Can Suboxone Withdrawal Symptoms Include Fever?
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My husband was on suboxone 60 mg the for 3 years. Recently he stopped suboxone cause he is in pain with his hip and needs a replacement. He started taking 120-180mg of morphine for about 3-4 days and then stopped the morphine, waited about 9-10 hours, and went back to suboxone. Now he has been running a fever for two days, very lethargic, and nauesea. Is he going through withdrawal?

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JAMES: It's because the bupe an opioid ANTAGONIST, which means it knocks any and all AGONIST opioids completely off your receptors. The opiates/opioids we do such as morphine, fentanyl, oxys, etc, are full agonist opioids. The bupe just wipes that stuff COMPLETELY out. So it leaves those receptors completely empty before the agonist part starts helping you. (bupe is actually a partial agonist/partial antagonist) That's why bupe gets you WELL, but not really HIGH, if you are a true opioid addict. It is only a PARTIAL agonist, rather than a full agonist like the morphine/oxys etc. With "regular" withdrawals, the opioids come off your receptors and out of your body fairly slowly. But with the precipitated withdrawals, that bupe knocks them out of you completely and VERY abruptly. So it's like someone throwing on a light switch to INSTANT withdrawals.

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Any withdrawal is horrible in my book but seems the bupe hits you like no other dont kniw why it just precipitates some of the worse.

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JAMES: Those precip withdrawals are no joke, eh? I thought I knew what hardcore withdrawal was....OMG, those were horrific!

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You gotta wait it out some individuals react differently my first encounter sith subs threw me into full blown ..... get checked out the fever could be the withdrawal or something more.

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ANDY: And actually the buprenorphine itself can cause Precips too. I went through BAD ones once, before I knew about them. I was always on Subutex, not Suboxone, which has no narcan. That bupe will do it all on its own.

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Sorry to hear about your hubby spotty!!! No Bueno. Definately call his healthcare provider, his surgeon should still be in constant contact with him. and yes, Precipitated Withdrawal was exactly what I was thinking. If his surgeon is that removed from his care that he/she cannot return a phone call then go to a dang er if he is that bad.Please make sure he either sees a doctor and does not bye any means take more morphine as the narcan that is traipsing thru his system will surely pout him in MAJOR withdrawals.

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SPOTTY: He may be going through something called "precipitated withdrawals". If you take Suboxone too soon after taking a full agonist opioid like morphine, this can happen. So yes, he is probably going through some withdrawals. But it will go away once all the morphine is out of his system and he is adjusted back to the Suboxone. Treat it like the flu: fluids, rest, pain relievers like aspirin or Tylenol, if you happen to have anything like Flexeril or Soma or any other non-narcotic muscle relaxers. Or any benzos like Valium, Xanax or Klonopin. It will pass. Just make sure that if he is taking the Suboxone, to not mix it with the morphine or it will start again.

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Hello spotty sorry for the pain your husband's in. I too am prescribed suboxone and have hip trouble. Actually have recently had both replaced and I'm on the sub for my weakness for the opiates.. it actually gives me better relief than the oxycodone did. As for the fever I'm not sure - some people have different withdrawal symptoms. I suggest checking with your dr because if there's arthritis in that hip and fracture in the bone he could actually get an infection in it (the bone) which would be horrible.

They can simply draw some blood and check levels of inflammation and infection If it is withdrawal from the subs I recommend keep taking same dosage. Withdrawal symptoms and legit pain do not go well together. Good luck & hope he feels better. The medical advances today have made hip replacement almost simple. My first was in 1985. My last two were recent and they were nothing alike once its done just make sure to get moving fast as possible it changed my life hope it does for you.

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