Can I Take Methadone With Adderall? (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Can you take Methadone while being prescribed Adderall?

86 Replies (5 Pages)

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Hello. I'm currently on Methadone 57 mg. I've been on it 6mos now. I became addicted to opiates 4yrs ago after back surgery. Anyway, my doctor is thinking about putting me on Adderall for ADD. He says it's very safe to take the two together. I am just looking for other opinions....thanks.

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concerned about college student taking cocane and ateral together

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i just looked that up tonight and yep it did say i could not take ateral and methadone together i have add and wow it is so hard to get any meds for that so i give up even thugh i need it it is so hard for me to consentrate at all and i do know the methadone is runing my llife becaue i just want to sleep sleep sleep and thats all i talke methadone tablets ten mg and i take eight at one time or some times i willl take seven or six because of all my back pain and wrist and knees i do not know what to do i wish i nwvwe took this methadone but i got sick real sick rawaling on the ground so i went to clinic and finally found a dr to give me pills and i asked him can i not take methadone and takw something elese insread and no he said but he gives ne oxy only 15 mg and the nethadone but i have been on same dose for 5 years he will not change it im in so much pain my other doctor sain pain pills will make u more in pain at times i think he might bre right but i feel like i cant not not take it or i get deathly sick its just twrable i need 2 kneereplacements also and was going to get weight lss surgery but i think u can not take pills on that it geys stuck or somthing so now what from sad girl i cant spell sorlry and type lol

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Well i have a serious case of adhd and my dr put me on stratera and im also on 80ng of methadone. The stratera makes me so tired, i hate the way it makes me feel.

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I take vitadone. It is great for hot flashes, constipation and a lot of other symptoms.

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Hi, I have always been extremely sensitive to medications, one way or the other, to make a long story short. Some would work wonders and some would make me feel sick to my stomach. Some medications worked for as long as the Doctors claimed that they would, and some would not. Hence, after 5 years of taking different opioids for chronic back pain, and complaining that the meds weren't working as long as they should, I was becoming labeled a "Drug Seeker". This infuriated me because I am anything but a drug seeker and all I want is adequate, relief for my pain. Thus, after years of trying to be my own advocate and explain to the Doctors that I was not experiencing the therapeutic benefits of certain meds and they refused to believe me until my Psychiatrist performed a Genetic analysis that determined how quickly or slowly I metabolized my medications and well wouldn't you know it. I am in a 1% - 3% range of humans on the planet with a genetic "defect" that causes me to metabolize my Opioid Medication (Methadone) three times faster than the average person's metabolism does. Thank God, for this marvelous diagnostic that can now be done, if your insurance covers it and perhaps you can figure out a better combination of medications, and/or different means of dosing the medications. I hope this tidbit of information helps someone?

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What does clonidine do to someone that is on 155 mg methadone?

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How long did the bad withdrawals last?? I tapered down to 25 mgs a day then stopped...the fourth week was harder than the first 3 and I couldn't take the pain and insomnia anymore..

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My Family doctor help me to detox from methadone, he prescribed klonipin and it was a MIRACLE pill during this trying time.

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Re: HOT BOSS (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I came off of methadone cold turkey and there was absolutely nothing that I could do that took away my hot flashes achy legs runny nose I was real irritable and I did not crap anything solid for almost 8 months it was straight water when I went to the bathroom for almost 8 months

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Re: HOT BOSS (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Xanax works well and norco. If the xanax alone won't work.but try not more than 7 days or you will have a new adition..

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Re: Woods04 (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

I have been taking methadone for 13 yrs. Also i have been taking adderrall for 6 yrs. I have been doing a self taperring on my methadone for almost 16 months. When i started my taperring i was at 134mg a day. Now 16 months later i am at 11mg a day. You have to be 100% ready to do a taperring if u want off methadone. u have to be all in no DOUBTS. U have to research have support around u and somehow keep yourself busy. The worst thing i found is still being around friends that abuse it. I had to change some friends. I have a target date to be fully off of methadone within 5 months. The trick is go very slow if u can. Money does play a factor. The slower the easier withdrawals. Remember u have to want it 110% end of story. No ifs and or buts. Usually it will take u hitting rock bottom. It can be done and remember u will not die from methadone withdrawal very very very rare. Im doing it while holding and always holding a full time job. If your drops are dirty other than methadone ur not ready. U have to b ALL IN.

