Can Gen Payne Cause Spama? (Top voted first)


I took 1 Gen Payne as i had a massive headache and after about 10 minutes i started getting massive stomach cramps. This cramps is also into my back. Its like a massive spasma. Can gen payne cause spasma stomach craps thats so severe. Its really painfull.

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Hello, Jen! How are you? I'm sorry about the issues you're experiencing.

It can cause a headache, as a side effect, as reported by the FDA, but not normal stomach cramps. However, the Ibuprofen in it can cause stomach irritation and if that's severe or you have an ulceration or gastritis, one of those may be causing the cramping.

The FDA warns that this is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Have you had it checked out? You may need medical treatment to rectify this issue.

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I also had this terrible pain on my stomach after I drank 2 x Gen pains. It also went to my back. It took about 15 minutes to stop. Almost went to the hospital as it was very very sore. This happens each and everytime I drink Gen-Pain. So definitely not going to use this again (4th time it happened).

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