Can I Cut Losartan/hct 100/12.5 Mg In Half?
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My BP is ok but I'm so dizzy & it feels like there's pressure in my head. Can I cut the pill in half to see if that helps?

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My blood pressure was 88/48 yesterday can I cut losartan /hctz 500/12.5 my in half

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Howdy Aname, I've been taking 100mg/25mg for years. I told my Doc about the ED problem and he gave me a blood test for testosterone. My T was fine and he gave me Viagra, I only get 4 of them a month and must split those in half. A year later I started getting hives from all sorts of random foods that never bothered me before. I was taking a multivitamin with at least 15mg of zinc, but at the same time as the medication and probably just flushed it out. One winter I got sick and started taking 500 Vit-C and 50 Zinc and Folate. It was like magic the ED problems went away, acid reflex and allergies calmed down after a few weeks. I did stop taking the zinc months later because I was getting spider veins, turns out I needed the copper (copper deficiency can cause spider veins). After reading your post Aname, it all adds up perfectly. I’ll take a Multi with 15 zinc and add another 30mg of Zinc with the copper, and take them opposite ends of the day. Thanks!

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started higher dose losartan 100/ 12.5 and glipizide. now have irregular heartbeat. hospital dosent know why. can you help?

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Hello E, Yes I'm having the same problem with Losartan 100/12.5 and libido. Doctor didn't have answers other than maybe blaming the diuretic, then he gave me Viagra. After the first year I started getting bad hives from foods. With research I figured out it was because of depleted Zinc levels, who knows what else is depleted, maybe take a multi-vitamin every other day. Also eat fruits and foods with potassium and magnesium and Folate (Folic Acid). Take 50 mg Zinc with Copper at opposite ends of the day from this medication. As for myself I'm trying to get off these meds. These drugs make numbers look good, but not address the real problem that causes the high blood pressure. You need to lose weight, 45-Min walk each day in the sun, Avoid Fast Food (MSG + Salt) and Soda (Fructose)! Try eating Quinoa in place of rice a few times a week.. Good Luck!

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I'm taking Losartan 100/12.5 and now my libido is gone. The feeling is no longer there and now I can't perform. I have tried some over the counter products but no success. What can I do?

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Hello, Fran! How are you? I'm sorry that you're so dizzy.

Yes, these tablets can be cut in half, as long as your doctor approves.

The FDA lists the other typical side effects as possibly including nausea, headache, increased urination and dehydration.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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