Cant Find A Doctor To Perscribe Xanax?
UpdatedIve been looking for a doctor to give me xanax for my anxiety. My main doctor said I have to go to a psychiatrist to get it. Why can every other doctor in the united states give it out but the ones where I live wont>
1 Reply
No, that is something that is changing for everyone, for those with chronic pain, as well as those that require some type of psychiatric medication.
General practitioners and surgeons will only be allowed to prescribe such medications for a short period of time, such as when someone has had surgery, or been in an accident. For long-term treatment, people will not have to see specialists.
There has been a lot of concern about people possibly not being correctly diagnosed, overly medicated and etc. so the FDA and DEA are cracking down to get better control of the problem.
Learn more Xanax details here.
Additionally, you may also be making it harder for yourself, if you're contacting doctors and asking specifically for Xanax, since many will consider that to be drug seeking behavior. The best thing you can do is to visit a new doctor and not discuss medications, until you have actually gotten your foot in the door.
Have you tried seeing a psychiatrist?
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