Can I Add Methadone To Clean Urine And Pass A Drug Test That Needs To Be Positive For Methadone And Nothing Else? (Page 3)
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i am on 76mls of methadone have been clean from heroin addiction for 8 months. things were great, me and my partner of 12 years were on a high because we were clean but for the past few weeks iv became majorly depressed and he my partner started getting 'itchy' he came home yesterday with heroin ....major regrets and i now feel so low and disgusted with us both its even worse because we are at the drug screening clinic today!! why i wasnt strong enough yesterday to say no is beyond me uuugh anyway my question is this if i got someone who is completely drug free to give me a urine sample and added a tiny droplet of methadone to it would i pass a drug screening test? i want to come clean we have been addicts for 10 years we have finally a brilliant drug worker who has helped us ALOT and put her neck on the line for us as well, the staff really liked us, they sent my partner away to detox 7 months ago and it cost them £3000 he was extremely lucky as that is hardly ever done in the town we live in and from the facility we are at i dnt even want to look them in the eyes. we feel so bad and dnt want to let anyone down. someone told us they have been putting methadone in clean urine for 2 yrs and getting away with it im not so sure about this? and am very anxious. my partner has more to lose he has manic depression and is on vallium we have been given weekly pick up in full for our methadone and he gets his vallium monthly hes worried theyl take our privaliges away frm us so has asked me to do it just this once and he will never put me in the position again. if this isnt going to work i dnt even want to try it id rather just come clean and be honest and get the help we need but im not getting through to him and i dnt wnat to make him look bad if he lies and i tell the truth. thanks.

292 Replies (15 Pages)

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Re: Curious (# 219) Expand Referenced Message

If they send to a lab, it won't work! TRUST ME!!!

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Can mixing clean urine with methadone positive urine work for this specific test that checks for methadone metabolites? I am sure that you probably need to mix half and half or to be safe...more of the methadone positive urine than the regular clean urine.Is it possible to pass positive on methadone metabolites in a lab drug test,with no other drugs(obviously) besides methadone?The Random UA's we take check for creatine,metabolites,etc.levels. I just wanted to know if this method works?

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Can you add methadone positive pee mixed with a bit of clean urine? I go to a clinic that checks for methadone metabolites in ua'(they are actually Quest Diagnostics Lab screening tests)?Has anybody tried this method and succeeded? I had a relapse of Rx for panic attacks(benzo) due to hurricane Harvey ruining just about everything we own! it's been SO DIFFICULT!I get take-home 6 days,and I don't want to lose them.Getting clean methadone urine is difficult,and I am running low.Please,if anyone has tried this method,or knows that the methadone metabolites will still show,mixed with a bit of pure clean urine.They use Quest diagnostics lab screening test,they check the basics but want to make sure that your clean and taking your methadone doses,so creatine levels,methadone metabolites,etc.are checked. I used the 100% methadone+ only urine once already,and past!I just wanted to know if this mixing clean urine with methadone positive urine will work for the US lab test?

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Re: Juicy Fruit (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Probably your BUN and creatine were off.....elevated levels can be indicative of impaired kidney function or dehydration.

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Re: josaphene (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

listen don't do it as the new test pots won't register the methadone unless it's been metabolized by going three ones system wish I knew there new pots worked

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I too am in the same position, but I’m hesitant to drop methadone in clean urine because I tried that a couple years ago and when it came back they knew what I had done because the metabolites were wrong. Basically they told me the only way to get the results I had was by putting it in clean pee. Maybe your clinic doesn’t send y’alls test away but both I’ve been to do, so I wouldn’t advise it. Best thing to do is try to find somebody clean that’s willing to take some methadone to give you some urine. Other than being clean for enough time to be able to pass and then stock pile. That’s a very very hard thing to find if your life is like mine. I wish you the best though.

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Re: Kev (# 237) Expand Referenced Message

Instant tests will work. Lab tests will not. I'm my experience.

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I totally agree! I'm on methadone for pain, and my dr. rarely tests, but I also take small amounts of Xanax and consume marijuana for R.A. pain and anxiety. The prices you gave for getting on medical marijuana sound the same as Florida. It's basically impossible for most, so I'm still sneaking for now as well.

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Re: Loyal (# 227) Expand Referenced Message

Actually, It worked for me, soooo... BUT, As others have said, it depends on the kind of test they're giving you.

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Re: Slickvic (# 242) Expand Referenced Message

It doesn't work on the lab that analyzes our test. The methadone supposedly creates a certain byproduct when it passes thru your liver, that will also be present in the urine. You may not even have had the test right? Regardless, try getting someone in the program that is clean and use their urine. Then you need to make sure the temp is right and you don't get caught doing that.

