Carisoprodol/soma - Need A Doctor To Prescribe It! (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I've been taking soma / carisoprodol off and on for 22 years. When I first took it, I was told to take two 350 mg at bedtime, and it was too much and I nicknamed it Coma! Later I learned that when I first start taking soma after not taking it for a long time to only take 1/4 tab, or even a bit less. Later I can take more as needed, but starting out 1/4 or even 1/8th helps when I haven't take it for a very long time. Now I can't find a doctor who will prescribe it, I read as much as I could find and asked as many, doctors, pharmacists why, and they said various things, but it seemed to come down to the medicine has fallen out of favor because of abuse, "A considerable proportion of carisoprodol is metabolized to meprobamate" (from Wikipedia and that there is abuse. I don't understand why, I've taken it for many years and never noticed any euphoria whatsoever, but apparently some do abuse it. I'm able to manage most of my cervical and lumbar pain without having to take the tylenol #4 I normally take, at most 1/4 tab of Tylenol #4.

So it helps me to do without or almost without opiates, and so my mind does not get that opiate feeling one gets in the head. But since the doctors won't give me Soma, I have to take the Tylenol #4. I've tried diazepam, works great, but makes driving dangerous and has a long half life, so it becomes more dangerous with time. metaxalone/ Skelaxin - ineffective methocarbamol/Robaxin ineffective and caused really bad restless leg syndrome. ZANAFLEX /(tizanidine about 5-10% effective, but caused my head to get cloudy and caused dizziness. I've heard about Baclofen (Lioresal, but haven't tried it yet, though I've heard it is effective. But soma works well without side effects, so I wish I could find a doctor that would prescribe it! any suggestions?

62 Replies (4 Pages)

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Soma is many things but 'Top Notch' is not one that comes to mind. They have been trying to get rid of it for years

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Been on Soma for many years and am now dealing with the same issues as everyone. So sick of the government getting in the way of Dr.s being Dr.s. Yes the people who abuse should be denied, but I think as harsh as things have gotten, they have to be pretty close to getting rid of most of the bad apples. I can't understand how, with the other meds I take, getting Soma is so difficult. I could cut down on some of the others if I could get my Soma back. I live near Tampa/Wesley Chapel and am trying to find a Dr. who will still prescribe Soma. PLZ if anyone knows I will be eternally grateful. Would rather take a Soma than more opiates. I am unfortunately in that 1% who takes extra novacaine for dental work and higher than normal doses of pain meds. Of course that than turns into "Drug seeker". I had a wonderful Dr. who understood this, but like another poster, got sick of fighting the government to care for his patients. Thnx in advance for any info that can help. Dr. in Tampa area still prescribing Soma.

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I, like you, have also tried a variety of muscle relaxers, all with adverse effects..tried them all. With flexeril I cant wake up... on zanaflex I cant go to sleep..robaxin has no effect at all..baclofen caused severe migraines..soma however i have taken a handful of times over 15 years and it always worked amazing. However i find my condition getting worse and needing it but sadly can not find a dr to write it anymore..really i dont understand why it is not being written especially for people that have no history of any type of drug abuse.

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I can't get 2 mexico 2 get somas 250 r 350 I have herniated discs in my back & have extreme pain Ifeel normal &; no pain when taking soma How can u order legit normal somas

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I just moved here from Florida and I take soma 3 times a day, I have herniated disc, bulging disc, muscle spasms, and severe scoliosis! I desperately need to find a doctor that will prescribe my somas I was on somas and Percocet Percocet for times a day I am completely came off the Percocet on my own I didn't want to take it anymore because it was so addictive, the somas are not addictive to me and no withdrawal like Percocet! but they're the only thing that help with my pain! please help me can you at least tell me where your Dr is i desperately need a doctor I'm in so much pain! like I said I don't want my Percocets !

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Is it legal to order soma & dysoxin online ? If so, plz inform me where as I can't get 2 Mexico @ this time ! & I'm in Horrendous pain Thanks !

