Carisoprodol, Why Short Term Medicine? (Page 2)


What is all the hype about taking carisprodol when you have had 2 neck, 4 back surgeries and osteoarthritis so bad that my fingers on my right hand can't even lift a cup or glass??? I am 60 years old. I do take ms contin, and Xanax for pain and anxiety. I have been on these meds for years. I can't hardly get out of bed in the morning if I am not up all night with pain and gastro problems. I have Lupus and severe fibromyalgia. I had my left hip replaced and after that cervical fusion and lower lumbar fusion. The doctors went to town on me! I hurt 90 percent of the time. I have taken more soma than 20 qty. for 30 days (90qty for 30 days) in the past ten years. I went off the soma for 1 year in exchange for 1 more Xanax a day. Although my muscular problems still existed. Now my Dr is telling me that she won't prescibe anymore. I totally understand if you young and don't have problems like me and others like me but this is unacceptable!!! No wonder people turn to the street to get their meds. The government wonders why we have such a drug crisis. It's not prescibed medicine, the pharmacies will tell you when, where and how much you can have, the doctors will prescibe shots for clear skin but those of us that are really hurting, take our meds the way we are supposed to, no longer count. We are dying inside and out and all we get in the end is more problems. Carisprodol (short term medicine)? Not for me, I am already dying.

25 Replies (2 Pages)

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Re: Ancienttowers (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

So what happened to your separate Soma reply? You never followed through, I was looking forward to it?

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Re: EDDY (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry there Eddy, I get side railed or distracted too easily.

OK, I was going to mention how the pharmacy and a lot of prescribing physicians call SOMA, BENZODIAZAPINE, AND OPIOID in combination = "the GOLDEN TRIANGLE".

Back in Florida, my state, during pill mill factory days of the 2000s...this was a Major combination of meds. Either requested by patient or naturally prescribed by pain management providers.

Of course back then we didn't have the Blackbox warning of opiate benzodiazapine freak out combination, like we have now. However, corisopridol (SOMA), has been a long time beneficial drug for quite some time. It's beneficial to a ton of people who truly need a muscle anti-spasmodic of its nature, which is moreover effective in ceasing such problems than drugs more commonly Flexeril, Skelaxin, etc.

People, patient, and pharm-nuts, who like to have a good relationship with the knowledge of the pharmacology world and especially the meds they take...more than likely realize that corisopridol DOES INDEED pass through the metabolism of liver enzymes and 2nd pass as an old school drug know, proprietary wise, as Milltown or meprobamate.

However, today it is known that corisopridol ITSELF is very effective and is the chief thing regarding effectiveness in the drugs actions. Unfortunately this is not a very long-term efficacious drug before it gets metabolized into meprobamate. Which targets the same receptors as do barbiturates.

People that overdo the taking of Soma, say self medicate BEYOND that of the Rx itself, ie 2 tablets per dosage instead of one, or any variation therein, get very inebriated and can be at risk for self harm in ways that contribute to falls, or dissertation, etc.

Taking overuse of Soma is dangerous, essentially, but add an opiate of considerable intolerance or high doses, as well as any benzodiazapine which have replaced barbiturates in safety and effectiveness of use. The so coined, "Golden Triangle", (trifecta).

It's just a redflag to nosy, but trying to do their job, pharmacist. (they can be SUCH a pain in the ass sometimes. However, I respect the profession a great deal and the good ones have personable communication skills with their patients, without belittling them... Though these are hard to find it should seem to be).

Anyways, Dr's can be quite scarred of loosing their license, and they fear that will lead to lack of money, lifestyle changes and professional prixe/passion.

This witch hunt of epidemic lameness is pulling wool over NOBODY'S eyes, but suckers, sheep and those who have not had the misfortunes the same as the people in their care. Suffering from pain. Acute, chronic, centralized, or intractable...will be something THEY might have to experience for themselves, or they'll have to be something in the class that are passionate in their field, do research, stay up-to-date and in the fold.

It's no joke that medication, next to surgery with medication, are medicines best hope to get the job done properly. It's is the doctor with balls and the fearless attitude and education that you can change your life for the better. If you are unable to make a connection with this rare opportunity, meeting said physicians, you can change and MUST KEEP LOOKING, they certainly will not be knocking on your doorsteps.

Keep up the fight people. Personally, I live with CRPS, failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS), and a few more ailments, so I am not only someone who worked as a healthcare practitioner (surgical field), but NOW for 2 years & the rest of my LIFE - will be known for a human being, suffering from a rare neurological disease (according to the NIH), and chronic pain.

However, with my experience in medicine, etc. I, personally, take NO BULLS*** from any of the prospective providers in the care of my health... PERIOD.


Most important - education is key. Knowing is one thing, but knowledge is a very different process, and KNOWLEDGE... TRULY IS POWERFUL.

Again, Soma is tricky. It's only going to get harder to come by. Pain Management or a decent PCP are the best options in obtaining the help you need, and if Soma helps a great deal...let the doctor know just how much your quality of life has been greatly improved since you started taking that medication. If you find yourself in the golden triangle, you really might have to bare with that polydrug adjustment, (a little less of this and/or order to keep Soma on board). Your body, your life, your right to choose WHO YOU WILL LET TREAT YOU.

Neverending storyline is the link to your health and anonymity to create a team, a great investment for your health and your family.

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Re: Ancienttowers (# 22) Expand Referenced Message

Wow what a great reply! When did the Pain Center days of Florida become popular. I was in the State until the mid 2000's and unaware of what was going on with pain meds, you should see our Cannabis stores. While in Florida ordered fresh Soma from a real pharmacy in Key West before it became a scheduled medicine. You should see my current doc when he writes for Xanax or Soma like he did last week, it's become this whole process for him as the C4's can't be sent electronically to my State a few blocks away, a fax or original is required. The obligatory talk about medicine is not about the medicine itself anymore. more about the ever changing laws and regulations which I usually reply oh, not oh no, just oh, my poor old Doc, I love him! I do agree what you mentioned about poor Sue's problems, again with these newer 'Triangle' warnings. Heck my Provider can't even call in a C2 medicine to my State which I gasped at, mainly because I don't use this type of medication, have some available if I needed, and if some was required I could just go to the CVS or Kroger in the state where the Doctor is. Nothing like living in a Tri State area, oh California is a PIA!

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Re: spiritscript (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

Hello from sue, I live in California. A person can now go to any cannabis store, state their problem and get any name, flavor or strength of POT that they want! This crap is turning our young and old people into sop-heads!!! Maybe I should move to another country! All I want are meds that I have taken for years! I can't get them from a POT shop.

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Re: Sue (# 24) Expand Referenced Message

You are not required to state any problem(s), you simply state what you want to purchase and pay.

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