Can Metformin Be The Cause Of Burning Sensation While Urinating I Recntly Notice This After Starting A Strip And Went To Doctor For It N She
Updatedi started taking a strip of metformi 500 because i want to get pregnant,a couple days after i notice i had a burning sensation when passing urine so i went to the doctor who then said i have uti and she prescribed norilet 400mg but the burnig is still here so am wondering if metformin is anyway responsible.
6 Replies
No, that isn't something that Metformin is known to cause.
Learn more Metformin details here.
It is likely a UTI as your doctor stated and you may need to return for another antibiotic if the one that was prescribed hasn't worked.
Learn more Norilet details here.
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Over the years I would occasionally have moments where I needed to urinate but not much at all came out and it was accompanied by a burning sensation. I've been pre-diabetic for years and last year I found out I was now diabetic type 2. My Doc put me on Metformin 1000mg per day and my sugar went back in line, however the moments I mentioned increased. I cut it back myself to 750mg per day and the moments subsided. I got sloppy though and ate more sweets, making my sugar rise, so I went back to 1000/day and sure enough the moments increased again. There may be no established link, but it sure seems obvious to me that the Metformin is doing something unintended.
I also have a bad burning sensation after taking metformin. I know its the metformin because the burning stops when I stop taking the metformin and comes right back when I start taking it again. Has anyone found out what causes the burning senstation. Clearly the doctors are not getting it right because they always say its not a known side effect. That is simply not true. Even the Mayo clinic posts difficulty urniating and buring while urinating is a side effect of Metformin. I would like to find out what as a side effect of Metformin its doing to cause the buring. Seems to me it cannot be a good thing.
Iam using metformin 500mg twice a day last one year sugar level is normal but burning sensetion on my feet snd my arms my age 66 now mote suffer and icant sleep in night local doctor say use sleeping bills i thing it is not salve the problem what is right choice of my worris anybody help for this old man iam waitting for good reply thankyou
Doctor's sugustion tablet are working for fuew days the burning sensation are come and again and again how could salwe the burning sensation I thing metformin side effect is possible can you expplain it thankyou
I have just started metformin Nesbit 2 weeks ago. I’m on 500 mg once daily but have been advised to go up to twice daily tomorrow. I have been told that if the burning could be because I’m weeing out sugar. I have had it for about 3 days now. I’m going to do a home UTI test tomorrow morning i think, just to make sure it’s not that. It might be that, unpleasant though it is, this burning is actually a way of getting the excess sugar out and us therefore a necessary evil. I’m no medical expert, just educated guesswork.