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Who is your doctor? I'm about an hour from Savannah.

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Hi Victoria, what is your doctors name.
I live close to Savannah.

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I have never heard of 500mg Carisoprodol tablets! How are they compared to Soma 350mg? Are they for pain and a muscle relaxer?

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I broke my back and also crushed 4 disks, so I need help with the massive pain which is close to paralyzing my right leg. I have CIDP, which is an autoimmune disease, like MS, but the difference is that the only relief I get is from some benzodiazepines, relaxing the central nervous system. I'm in CA, please write me back if you can help me in any way. {edited for privacy}. It has been the only thing working for me.

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Re: Momo (# 34) Expand Referenced Message

Hello, new poster here. Regarding Soma not coming up in a U/A, not true. I was on Soma for three years and received a DUI in 2006 for being under the influence of Soma. I saw the drug panel myself thanks to my attorney.

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I need to know of any doctor in Orange County, CA that prescribes Soma 350 mg? Thanks in advance for your response.

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Re: Sick and tired (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

You need to step back a bit. If people are buying soma on the street that means doctors are still prescribing it. And use the word junkie carefully. I'm a junkie who is on Methadone Maintenance for close to 19 years... if your doctor won't give you soma its because of something my doctor told me years ago. I believed him then and I still do today. I pulled my back out and I took Miltown years ago in the 1970's. He said he doesn't prescribe it unless a patient asks for it because in his opinion it's useless. He had no problem writing it and he knows I'm an addict who doesnt abuse anything anymore. You people blame everything on addicts. Have you ever stopped to think that the problem isn't addicts as much as the pill mills of the 1990's? I know a 67 year old who sells her drugs because she needs the money not because she's an addict. For a non-addict you seem to know your drugs pretty good. Stop throwing stones.

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Re: Katy (# 51) Expand Referenced Message

Katy..Your in the wrong .. If your looking for a doctor who prescribes benzos then go to that one. This one is about Soma.

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Re: John M (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Tramadol works wonders for pain for most people. I would suggest anyone in acute to moderate pain to get on it. It works like an anti depressant and is a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor and works on the mu opiate receptors. It allows the patient to be pain free and happy. It is very addicting, but most of these types of drugs are. I believe doctors won’t even give that out now. I’m sure pain specialists will though. It’s better than nothing. It was actually my DOC.

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Re: James (# 56) Expand Referenced Message

Doctors will still RX it. Tramadol still class 4 Its the only pain medication they will RX. Problem is its so damn addicting. My husband was on them for 2 weeks, he went through major WD's. Finally I gave him my Vicodin and it helped.

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Re: Boston (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Yup, worked for me. I went to the ER and told them I had been taking them for 10 years. I really had tho, and they will check.

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I have chronic back pain - lower back muscles also. I was prescribed Soma (Carisoprodol) in 2017 for my rotator cuff situation... had surgery. Very successful. Soma got me through the horrible pain. Is there any chance a doctor or nurse practitioner in the Dallas area would be able to help me? I'm having a hard time finding someone to prescribe this particular drug. Why?? I also had 2 back surgeries in 2021. Soma works best. Thank you for any help, assistance and advice. Suggestions are much appreciated.

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Re: Teachmod RNMS UCSF (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve suffered from severe chronic cluster headaches for years as well as severe back pain with no relief from either. I’ve taken all of the latest new meds to no avail. I understand that there’s an epidemic, but now the problem is that doctors are too afraid to prescribe controlled medication and chronic pain patients are suffering by being under treated. It’s easier for doctors to pass the buck. Now the problem is that patients who aren’t receiving pain medications are apt to commit suicide. I think some doctors don’t care about a pain sufferer developing severe depression and suicide. They’re now running scared and only worry about their asses. They can easily prescribe pain medication for one weeks supply at a time and document their treatment plan. The DEA or whoever should investigate doctors whose patients commit suicide or attempt too, for malpractice.

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Re: lyndsey (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Can you post where you did this online?

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