Can I Add Methadone To Clean Urine And Pass A Drug Test That Needs To Be Positive For Methadone And Nothing Else? (Page 14) (Top voted first)


i am on 76mls of methadone have been clean from heroin addiction for 8 months. things were great, me and my partner of 12 years were on a high because we were clean but for the past few weeks iv became majorly depressed and he my partner started getting 'itchy' he came home yesterday with heroin ....major regrets and i now feel so low and disgusted with us both its even worse because we are at the drug screening clinic today!! why i wasnt strong enough yesterday to say no is beyond me uuugh anyway my question is this if i got someone who is completely drug free to give me a urine sample and added a tiny droplet of methadone to it would i pass a drug screening test? i want to come clean we have been addicts for 10 years we have finally a brilliant drug worker who has helped us ALOT and put her neck on the line for us as well, the staff really liked us, they sent my partner away to detox 7 months ago and it cost them £3000 he was extremely lucky as that is hardly ever done in the town we live in and from the facility we are at i dnt even want to look them in the eyes. we feel so bad and dnt want to let anyone down. someone told us they have been putting methadone in clean urine for 2 yrs and getting away with it im not so sure about this? and am very anxious. my partner has more to lose he has manic depression and is on vallium we have been given weekly pick up in full for our methadone and he gets his vallium monthly hes worried theyl take our privaliges away frm us so has asked me to do it just this once and he will never put me in the position again. if this isnt going to work i dnt even want to try it id rather just come clean and be honest and get the help we need but im not getting through to him and i dnt wnat to make him look bad if he lies and i tell the truth. thanks.

292 Replies (15 Pages)

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UMMMM egg person...yes,,,she does have free speech...just like u

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No the methadone has to go threw your bdy anf proc3ssed in ur urine. I know t8ns of ppl in ten yrs at the that tried it and it doesnt work sorry

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My husband used to pass drug tests as he had come off methadone as it was too difficult for his job. He is a RN and had being honest and upfront re his habit..bad mistake as the nursing council hounded him from that day even though his work reports were very good, and zero incidents. As they wanted letters from doctors yearly and drug tests. A few times he had acquired some methadone and was worried re the tests even though it was 5 days away. Anyway in NZ they never like follow you right into the toilet sometimes not at all, he came up with a ingenius idea of putting clean urine in a little squeezy he had was great like the top of a blood pressure machine the bit they pump up. Anyway he would put it in his undies and thestick the tube bit out the side a bit..he said as his hand covered it no one would this Dr stood near the door, as most men do not want to be seen to be looking too much at another man''s penis..even a Dr. So he said he turned side on and pulled his old boy out and at the same time squeezed the bottle ..wammo a clean result. That worked several times. They do not take blood as it is too long to wait and too expensive.

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You can just add methadone to clean urine. The drug test doesn't look for methadone, it tests for a metabolite that is produced once the methadone is processed by the liver. It shows the drug was actually taken and that's what they're looking for. Sorry.

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I have been a pt at a methadone clinic for two years, and I have passed every UA that I have taken there by taking someones clean urine and adding 5 mg of a methadone disc.So yes it can work. I understand what ur saying about the difference between straight methadone and methadone that has been ingested. The first time I did it I was very worried but this procedure has worked for me many many times.

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I live in the uk now and YES u can put methadone in pee to PASS a U.A .I did it about 20 times in the past they don't check metabolites or any of that s*** all they want to no is if you are drinking your meth. One time I put too much meth in and the pee was dark green ! I had heated it up in the microwave in a dark brown U.K script bottle so I did not look at it. My drug worker said what is this ? If this is your pee ill have to call the hospital coz u must bee really ill! I had to do another U.A the next day which I failed for diamorphine, and valium. If your on probation etc they check the pee better. I used to pay $60 a month in Colorado, but in uk I don't pay anything because prescriptions are free for everyone.

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Who are u talking to? Me?
If so, idk what u are talking about with ml
I know its not ml and i never once ever said it was. I been on it off and on for at least 15 years and for the last 7 years straight. I know its not dosed in ml. Im on 210 MILLIGRAMS. have been for at least 6 years.
Idk where u came up with "ml".

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If I add liquid methadone to clean urine and its sent off to the lab will it be ok?

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Go to your nearest smoke shop and buy a wizzanater and some fake urine. It cost about 100 total but it's worth it

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It worked for me and I'm in a methadone program to but I only did it once don't push your luck

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No no way in hell. They do a 9 point drug test and send it out to the lab and that's just ridiculous I know how hard it is but you were sober for 8 months you risk it yourself so you have to deal with the consequences. Stay safe brother

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Sorry I was on my way to the clinic that day ....what I do is find someone who is clean and on methadone or someone I can feed ...then after 48 hrs or if they are at the clinic have them pee at different times of the day, save that pee in little bottles 30ml 1 oz? I think...I get bottles out of the trash at the clinic lol. They are perfect ....fill as many as you can ...freeze them ...if you thaw them out in water, hot water, you can refreeze them without ruining the createnine and do dailies ..they will stay good a yr as long as you dont denature the createnine by using a microwave ...ive been on the clinic since 02 and sorry but I like to consume marijuana and cant afford to go dailies...make sure you pay attention to your createnine levels when they test you ...if your person has f***ed kidneys like mine does you have to add synthetic urine for the createnine, it has to be above 20 for it to count ...look it up.

