Can I Add Methadone To Clean Urine And Pass A Drug Test That Needs To Be Positive For Methadone And Nothing Else? (Page 14)
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i am on 76mls of methadone have been clean from heroin addiction for 8 months. things were great, me and my partner of 12 years were on a high because we were clean but for the past few weeks iv became majorly depressed and he my partner started getting 'itchy' he came home yesterday with heroin ....major regrets and i now feel so low and disgusted with us both its even worse because we are at the drug screening clinic today!! why i wasnt strong enough yesterday to say no is beyond me uuugh anyway my question is this if i got someone who is completely drug free to give me a urine sample and added a tiny droplet of methadone to it would i pass a drug screening test? i want to come clean we have been addicts for 10 years we have finally a brilliant drug worker who has helped us ALOT and put her neck on the line for us as well, the staff really liked us, they sent my partner away to detox 7 months ago and it cost them £3000 he was extremely lucky as that is hardly ever done in the town we live in and from the facility we are at i dnt even want to look them in the eyes. we feel so bad and dnt want to let anyone down. someone told us they have been putting methadone in clean urine for 2 yrs and getting away with it im not so sure about this? and am very anxious. my partner has more to lose he has manic depression and is on vallium we have been given weekly pick up in full for our methadone and he gets his vallium monthly hes worried theyl take our privaliges away frm us so has asked me to do it just this once and he will never put me in the position again. if this isnt going to work i dnt even want to try it id rather just come clean and be honest and get the help we need but im not getting through to him and i dnt wnat to make him look bad if he lies and i tell the truth. thanks.

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I am in an Indpls In...and when testing in my clinic, they send all urine off to a lab. They do look for Methadone metabolites in the urine,, EVERY TIME. Tomorrow, I am facing a bottle recall. I have been in the clinic for almost 9 yrs. ( In July) and I have two weeks take home bottles ( I choose to only take two weeks because I can not afford the extra 203.00 dollars) So, I have a bottle recall, all my bottles are square. All with the shrink wrap on, not tampered with, but, the reason they called me in for a recall is that I was in this past Monday and had a random drop which was positive for Hydrocodone. I had oral sugary back in November of this year, and was given a script that I had not used ( they don't work anyways really) My daughter recently had a baby, and I had stayed all night in an uncomfortable chair at the hospital. ( Did I say that I have a degenerative back disorder? and have chronic pain?) anyways, I came home Sunday and took the pain pill. Back when I got the script, I did not turn it in to my counselor because I did not plan on using them... until this past Sunday when I was in a lot of pain. I will probably face getting all my take homes taken away. They told me to bring in all the info concerning the prescription ( and I do have it) Another thing is... I have had NO ILLICIT URINE in well over 5 years!! AND I have the damn script. We will see what happens. The only other thing I am worried about is I don't know when they do a bottle recall for this, will they take my bottles that I had already bought and took home? I have over a week and a half of bottles still full. I payed for them this past Monday. They BETTER not take what I had already paid for! This is all I can say!

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Best of luck to all of you good peoplegoing through this. I am not on anything, but have had some addiction issues in the past with opiates in pill form. i know it is NOTHING like what you r dealing with. i once took methadone recreationally for about 2 weeks. when i was out and just not interested in doing them anymore....2days later i was horrified to realize i was dope sick. worst mistake i ever made. never going there again. just glad i had the will power to stay away.

Just wanted to drop this note to say my heart goes out to you all. i understand life is hard and sometimes you need an extra something to get you through even the smallest tasks. it's so tempting to dose up and get everything done, but then the other side comes down on you all too quickly.

Love yourselves! stay healthy! my heart is with you!

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Well, it's worked for a friend of mine for 16 years. But the drug tests are getting more advanced and some clinics have more advanced tests than others. Obviously, not every clinic tests for metabolites. If they do, it's time to get clean, find someone on the program willing to pee for you or find a more creative solution (like the post I just submitted 2 min. ago).