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Hey man, I'm sorry to say this so bluntly but you really need to calm down because it's not that serious. I go to a clinic too and far as im concerned the drug tests are a bulls*** thing to make us take. Your making it sound like its over and its not. If you got clean you did it for you not them. So what if you only dosed once. It's over now, move on. Nothing changed, you just had a moment of weakness. If you turn it into a huge thing it will become a big deal. You have no control over the past. You only have control of asking someone there for urine. DO NOT TELL ON YOURSELF - THAT CAN ONLY HURT YOU AT THE CLINIC. I heard it works but i wouldn't risk it unless you know. Good luck.

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Re: Cindy (# 195) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, I am from Germany and have the same problem, because I get Methadon by take home and don't want that it will be cancelled. The last year I passed the screening on that way that I take my pee after 5 days and took it in the freezer. In this time I only drink my methadone and use no other drugs. So I had 15 to 20 little plastic bottles in the freezer, the night before I had to go to my doc, I take it out of it and in the morning it was ready. I placed it in my shorts and also took my pocket heater with me. Before I had a look at the pee if there were no flocks in it or other little things. If they were then I put it very carefully in a new bottle without these tiles. And that worked the hole year. Today I used clean synthetic urin and took a drop methadone in it, then I make it as warm as it had to be (hand heater) and it also worked. But I think that I have had a lot of luck, because they test my pee only for the methadone and not for the metabolized EDDP. Some docs uses a new way to test polamydon and methadone user. They have to drink something before the test. In the drink is some "Marker" what is variable, so that only the doc knows what marker was in it. And after 15 or 20 minutes you have to pee and then they look for the metabolized marker that have to be in the pee. Using this type of testing has the advance that no one has to go control the user by peeing at the toilet. But no user can manipulate this way of urin screening and a lot of them lost the take home status. Mike

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Re: josaphene (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

These days I don't know but I'm hoping to hear from someone that takes a 11 or 12 panel test. My program sometimes will pop an instant 5 panel and send the remainder of the sample to the lab as well. This is rare and only on callbacks for those with take home priveledges of 6 a week. How's this, in 99 I used to give my program weak tea with a drop off methadone, warned up and pass!! I know there's no chance of that now, and I assume they weren't checking for creatine.

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I have a way that y'all can pass a urine test and still have methadone in ur system. It's a lot easier than some other weird things I've read. So......this involves knowing that if you are clean at that moment for 1 day, pee in a butter tub that day and u don't hafta freeze it. I've left my urine in the refrigerator for up to 4 months (unless u a have a U.T.I). It's clean but still has methadone in it.

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Re: Macbeth (# 235) Expand Referenced Message

I replied earlier, but I'm not sure if I replied back with my results. It worked for me. They do a very simple cup test at my Dr. Where the lines show up on the cup. I used hand warmers to warm mine. I also use THC for anxiety and pain control. YES, we now have legal weed by prescription, but 1. It's $250 for the 1st appointment, and then, I Think, it's $150 every 90 days! Plus... my Dr. only approves of the CBT part of the plant, not the THC, so for now it's sneak around still.

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Re: Katie (# 217) Expand Referenced Message

What if its just a dip test with the strip of paper?

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Re: Hardknoxkicker (# 232) Expand Referenced Message

Everyone i know that is on methadone switchs their urine. Dint know how but they do.

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I am on Methadone tablets. Can these be added to clean urine to pass a dip test for methadone only?

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Re: cheri (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Insert a small bottle with urine already in it top with foil and wrap foil really good with a couple of rubber bands so no leaks then run some kind of tape over that so edges of foil dont cut u. then wear a sanitary pad just in case. tip bottle upside down to make sure. if all is good insert in vagina and when u put cup down there poke foil with fingernail and fill cup up. must be able to walk with bottle in u without it coming out when u sit down on toilet. if bottle wants to come out just push it back up til u get home. It works great did it for YEARS lol. just always be prepared, even if u just gave one day before theres always room for lab mistakes, otherwords never get comfy. always always have urine waiting.

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If you're gonna take opiates and take methadone in a Clinic then Jesus Christ (while you're clean and only on the methadone) use your own pee. Freeze it in little bottles, then when you need clean urine with methadone metabolites you have it. Not only that, if you wake up and pee, and think (s***) I gotta go to the clinic; what if they U/A me?... You got pee and FYI: Frozen urine does not get freezer burned. It will be good for 20 years. What do you think about that?

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