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I have been having many problems taking my methadone an adderal. I've had to increase my methadone do to the Adderall burning the methadone up. And now I'm getting tired and the day again because of methadone. I need the Adderall and I need the methadone but this is no life.

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Re: HOT BOSS (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I have bought vitadone and nutridone last week due to all my hot flashes and sweating because of methadone. I'm on 120 mg of methadone and 40 mg of Adderall. Although I'm not active very much after 6 hours of my methadone. I feel like sleeping all day. So when I told the doctors that, they decrease my methadone and then at about 2 in the morning I started getting restless I couldn't sleep I had chills I was cold I was Restless. Does any of that sound familiar? But anyways I bought the vitadone a nutridone it says it takes like 10 days to help the sweating it's not helping yet but fingers crossed.

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Re: HOT BOSS (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I was on 197mg of methadone and I dropped down 2 mg a week for a few months and ended up on 156 mg. As soon as I hit 156 sweat stopped and everything, all that b******* just stopped, it was amazing and I'm almost a licensed massage therapist so I'm consistently working. Massage is a very hard job to do. It's very active and a lot of energy performing the different modalities that people need and the amount of pressure you have to use and so forth and so on. It's the only thing that I can suggest that works for me cuz I had them sweats and nasty nasty sweats up until I started lowering my dosage. The only reason I made it is I was in a bad car accident and I got addicted to prescription pain pills. The truck driver hit black ice and jackknifed the truck and then another one behind him which I was in between the both of them, he hits the same black ice, jackknives and they told me I came through the window from a sign and went through my face right in the center. So my palate which is the roof of your mouth, my teeth and my septum, everything that was in the middle of my face from my nose went down my throat. They fix it. I died three times. I'm lucky to be alive. We tried my to detox and wean myself down from the vicodin because I was just sick of having to buy more because I was so addicted at that point after 3 years I needed more than they could ever give me.

I needed almost double, come to find out my ex-husband was also stealing them but that's another story, but I got to go down really slow. So when they try to detox me I started having seizures really bad so that's why I went on methadone because I didn't want to go on suboxone. I figured god gave me a new life and I was going to take advantage of the new one and not touch any of that bull s*** anymore. So I am still detoxing down. I'm still going and I don't care if it takes me to the next 10 years. I'm going down to 2mg a week unless I start having seizures or seizure-like feelings then I'll stop and we'll know that I'm just going to be a life around methadone that's going to suck cuz it's not anything that anybody would want for themselves but sometimes it doesn't always work out that way. I had a lot of frontal head injuries so it's a ridiculous miracle that they saved my life. I enjoy every minute of life today. Peace and love to all my brothers and sisters who are fighting the drug battle. Keep fighting. It is what it is. We are who we are. I got two degrees now and I own my own business. It can be done, even on methadone. God bless.

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Re: HOT BOSS (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Clonidine will help with withdraw symptoms. If you are being monitored by a clinic or pcp, they will prescribe the clonidine for withdraw. The medicine helped me in full blown withdraw. So mild withdraw like hot flashes should be helped.

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Re: Lollipop (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I take methadone also. Only 40mgs at the moment. But my advice to you and anyone that's on methadone. Please limit your benzo intake. I've seen and heard of too many of my close friends dying bc of that mixture. Just be careful. Everything in moderation. That's the rule of thumb I like to use and stick by.

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Re: curtislow (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

Yes This is a DEADLY Combination. Please stop the xanax now. Ive watched/heard of countless friends dying from this concoction. Its not worth it. I have anxiety attacks baaaad.. But I dont EVER take benzos anymore now that Im on methadone. Please dont become a statistic.

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Re: Eye (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

Legally theyre not allowed to just cut u off. Thats crazy. A dr is supposed to taper his/her patients off methadone bc it can be Very dangerous to get off cold turkey.

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Re: lostone (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

You need to come down from the methadone ASAP!! I currently go to a methadone clinic and brought myself up to 126mg every morning, I did more harm than good, I was always tired, drained, I had really bad morning sickness, I would throw up the methadone as soon as I got home and after I threw up I was fine. I was simply overdosing myself. You have to be careful when you increase your dosage at a clinic bc most the ppl there are not qualified and will keep increasing your dose upone your request, know your limits bc they will not. I am currently down from 126mg to 25mg and I tell you what, no more drowsiness or fatigue. The best thing for you to do is to taper Down 5mg a week until you notice withdrawal symptoms then go down to 1mg a week. You are over toxicated and that’s why you feel the way you do. Good luck and hope you gain control of your life.

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