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It's worked for me 4 times out of 5... until my most recent test. The only REAL solution is to find someone CLEAN who is willing to take a small dosage of methadone and pee for you. For someone not on the clinic, 5mg will be plenty.. and if they;ve never taken ANY opiods/opitaes Ild go even lower to be safe. Their bodies don;t have our tolerance, so they won't need as much to have the metabolites show up. Do NOT give some non-user a whole dose or even 10-20mgs. I've seen someone go out (almost OD) on 15mg of methadone... he had never used it before.

Another "maybe" solution is to get one of those "test clean kits" that guarantee testing clean for 6 hours. Take the test, wait the amount of time required THEN take your dose... wait one hour drink a NORMAL amount of water, pee and then do a home test to see if it comes up with the methadone and not the other drugs you're trying to hide.

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Sorry for the horrid type-s in my previous post! non-metabolized instead on-metalozed, from instead of form, etc... I spell well and have decent grammar but my typing skills are pathetic. I hope you all were able to catch the gist of my post... I guess I should use spell-check once in awhile:)

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You may be correct that if a clinic does a full screen, you will be detected for having on-metabolized methadone. It just happened to me. My counselor didn't freak out, take away my take-home privileges etc. She said man, man y factors go into this result: being on too low of a dose, your metabolism, if you happened to be sick and vomiting days prior to dropping. There ARE valid, believable excuses for getting by this result once or twice. I've been compliant on the program for 16+ years. I moved here and thier policies were so different I was shocked. I have a panic/anxiety disorder and have been on xanax for 10 years. Here they have a zero tolerance policy here for benzos. Have you ever had a panic attack.. a REAL panic attack? Well, your heart feels like it will explode, you shake, sweat, even hyperventilate or feel like you're suffocating. This clinic has NO right to take those meds away form me after 16 years of clean urine following their rules, etc. SO I felt I had no choice but do start faking my urine tests. I passed 4 tests and then my last one came up with non-metabolized methadone in my urine. SO now I'm freaking. I'll find a clean friend willing take a small amount 3-5 mg) one time ans save their pee. I have kids, a business.. and I have a Lonnnnnnng drive to get my doses each month. This program has it's good points but it's all so black/white. A person such as myself, who has been a model client for well over a decade gets forced into this situation due to their non-nonsensical rules. AM I supposed to live with panic attacks every day just to remain on their clinic? I felt that gave me NO choice. If I get caught, I'll just detox off. I'm down form 120 to 50mg anyway (all done at home on my own, saving the extra I remove each day in case something happens like a quick exit from the liquid-hand-cuff program). We aren't sheep. We're individuals and each person has individual circumstances..... not all of us faking UAs are doing it to sell their doses or get high.
But as far as needing these Metabolites in your urine, it makes me wonder if a creative individual could find a way around this. Would a combination of saliva, vomit or even feces add any of these properties..especially in combination? I know it sounds gross... but people's lives depend on keeping their take-home bottles. If there ARE solutions....yes, some people will abuse them. But some, such as myself, will use that solution as a way to continue to live my life without being treated like a criminal my legal-drug dealers selling synthetic heroin for profit. You think they follow these rules because they all care? Some do, but some of these clinics are nothing more than juice bars, following the rules just to stay in operation and could care less about you or your recovery. They just want their money. I'll do what I have to do.... and people can pass judgement if they want to. I really don't care.

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I am not sure, but if they are only doing a 5 panel test they might only be testing for other drugs, not the methadone itself...I know it goes marijuana, cocaine, benzos, methampetamines, and not sure what is next, but any drug test that tested for methadone was a 15 panel test...glad it worked out for you, and wish you the best...hope it doesnt happen again!!!!gy

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I've done the same thing.. added a drop of methadone to clean urine for 4 teats and my last came up as "non-metabolized" and now I'm freaking out. I'm not doing dope.. I'm trying to get OFF the program by using a combination of other drugs (including xanax) and am down to half my dose. I have a dog that is going to be put down next week (he's 18 years old and suffering horribly). Could I give HIM a tiny bit of methadone and use his pee? I know that sounds insane.. but do animals and humans come up differently in tests?

