Can I Take Methadone With Adderall? (Page 4)
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Can you take Methadone while being prescribed Adderall?

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Wanna be best friends? Hahah

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This is mainly a FYI. I am a 57 y/o male healthcare physician working part-time. In October 1993 I slipped while carrying some boxes downstairs and I fell down a flight of stairs. I believe my low back hit each one of the 15 steps. I have had severe chronic back pain every day since that fall. I could not walk for the first 2 weeks after the fall. I was in excellent physical condition before I fell and I believe that is the only reason I am able to still walk. However, I am slowly losing the feeling in both legs (40-50% to date) and I will end up in a wheelchair someday soon.

I have been on just about every narcotic pain reliever since the fall. I have had Fentanyl, Hydromorphone, Oxymorphone, Methadone, Morphine IR and ER, Oxycodone and Hydrocodone in various combinations. However, I find Methadone works the best with Oxycodone for pain. The Methadone does not have the "euphoric effect" as great as other narcotic pain meds. Also, it is very inexpensive compared to the others. I currently pay ~$47.00 for a 30 day supply of Methadone 10mg #480. I have been on this combination of Methadone with Oxycodone for over 15 years.

In January 2005 I had severe influenza that lasted for about 2 weeks. I usually recovered from the flu in about 3 Days. The influenza caused PVFS (Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome) or CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome), as they are hard to differentiate. As a result, I have the extreme fatigue and severe mental fog. In addition, I developed Hypotrophic Hypogonadism due to a suppression of a hypothalamic hormone. Now I have to take inj's. of 200mg Testosterone Cypionate every 7 days. As for the chronic pain, I currently take daily an average of 160mg Methadone, 180mg Oxycodone, 200mg Norflex and Tylenol. For the fatigue and mental fog I take 60mg Adderall and 200mg caffeine daily. I have been very blessed to have CPPs that care and prescribe what is needed and I need this just to get through the day. I have not had any problems with these medications taken together. An added benefit of the Adderall is the antidepressant effect.

The only medications I have had problems with are NSAIDS, particularly Voltarin, which caused a gastric bleed and tricyclic antidepressants which caused Sudden Cardiac Death. Fortunately my wife was near when that happened so she was able to revive me prior to the EMTs arriving. I hope this helps someone concerned about combining medications. On thing I recommend is to always take your Rxs with a little food on your stomach. It helps protect your stomach lining and slows down the absorption of medication that helps prolong the pain relieving effects.

ICYDK, drug inserts are basically the pharmaceutical companies way of CYA and they list everything that could possibly happen. Have you ever notice how similar the inserts are to each other? I hope this information can help someone someway. Also, I sincerely hope each you have a very blessed day.

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Vistiril or alot of benadryl helps alot, I know it sounds weird but Iv e been thru withdrawl ALOT and this helps with the hot and cold and shakes and may help you slepp especiall if combined with Trazadone or Ambien.

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I've been through a lot in my 30 years. Yes a lot can happen in that time. I have many things to comment about due to drug use and it's effects, what works and what doesn't. But everyone is different. One thing I will say is that methadone and xanax is deadly. My boyfriend passed away due to an overdose and he could handle ALOT. One day he couldn't. So as a precaution please do not overdo it. And as far as my own experiences, staying at low doses were obviously ok but still he was used to it too and one day he took it and lost his life. I hate to think about this but maybe I can save someone's life. Xanax does help when taking methadone for the anxiety. Like I said LOW DOESES and neverrrrr take more in short periods of time because "you don't feel it" give it time. Thank you.

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So when u took methadone an addies together it made u feel support supper?? Lol

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I see a few people saying to use benzodiazepines (such as xanax, klonipins, volumes, adivans, etc..) with methadone.... Please, PLEASE, Please don't mix opiates, and benzodiazepines!!!! That is a lethal, combination and will kill you most definitely!!! Please listen to me I personally, know several people that are no longer on the planet earth because they decided to mix those two substances... I also appreciate the comments about adderal and methadone, was doing research to help more of my friends that were debating about those two substances... I am a grateful recovering addict and alcoholic, I have 5 years clean in July!! I hope everyone realizes the seriousness of this sickness, it claims lives everyday.... Believe me I know it's far from easy but if you put your head and drive in doing it, all things are possible!! God bless all of you!!

