any body please give me some insight. I also take xanex.
I am suppose to start taking it when am ready. After reading all these comments I dont no.I have RA and take oxy 30 mgs and take zoloft too.. Been smoking fo 40 yrs. I dont no what I should do. Help
I've taken Chantix a few times with no side effects. I started taking it again & my world fell apart. I feel crazy all the time, can't get out of feeling like I'm in the past, I can't get present. I have 'dreams' but I'm awake. I have so much anxiety & am scared all the time. I stopped taking it a week ago, but no change. I can't believe how crazy I feel. I hope this will leave my system soon but I'm extremely scared. Nothing seems real... I hope I find a solution soon or find out how to detox from this. I don't know how to go thru this another day? Anyone else having similar experience ?? Help!!!....
On Day 8 of Chantix, day 3 with no smokes. I cut down for two weeks before even asking for Chantix. Was down to 4-6 per day from a pack per day except the last day of freedom where I smoked a full pack. Quit day was easy as was yesterday and sofar, today. I don't have any cravings and the residual smell in my car is offensive to me. I quit for three years once cold turkey and had the bad dreams, mood swings and insomnia for weeks. With Chantix, I have a headache that has lasted for days, feel like vomiting but can't, wake up constantly with heartburn, don't want to eat but have to force food down with the pills. I did have fits of anger for no apparent reason while still smoking on Chantix but that went away with my last smoke. With all that said, it's still better than cold turkey.
Thank you! I am on Pristiq (antidepressant), Lamictal (mood stabilizer) and Klonopin for anxiety. It sounds to me from reading the posts here that I am not a good candidate for Chantix. What would you advise?
I started Chantix 2 weeks before Thanksgiving 2011 and had the opposite result. I suffer from depression and am on celexa, however since I started taking chantix I feel great. I have never felt so mentally well. I have the dreams, not so much bad as VIVID, but that has happened before when I quit smoking.
Best part...not smoking. The cravings are so manageable on Chantix.
I spoke with my doctor about nicotine withdrawal and not a possibility to be that extreme. I have contacted the FDA and they state that nicotine withdrawal wouldn't have made the situation as extreme as is was. Bad dreams or weird ones yes but the actions absolutely not. It should be pulled until more intense studies are performed.
I started taking Chantix two weeks before Christmas 2011. I also take an anti anxiety med. Well, I started to notice I was getting a bit agitated with my children and much worse as days went by. I ended up telling them I was leaving, never coming back, and yelled and screamed at them for the littlest things that normally didn't bother me. My attitude changed for the worse and was treating everyone horribly. I kept telling my husband that I should just blow my head off then no one would have to listen to me scream at them. I slammed the bedroom door shut and locked it. I was trying to find a gun to actually do it. I was having nightmares also of deceased loved ones telling me it was time for me to be there. My mother happen to call one day and I broke down hysterically about all that had happened. Called my doctor also. Was told to stopped the Chantix immediately. I did quit smoking but putting my family through a scare of me possibly coming after them wasn't worth it. I stopped the Chantix three days ago and everything is back to the way it should be, sorta. My husband however is having a hard time with what happened that I think it really scared him.
I have suffered from P.T.S.D. for over 16 years been on different antidepressants. I took Chantix in June "09 while taking Wellbrutin, xxanx, neurotin, plus some M.S. drugs. I successfully quit smoking with no side effects, this was after a 38 year habit. It worked well for me and am sorry that you had bad side effects. I did experience bad dreams but was told by others who had quit smoking without Chantix that they also had them. My doc felt they were from nicotine withdrawal. I think you should talk to your doc. if you have any problems with any drugs.
I took two complete regiments of Chantix between Oct. '06 - Oct. '07. Two hospital stays in '08.
Jan. '08 - - taken in middle of nite by ambulance w/severe chest pains, mind blowing headache, extreen shortness of breath and stomach spasms as strong as contractions. Released 8 days later - - prognosis - - possible virus.
May '08 - - had great day at work as usual, daughter called when I got home and said, "mom, what's wrong? People are worried about you. You haven't been yourself for several months now." Laughed, picked up keys, took long drive to rural area, picking up 3 bottles of sleeping pills and razors. Wrote short note, "it's been real..." woke up six days later when being taken off ventilator...surrounded by devastated family members...wanting answers. I had none. What the....?
Spent time in psych unit, intense inpatient/outpatient therapy for 2 two years, lost all credibility and respect of those closest to me. It will be 3 years May 22, 2011, since my attempt. People are just NOW finding their way back to me. Trust is cautiously being restored and my babysitting rites to my 6 beautiful grandchildren are also FINALLY being restored. It's been a long, slow climb back...from hell.
As a teen, I feared drugs. Was actually kind of a dork. But, at 55, married 37 years, mother of two, nana of 6, solid, happy employee 23 years, enveloped in healthy/loving relationships with friends, parents, siblings, ... I was HAPPY!!
I WANTED this pill to be magic and END my 2 - 4 closet smoking habit...once and for all. And, I DID quit for a couple months...but started again, so went BACK for 2nd script. Something went terribly wrong this time around, tho. I had nightmares/hallucinations of deceased loved ones coming to my room at nite, BEGGING me to go w/them...tried to assure me my job was DONE here. They looked so happy and REAL...finally, after MONTHS of this, I listened. Maybe they were right. What in the heck am I taking up space for? Wasn't sad, mad, glad...nothing. just flat!!
This drug is sneaky. this drug distorts your mind. You look at life/things in a twisted way. Death seems to be the only answer. And, exhaustion, PURE exhaustion takes over. you are no longer in control. This is one, POWERFUL drug. You could share bunkbeds w/doctor...and he/she STILL couldn't get to you, save you, in time. The rug is YANKED...and you spiral....slowly...but SURELY. I'm not kidding, this drug puts you in another place. I didn't take it hoping for horrific side effects and take an early retirement on Pfizer. No, quite the opposite. LISTEN to me...this drug is BAD NEWS!! Forget the black box, purple box warnings. TAKE IT OFF THE MARKET!!!!!!!
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