Can Hyperthyroidism Cause Tooth Decay?
UpdatedHi - I have thyroid issues, and within the last three years my thyroid has became very active. I was told I had hyper when I was 15 and now I will be turning 22 this December. But just in last three years I have noticed that my teeth have become really bad. Decaying of my molars, sensitive to hot and cold, and jaw pain. My wisdom teeth are growing in but my dentist in Burlington (Pearl Dental) says that my wisdom teeth will not affect any other tooth unless it scrapes the others. My gums were also tender and swollen for about a week. I was wondering if having a really overactive thyroid would cause these problems? I should also tell you that my doctor is very worried that I could have a heart attack at any moment. I am dizzy, can not sleep, always hungry, losing weight fast, some days my eyes are sore, and can have blurred vision. I hope you can tell me if hyperthyroidism can cause tooth decay? I am concerned because I brush two times a day now and my teeth are still getting worse.
1 Reply
Hello, Scourter! How are you doing?
Yes, the NIH reports that are links between hyperthyroid and dental problems, so that may explain your issues. It can cause decay, which may lead to infections and that could lease to heart problems.
You may need to speak to another dentist, who is more familiar with these issues and the problems they can cause.
Are there any other questions or concerns?
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