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Oh wow Mary, aren't we a know it all?! Well, you obviously aren't Lol. Not all methadone clinics in the country (as you put it) must not test for the metabolites or this would not have worked. Hmm and yes, it would seem that you would have a better understanding with all of this because you have used in the past. Every one of us, no matter the reason we go to the methadone clinic for, has a very good chance of relapsing. It's up to us to choose to come to the realization why we came to the clinic for in the first place, and that we should get more help or whatever it is that we need. Even tho I go to the methadone clinic to get my life together, I'm not going to act like a fool and judge anyone for what they do while going there. I am not any different or better than anyone going to the clinic. Whether you want to admit it or not, everyone there has something in common. Of course one would think that instead of acting like a complete fool like you have demonstrated, that you would want to maybe try and steer one in a better direction that has fallen off the beaten path? Maybe, don't you think? To help them remember why they chose to go to the methadone clinic in the first place. We have all been there. It's easy to start wondering a different way. That demon has called us and enticed us all. It's so ****ing hard to stay away. To remind them how much better our lives have gotten without what he has to offer. We are all human. We all make mistakes. Something to think about...

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Most clinics don't check for metabolites. My husbands clinic gives the oral swab. You're lucky you don't get tested that way. Metabolite tests and oral swabs are expensive that's why most clinics don't do it.

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or find someone that is clean andnly takes methadone use there urlne to pass the test and if you do never get in that situation again

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hi. it worked it came up negative. i added 3 drops of methadone to 100ml of urine i kept it warm like you would a babys bottle as you have a hour before it is colder than urine would be i thought the urine i had was too cold as it was litterally luke warm and then my key worker was in a meeting and couldnt see me so i saw this new woman i have never seen before she came to get me but i had got my self so worked up about wether this was going to work and then this new person is asking me questions that are in my file already so i was freaking out i felt extremly hot and started sweating she said are you ok and i explained that i have anxiety (which i do) and when i meet people for the first time i get very anxious i start speaking seriously fast dry mouth heart pumping out my chest but she was fine she kept looking at the test though and asking me random questions so i was getting worried and thought'oh crap it hasnt worked' and she just went negative look and showed me the test and there were two red lines on the heroin part which is negative and one red line for methadone which means posative i tell you from that moment i felt better and i just relxed and thought i am never doing this ever again lol! i am going away next week and am not relapsing ever again its got to the point where i just can't do all this crap that goes with having an addiction anymore. i am ready to let go now and have even started to look healthier sleep better its amazing its like mentally and consciously i have turned that corner it isnt what i want to do i am taking back control over my life and for once the future is looking good for me and my family. you mentioned benzo's thye can stay in the system up to 28 days as when i had surgery last year i had a pre-med valium and 2 weeks later when i did a drug test for my key worker she said it is posative for benzo's and i swore that i hadnt taken any which i hadnt and then i remembered the pre-med as one nurse who isnt even my key worker was seeing me while my key worker was on holiday this new key worker was going to stop me getting my prescription in a full weekly pick up i had to get the woman i saw for mental health to write a letter to state that she seen me get the pre-med as she was there with my mother. i have never had a problem with benzo's it was heroin and i was trying to expalin to her that i have done well got myself sorted out its negative for heroin benzo's arnt the problem so why are you being so harsh? i got my prescrition after she looked into my surgery and that is when i was told depending on the persons metabolism rate is depending on wether benzo's are in the system i must have a slow metabolism rate as it took 28 days for a smal amount of benzo's in my system but some ppl its 14 days? drink lots of water to flush you out. good luck.

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You can drink a cup of milk with a cap of bleech.its gross but it works over done it twice. Just drink a bottle of water afterwards and pee once before u go and always catch pee midstream

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Females can by getting urine from one who has a clean body, clean of other drugs, has no STDs, HIV, HEP C, among others. If your on methadone or suboxone clearly these must show up in your test. How to do this. Empty and clean a wide base plastic bottle, (nasal spray, wider at the bottom than to to help hold in place..Clean and dry it. Fill it with the urine, place bottle with urine it in a cup of hot water to warm it close to the same temp. as yours. Use a thermometer to test temp.,make urine a bit hotter but not much since will stay near your temp inside you. It takes my friend 15 mins. to get to her clinic. Place one layer of plastic wrap over the top of bottle, (NO LID).. use small rubber band or string? to wrap tightly around plastic wrap over the opening of the bottle to keep urine from leaking. Turn bottle upside down and shake gently to test it for leaks. IMPORTANT, Wipe inside vagina to WITH PAPER TOWEL TO remove slippery discharges TO HELP AVOID SLIPPING. It should be a bit hard to insert due to being dry. Carefully insert urine bottle so you dont burst the plastic wrap until testing. Push in on the shoulders of the bottle NOT the top. The plastic wrap should be close so you can easily reach it with your sharp same pinky on the hand your holding the pee cup in. sharpened pinky nail used to puncture plastic wrap and allow urine run into cup. Careful not to allow bottle to fall out! Go practice in your bathroom as though you were given an observed urine test. male or female and positive for the drug your prescribed and NEGATIVE for all other drugs. Again practice til you are sure its going to work. I cant say this enough. Never warn urine in a microwave. It clouds it up, separates the proteins out and they float around, some settle on the bottom, & turn a strange milky color. looking so different from the norm that red flags will alert the staff as to why. Cause problems for others. Do warm it in a cup of hot tap water. It takes a bit longer but it must be perfect. Allow extra time, avoid a rush, be careful. WHY, if caught most program rules are instant dismissal from the program. Please be aware of your acting. Nervousness is a sure sign of deceitfulness and may call to repeat test..

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No it won't work. The methamphetamine needs to be ingested (metabolized)! u can't pour methamphetamine into a urine sample!! It simply won't work!

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