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Wow I'm right there with you I got addicted the same way and I have the same exact concerns about my baby ever being old enough to know what I'm doing to myself. .. Not to mention my husband wants more kids, I won't do that to a baby again next baby I will be clean! No matter what I have to go through its better then the baby having to do it. .. Thank you for all you said it gives me hope and makes me feel a little better to know I'm not the only one going through this that feels horrible about what they are putting their baby's through... Thanks again and I'm sure I'll see you at the clinic...

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Hello i am on 160 of methadone. I am also 30xr of adderol. I had major hot flashes from the merhadone itself. I finally found a natural cure that works!!!! Bee pollin!!!! U can find bee pollin at a natural foods store. I also take vitadone. My hot flashes have gone away completely as well as severe sweating. Bee pollin helps with many other things including allergies. U just take a tspn of bee pollin. Put under your tongue and chase ghe taste with an orange. :-) hope this helps. It costs about 8 bucks for small bag.

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Ive been on Methadone for three years and I have tried the detoxing at once and that's not a bright decision. However a lot of people that have been on it as long as I have know that they usually gradually go from a powers dose to a higher dose over a period of time. So the best knowledge to give to someone trying to detox off of methadone would be to taper down every four days one mg that way you get off of it the same way you got on it and it's more likely goin to be a successful detox without the Sweats, Pain, nausea, possible vomitting, etc. however to me if you have just been on a low dose and no higher than 25-30 mg then more than likely your goin to take a lot less time and effort to detox but using the same route. Get a scale that weighs your mg and put ur meds on there weigh it take 30 like your normal dose next week weigh it to 20mg taking 1mg off your dose maybe 2mg depending on yourself N your drive/motivation and just go from week to week and when u get down to 10-12 mg start weighing every 9 days that way your body can get used to tht dose like it did when you got on that dose when you started taking the methadone. And if that works for u do it until you completely off. Could even try the opposite on the days and instead of taking ur days frm 7 to 9 taking it 7 to 5 or something. It wil work and probably work better than anything. I've also had a friend that was addicted to Xanax and methadone two very lethal drugs when it's mixed!!!!! *I ADVISE EVERyONE TO STAY AWAY FROM THAT COMBINATION it's KILLED MANY MANY people I know in their sleep. *. But this friend went to a suboxen clinic and they made her detox off of methadone before they started her on the subs well they made her start detox nor completely just couldn't take it for like three days I believe. They didn't know her reasons for doing what she was doing bc of course a doctor isn't goin to try and get you off of methadone to turn around and tell you that you don't have to keep taking sub oxen long after your on it. Well she switched to subs and before she let her body get used to it and grab it she allowed the medicine to get her through her methadone withdrawals and out of the clear with that it took her body seven days to soak in the meds good. She took it for three weeks daily and not as much as prescribed either or she may not have been successful possibly. But after taking it for three weeks she quit taking it and because her body wasn't used to the drug like it was the methadone she don't withdrawal and she didn't have any symptoms she was free frm all pills at that point. It was a life saver for sure!!!! I def recommend either of these solutions to anyone that's addicted to methadone. It's an awful drug to shake I know all about it. I'm still battling it today. I know what to do to quit I just haven't made it that far with the decision indefinite. I pray everyday GOD prepares me sooner than later so that I'm not an old lady dependent on anything. I'm 29 and have only been addicted to pills for 4 years which happened in the hospital when I had my first child. Which that happens to a lot of mothers with my type of personality. GOOD LUCK to anyone wanting off of it!!! Anyone can do it with the help of others. There's so many ways to do it too. U learn something new all the time. ;). Hopes this helps and changes a life of an older person that's been addicted their whole lives or a young person that's headed that way. And even for us mothers that love our babies more than life and would love nothing more than to get clean before our babies are old enough to see us self destruct and know the truth. Thank god I still have that chance n hope y'all do too.

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will Adderall decrease my steady methadone dose:?

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I taken 160 mg of liquid methadone everyday for 10 years I can hardly feel it after 10 years at the same dose. When I wake up in the mourning I feel very sick till I dose to give me some energy about 4 months ago I started taking 15 mg of Adderall instant release .At first the combo worked great but now I feel great for about 4 hours then I feel scared nervous weak very sad how do I get out of this mess if I don't take the Adderall I just want to sleep have no energy talk very little feel sad not sure if it this bottle of genric Adderall or my brain chemistry or what but i can't go on like this I don't know what to do.

