Can I Take Methadone With Adderall? (Page 2) (Top voted first)
This is mainly a post to anyone who finds any useful information within it. I have posted previously as I am healthcare physician. Also, I will probably ramble a bit getting things of my chest, so to speak. For this, please accept my apology in advance for all the venting.
What I want to say is I really hate the medicine I must take to get out of bed and work. After I took my morning dose of Methadone 80mgs, Oxycodone IR 30mgs, Adderall 30mgs, Norflex ER 100 mgs, Caffeine 200mg, Tylenol 1000mgs, and Prilosec 20mgs I waited for the effects of the medications to start working so I could start my day. It was then the thought that I have to take all this medication so I can feel close to how I use to before all the health problems really hit me hard. while I realized this many times previously, it just seems to really hit home today. Maybe because I worked very hard for almost 15 years working out with weights, studying martial arts (1st degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do, Hapkido and Judo), mountain climbing, extreme aerobic conditioning. I was 5' 9" tall with less than 9% body fat and weighed 148lbs and my resting pulse was 36bpm. I was also bench pressing 265lbs when I fell. All that hard work to get in shape to live a long and healthy life has become lost because of a fall and associated diseases. I have become so chronically depressed it is not funny. My faith as an Orthodox Christian and my personal relationship with the Lord is the only thing that has kept me going and looking toward the future.
I have been on Opioid pain relievers since falling in 10/1993. I started the Methadone 30mgs per day, Percocet every 4 hours for breakthrough pain and Skelaxin 200mgs. I have rotated opioid medications to try to slow the tolerance that will develop when taking narcotics over the years. I am EXTREMELY fortunate because even though I am required by law to see a CPP every 12 weeks, I usually am asked by the treating physician what I want for pain, etc.. Of course that means I can obtain any medications needed for pain, within reason of course. The main limiting factor is money since I have no insurance and must pay cash for all my healthcare and my wife's healthcare until she started on disability in 2010. So I chose the cheapest opioid pain medication, Methadone 10mgs, that works. That also includes Oxycodone IR 30mgs for breakthrough pain. Together I pay $107.85 for #480 Methadone and #120 Oxycodone. I believe the only change I would make to my current medication regime if money was not a factor is changing the Methadone to Duragesic Patches 150-200mcs/hr. Otherwise I would keep everything the same as previously. The reason to change the Methadone is because of its complicated Half-Life and the respiratory depression that continues after the pain relieving effect has stopped. Half-Life of Methadone has been shown to be between 6 hours to 132 hours depending on the patient. Another problem with Methadone is that it is stored almost everywhere in the body especially in fat cells with the highest concentration in a male's semen. (I actually heard a women failing a drug panel because her partner was on MMT. Even though she explained where the Methadone they found in her urine came from, she was still fired. That was the last I heard so I do not know her final outcome). So the danger comes from having these stores empty into your circulatory system. Taking a single extra Methadone could cause severe respiratory depression and death. This is regardless of how long you have taken Methadone or how much Methadone you have taken over time. This is one reason I have not upped my Methadone dose in the last 7 years even though I have built up quite a tolerance.
So what does all this equate to and what does it mean? Maybe nothing outside of my venting, and if no one finds useful information in this post, my last point is you should never take prescription medications not prescribed to you and always disclose to your treating physician all medications, OTC and Rx, you are currently using. Plus all medications are dangerous and a risk every time you dose. There is a plethora of cases of individuals who have died from taking a single antibiotic pill they have used for years because they developed a sensitivity. This can happen with any medication. Also, you should be aware that most opioids & narcotic medication can affect QRS Complex of the heart by prolonging the QT interval. This will cause you to suffer Sudden Cardiac Death which most do not survive.
Thanks for listening to my venting and I pray each has a very blessed day.
They're not self medicating. I get methadone from the clinic and I was prescribed adderall. As most of these people are. They are wondering other people's reactions. Mine was awful and scary. We would be taking illicit drugs if we were self medicating. So before you comment, read what people are actually saying. Not just the negative thoughts that come to your head.
Ummm uncomfortable? If you are just feeling "uncomfortable" from methadone withdrawal you must not be more than three days into it bcuz methadone withdrawal is an effing nightmare!! Hot flashes feel euphoric compared to the hell you are going thru now. The only thing that I can think of to take the hot flashes away is MORE METHADONE! Unfortunately I'm a lifer....
