Can Stopping/quitting Lansoprazole Cause Daily Headache?
UpdatedStats: Male, 33. Bigger guy, 6'2 265. Gallbladder removed in 2007. Other conditions include sleep apnea/social anxiety, some neck and shoulder tension from a lot of computer work. Otherwise decent health overall.
Hello to anyone who thinks they can help!!
I have been on 30mg Lansoprazole for the last 3-4 years (prescribed) because I had my gallbladder removed in 2007 and had a slew of stomach issues for the first 5 or so years since the surgery, most of which was caused by increased acid. Lans was a godsend drug at first, but over time I started noticing that it seemed to sometimes make me feel weird or give me an upset stomach. Over the last few months I have really been improving my diet and eating better and noticed I was getting less and less acid and indigestion. Because my insurance no longer covers my prescriptions like it used to, I had gone from 1, 30mg prescribed tablet to 2, 15mg OTC tablets of the same medication. (Generic Prevacid, Walgreens brand)
Every now and then I would only take 1 15mg tablet, and noticed that that was working fine. So I did that a few months and then noticed I wasn't taking that regularly as I didn't need it. So about 3 weeks ago, I stopped completely. I have the occasional flare up of indigestion, but nothing a glass of water won't fix. However, I have been plagued with dull, almost tension like headaches nearly every day since I have stopped the medication. I have seen others complain about headaches while taking Lansoprazole, but what about stopping them completely? I did stop rather suddenly, but I did taper down from the 30mg to 15mg for at least a few weeks before stopping. Also, it's been about 3 weeks now, and nothing over the counter seems to touch it, pain-wise. (tylenol, ibu, excedrin, etc)
I'm seeing a massage therapist and chiropractor to assist me with my neck issues, but this really feels unlike any headache I've ever had due to sore muscles before, because again, meds don't help to relieve it at all.
I'm open to any and all suggestions...
Thank you.
5 Replies
Bumping...hoping someone has experience with this.
Yes, anytime you abruptly stop taking a medication that you've been taking for a long period of time, the NIH warns that you may experience some withdrawals effects, which could include headaches.
It may take a month, or so, for things to improve, so these withdrawal effects go away.
How are you doing, now? Has there been any change?
I generally get headaches, if I miss a dose of anything I take every day.
No, no improvements yet. Not sure if it was the lans withdrawal or just a pinched nerve but I'm still suffering with daily headaches, on and off, from when I wake up until I go to bed. Pain in neck/shoulder blade (right side is worst) and just a general upper torso ache. Headache in temples and front upper left lobe of head, seems to be very focused on these areas only. I can live with the sore muscles, but the headaches are wrecking me.
Lansoprazole is not the type of medication that would cause headaches upon withdrawal. Having said that, some generic brands might use different fillers that might cause different effects.
Re: Ezra (# 1)
I have just gotten off this week and have a headache from hell or dull all right side . I weened as well. If I had known I never wouldve started it
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