Can I Still Buy Bgo Ointment? (Page 2)
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I need to know if i can still buy bgo ointment?

29 Replies (2 Pages)

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only place i have found bgo is by looking in old country stores. some of them had a medical section where they will have a dusty supply of it. ocassionally an old mom and pop type drug store will have a jar or two in their storage.

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Name and telephone of pharmacist who makes GBO ointment

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please email me your contact info. my whole family would purchase it from you if its same as the original!

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Please contact me if you still make the BGO ointment. I have been looking for this for years. Thank you.

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Where are you located? I would like information on the making of bgo ointment

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yes please send me contact for pharmiest that does the compounding for bgo ointment thanks

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Please tell me what pharmacy you work at. I would like to purchase some if it just like the old BGO.

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Yes, it can be made by compounding pharmacists.....only problem is that it is time-consuming to make and will cost quite a bit...

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No, it is no longer being manufactured. We've had several people wanting to find it.

Have you tried asking your pharmacist to help you locate something comparable?

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