I see a few people saying to use benzodiazepines (such as xanax, klonipins, volumes, adivans, etc..) with methadone.... Please, PLEASE, Please don't mix opiates, and benzodiazepines!!!! That is a lethal, combination and will kill you most definitely!!! Please listen to me I personally, know several people that are no longer on the planet earth because they decided to mix those two substances... I also appreciate the comments about adderal and methadone, was doing research to help more of my friends that were debating about those two substances... I am a grateful recovering addict and alcoholic, I have 5 years clean in July!! I hope everyone realizes the seriousness of this sickness, it claims lives everyday.... Believe me I know it's far from easy but if you put your head and drive in doing it, all things are possible!! God bless all of you!!
I have been on methadone for years after a bad pedestrian vs Chevy truck wreck. ( I was the pedestrian) And methadone stays active & actually increases levels in your body for 72 hrs from one pill. And unlike any other opioid will not cause actual physical manifestations of withdrawal symptoms until over 7 days because it stores up in your body. Alot of your manifestations of withdrawal symptoms are mental from anxiety not from withdrawing. You have to mentally prep yourself & tell your body that you are alright & will be alright for days. Just relax & keep saying it. Your mind is a powerful thing. Your must learn to put it in your corner & let it have control of your body in a positive way & leave anxiety at the door. You can actually trick your body into physical symptoms when they are not even present. You are being your own worst enemy. The most powerful drug I known to man is made naturally in your body called endorphins which are released when your are happy. Out bodies are designed to heal themselves, to learn,& to evolve. Let it work for you not against you.
Just drop the Adderall. Taper. You can do it!I thought about taking Adderoll but redecided after reading this as I take 66 mg Methadose. Use to take 160mg for 9 yrs. Thank you
I've been through a lot in my 30 years. Yes a lot can happen in that time. I have many things to comment about due to drug use and it's effects, what works and what doesn't. But everyone is different. One thing I will say is that methadone and xanax is deadly. My boyfriend passed away due to an overdose and he could handle ALOT. One day he couldn't. So as a precaution please do not overdo it. And as far as my own experiences, staying at low doses were obviously ok but still he was used to it too and one day he took it and lost his life. I hate to think about this but maybe I can save someone's life. Xanax does help when taking methadone for the anxiety. Like I said LOW DOESES and neverrrrr take more in short periods of time because "you don't feel it" give it time. Thank you.
This is mainly a FYI. I am a 57 y/o male healthcare physician working part-time. In October 1993 I slipped while carrying some boxes downstairs and I fell down a flight of stairs. I believe my low back hit each one of the 15 steps. I have had severe chronic back pain every day since that fall. I could not walk for the first 2 weeks after the fall. I was in excellent physical condition before I fell and I believe that is the only reason I am able to still walk. However, I am slowly losing the feeling in both legs (40-50% to date) and I will end up in a wheelchair someday soon.
I have been on just about every narcotic pain reliever since the fall. I have had Fentanyl, Hydromorphone, Oxymorphone, Methadone, Morphine IR and ER, Oxycodone and Hydrocodone in various combinations. However, I find Methadone works the best with Oxycodone for pain. The Methadone does not have the "euphoric effect" as great as other narcotic pain meds. Also, it is very inexpensive compared to the others. I currently pay ~$47.00 for a 30 day supply of Methadone 10mg #480. I have been on this combination of Methadone with Oxycodone for over 15 years.
In January 2005 I had severe influenza that lasted for about 2 weeks. I usually recovered from the flu in about 3 Days. The influenza caused PVFS (Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome) or CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome), as they are hard to differentiate. As a result, I have the extreme fatigue and severe mental fog. In addition, I developed Hypotrophic Hypogonadism due to a suppression of a hypothalamic hormone. Now I have to take inj's. of 200mg Testosterone Cypionate every 7 days. As for the chronic pain, I currently take daily an average of 160mg Methadone, 180mg Oxycodone, 200mg Norflex and Tylenol. For the fatigue and mental fog I take 60mg Adderall and 200mg caffeine daily. I have been very blessed to have CPPs that care and prescribe what is needed and I need this just to get through the day. I have not had any problems with these medications taken together. An added benefit of the Adderall is the antidepressant effect.
The only medications I have had problems with are NSAIDS, particularly Voltarin, which caused a gastric bleed and tricyclic antidepressants which caused Sudden Cardiac Death. Fortunately my wife was near when that happened so she was able to revive me prior to the EMTs arriving. I hope this helps someone concerned about combining medications. On thing I recommend is to always take your Rxs with a little food on your stomach. It helps protect your stomach lining and slows down the absorption of medication that helps prolong the pain relieving effects.
ICYDK, drug inserts are basically the pharmaceutical companies way of CYA and they list everything that could possibly happen. Have you ever notice how similar the inserts are to each other? I hope this information can help someone someway. Also, I sincerely hope each you have a very blessed day.