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that is definitely not true it is dangerous to take both IF you are not taking these medications the right way or under a doctors care some people such as myself really need that medication

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Im on 60 mg of methadone a day and its been a blessing for me as well. I noticed that you said you take zanax with methadone. I have had a few friends die from that combination. The two drugs mixed together will shut your respiratory system down especially taking over a 100 mg of methadone. If I were you I would decide which is more important not withdrawing from opiates or anxiety atacks. If you keep taking both you wont have to worry much longer about either. Good luck. Ask your doctor about the combo.

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You can just stop taking methadone. I was on 80 mgs a day for three years and decided I didn't want to depend on something anymore! I did it cold Turkey! It was very hard! I couldn't sleep, had withdrawals pretty bad. But you will not die! You just need the will power!!!

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Dont take so much adderall and youll be fine.The key to methadone is stability
Do everything the same every day.Any little changes to dose of any drug your taking
will bring on some withdraw symptoms..

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Regarding methadone, if someone has been on it for relatively on a few weeks(3-4) than a one week taper can be effectively done, depending ofcourse of many factors such as the dosage(whether started on and remained with the 20mg range for chronic pain, or using higher dosages to titrate because of opiate detoxification reasons. Also, biological and socioeconomic stress factors play a role psychologically too) If you went for three day intervals, for example tapering off 20mgs using the following method: taking 10mg in the morning, 10mg at night, than went to 5mg am, 10mg for three days, following 5mg am 5mg at night, and finally 5mg for last three days down to nothing(again, based on factors mentioned above along with ones system and whether their CNS along with peripheral has been through withdrawals for example of other strong binding opioids in past. That could compromise someone to have to taper off a bit longer. Also, clonidine, hydroxyzine along with gabapentin or even lyrica short term use all in conjunction may be very beneficial in a faster taper.
@Lollipop-Regarding Adderall with methadone, one is a CNS stimulant, the other a CNS depressant. They don't have cross tolerance, but again, every individual differs. Have to take into various things such as tolerance, if someone has psychological related issues, psychosis, and many other possibly not fully consciously aware of which(although very low probability that someone wouldn't already realize they were suffering from a specific type of disorder) triggers mania, anxiety,etc.. However, I do disagree with the use two CNS depressants like clonazepam with methadone. That is dangerous(again not for all, but those who are not tolerant, have never taken both or one, along with the fact you now are dealing with various different neurotransmitters being potentially compromised, leading to minor side effects, to severe, to none many times. Always use precaution, know theyself:)

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Regarding methadone, if someone has been on it for relatively on a few weeks(3-4) than a one week taper can be effectively done, depending ofcourse of many factors such as the dosage(whether started on and remained with the 20mg range for chronic pain, or using higher dosages to titrate because of opiate detoxification reasons. Also, biological and socioeconomic stress factors play a role psychologically too) If you went for three day intervals, for example tapering off 20mgs using the following method: taking 10mg in the morning, 10mg at night, than went to 5mg am, 10mg for three days, following 5mg am 5mg at night, and finally 5mg for last three days down to nothing(again, based on factors mentioned above along with ones system and whether their CNS along with peripheral has been through withdrawals for example of other strong binding opioids in past. That could compromise someone to have to taper off a bit longer. Also, clonidine, hydroxyzine along with gabapentin or even lyrica short term use all in conjunction may be very beneficial in a faster taper.

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You can't just stop taking methadone

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I,take 60mg of methadone also 60mg of adderal a day.I absolutely have no problem with neither of them.the only part I don't like from the amphetamine is when they make you feel like you took about 15 mini thins you feel like you are on that's why I take a klonopin to make that feeling go away.these two drugs help me stay focused through the day they make the anxiety go away also the depression,my social skills 100 percent better.Now on the other hand if I didn't have my amphetamine there is no way I can focus.its time to go night night.So basically I see nothing wrong with taking amphetamine with methadone.Don't let it control you make sure you control it.Also one other thing make sure you take some type of Benzo with it it will help take the edge off.

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Be careful with methadone on any mg. Even if you have a high tolerance for short-acting, long acting opiates and stimulants(remember also, certain stims differ, Ritalin is a NE and Dop reuptake and transport blocker, Focalin seems to be a "duel mechanism" reuptaking both dopamine, norepinephrine, but unlike Adderall doesn't touch even slightly serotonin. Adderall is more of a releaser. However, methadone, is extremely potent if never taken and one never knows(even though chances are, low dosage of methadone won't hurt, kill,etc.. mixed with Adderall) careful.

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