Taking any drug from two different classes can cause unwanted side effects. Take this from an experienced psychiatric nurse. The adderall is an amphetamine as the Methadone us an opiat. These two drugs can cause in rare cases, Serotonin Syndrome. You may experience uncontrollable sweating, severe depression, Agitation, and drowsiness. DO NOT take these two drugs together, don't believe me, ask a doctor or mental health professional. Have a good day, namaste.
Clonadine patches will help with ur hot flashes..
God has been taking good care of you. You're taking deadly combinations. I've seen people drink liquid methadone and outside taking xanax walking a few blocks sit down and die or just lay down on the sidewalk all messed up. Please be really careful.
regarding methadoene and xanax together i had a doctor give me methadone for 120 mg pluss xanax at the same time and i peed the bed and could not do nothing and when i feel asleep i peed the bed more than one time and i stopped taking it and i told him my friends think you are kiilling me doctor AND I could die and he said the only way i could die is if i take it differently than how he said to take it, but anyhow i did see at the methadone clinic when i was there like there were people who died while i was there and i asked to see the cards of people who died and there was a big box full like over a hundred for just that year who died and i was scared and even i hate my methadone but it seems im stuck. it is so hard to stop taking it and besides i cant hardly walk and i did notice after i started taking the methadone my legs got so so bad and then i was using a walker. now a wheelchair. i need two knee replacements and i have five buldging disks in my lower back. i wish i never was in pain ever and never started it. i have been on pain killers for 26 years straight and yeah it's a trap. that is scarry stuff man and im stuck on it due to pain and in order to move i must take it, but i notice when i just took any pain med except methadone i had alot of energy and can clean and move everything but with methadone it does not give me that energy. i just im a hot mess and my house gets a hot mess being on this crap, but i cant quit it. seems i dont want to die on these pills but it has a hold on my life. do you all feel me? do you feel the same way? anyone out there been on pain meds for over 26 years? and im still alive. if any of you just started methadone quit while you can because it's a trap. you will be on it forever and it sucks and it makes you gain weight. this is a fact.
Thanks for sharing. I too get depressed, hot flashes, body pain - the air hurts! It's horrible. After 6PM. I was hoping adderall taken in the morning would help while not keeping me up all night. Are you able to sleep taking adderall at 5 or 6 PM. Methadone saved my life. A lifetime of addiction, 10 years in prison and a 3 time looser. I got on methadone, started going to AA, got medical treatment for my anxiety, went back to school and got my degree in computer programming. (I already knew how, just no degree) got an insanely awesome job right out of school. They know my past and because of my years in AA gave me a chance. Been there 3 years now and my income more than tripled over night. Bought my first home, happily married. Just sucks I get up and work until 5 then the pain and depression start. I'm tapering off of methadone. I was at 250mg per day (fast metabolism and liver issue, hep c - and after $90,000 treatment thanks to my health insurance new antiviral medicine Zepitier recently cured me). Down to 95mg per day.
So when u took methadone an addies together it made u feel support supper?? Lol
Vistiril or alot of benadryl helps alot, I know it sounds weird but Iv e been thru withdrawl ALOT and this helps with the hot and cold and shakes and may help you slepp especiall if combined with Trazadone or Ambien.
Wanna be best friends? Hahah
That is an incorrect statement as the medications major effects are on different receptors. The Adderall would have to displace the methadone from its receptor to cause a "withdrawal" effect.
Narcan works so well because in an overdose situation the Narcan "knocks" all the opiates off their respective receptors. Narcan and similar medications will actually cause an individual to have physical withdrawal for as long as the Narcan is supplied. That is why physicians must give Narcan in IV solutions over time because it has a very short half-life of approximately 15 minutes. If an individual was in overdose and given a single inj. of Narcan, they would be "safe" for only about 15 minutes. As soon as the Narcan was degraded the opiates would effect their receptors again causing the overdose to begin again. This is because most opiates have longer half-lives on the factor of hours and not minutes.
As for taking Adderall with Methadone, I am sure your physician carefully considered all your medications before prescribing the Adderall. The simple truth is Adderall, being a stimulant, increases your rate of respiration therefore "counteracting" the respiratory depression effect of the methadone. Which, of course, is the major problem with most narcotics. These medications suppress your rate of respiration to a point where the amount of air inhaled and exhaled is insufficient to maintain life and you DIE!!
Ask your doctor about Clonidine, a blood pressure med. I heard it works good for hot flashes and sweats. Good Luck!
I take 70 mg of done everyday except for Sundays and today I took an adderall 30 mg to take the edge off of not having it. I'm doing just fine. Of course always be careful mixing drugs bcuz it depends on the person and their medical problems and history. Bit for me it gave me back my energy and the pain went away. The sweating didn't stop and i don't always crave something sweet which is a side effect of methadone but you can take a vitamin called vitadone to have the side effects subside.
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