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All u have to do is say you take gravol- that makes u false positive for bensoids

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Just a reply to Mary..I had to do this also I am on liquid methadone. IT ABSOLUTELY WORKS! 100% It was the beginning of the program for me (I now have over 3 yrs clean but still on methadone) I borrowed a (pregnant) friends urine, Then I spit a lil bit of the methadone in with the urine. I think they did the "dip" test not sending it away, It came up CLEAN, no other illicit drugs It was fine.. but they had done a random preg test? or maybe they always did? Then i had to lie say i thought i had a miscarriage etc lol Meanwhile I hadnt even HAD a period for months! And my hubby was in prison.. My how things have changed. Josephine. I feel for you sooo much! I was where u are, VERY similar, controlling partner, a (10 yr old at the time) son, A great family.. I loved the drugs & my partner Although he introduced me to them. Now my life is soo much different But I am still on the methadone program.. But Im a great mom NOW and have a good job. I would love to talk to you more..

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well i hope this works... I gotta add methadone and soma. we will see. They do a comprehensive test there.

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I have to do a test on Thurs. and while I still haven't found anyone who has clean urine that I can add my Meth to. I do have a suggestion for getting the s*** to the right Temp. Put it in a ziploc freezer bag(they are thicker) and just put it inside your pants or somewhere under your clothes so it will be against your bare skin. Because it's against your skin it will come up to the same temp. as you body is at any given moment. Obviously only good for unsupervised urines!! Good Luck, as I am still f***ed so far unless I find a chick with clean urine!

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Really pleased for you darling dont listen to that nasty cow mary who seemd th think she is better thatn everyone else on here sad cow what the f*** is she looking on here for then. Keep strong and we are all human and relapse from time to time so done listen to negative white as white not brown brown mary ha

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Look why the hell look up this page if all you are going to do is be rude and abusive to fellow heroin addicts and People who are on a methadone prescription> Who the hell do you think you are , you have no freedom of speach you are no different to any one else if you were you would have been off Methadone along time ago lets face it if you truely want of the gear or dope as you call it . There is no way you would have been on methadone for as long as you state stupid person !!!!!!!!!!!! And as you quoted Multiple YEARS SOBER err well no doubt you have used hypocrypt ha you make me sick mary

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Look why the hell look up this page if all you are going to do is be rude and abusive to fellow heroin addicts and People who are on a methadone prescription> Who the hell do you think you are , you have no freedom of speach you are no different to any one else if you were you would have been off Methadone along time ago lets face it if you truely want of the gear or dope as you call it . There is no way you would have been on methadone for as long as you state stupid person !!!!!!!!!!!!

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Listen people, you are being duped. There is no way in HELL that that worked. It would NOT work because EVERY methadone clinic in the COUNTRY is required BY LAW to count your metabolites to make sure you are not doing what you ARE doing, which is getting high and fooling everybody including yourself. If you wanna be on the methadone clinic AND do dope, get the f*** off the clinic and out of other ppl's way like me, who really ARE staying off the s***, because we are all sick of you people and your s*** f***ing up everything for everyone. Like when I get my takehomes taken for bulls***, and ur sittin here with takehomes and ive had multiple years sober.

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You cannot pass a drug test with methadone after 24 hours. Only if you drink massive amounts of cranberry juice, NOT WATER, WATER IS A MYTH!!

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How do i pass a urine test in 24 hours with methedone in my system?

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hi. it worked it came up negative. i added 3 drops of methadone to 100ml of urine i kept it warm like you would a babys bottle as you have a hour before it is colder than urine would be i thought the urine i had was too cold as it was litterally luke warm and then my key worker was in a meeting and couldnt see me so i saw this new woman i have never seen before she came to get me but i had got my self so worked up about wether this was going to work and then this new person is asking me questions that are in my file already so i was freaking out i felt extremly hot and started sweating she said are you ok and i explained that i have anxiety (which i do) and when i meet people for the first time i get very anxious i start speaking seriously fast dry mouth heart pumping out my chest but she was fine she kept looking at the test though and asking me random questions so i was getting worried and thought'oh crap it hasnt worked' and she just went negative look and showed me the test and there were two red lines on the heroin part which is negative and one red line for methadone which means posative i tell you from that moment i felt better and i just relxed and thought i am never doing this ever again lol! i am going away next week and am not relapsing ever again its got to the point where i just can't do all this crap that goes with having an addiction anymore. i am ready to let go now and have even started to look healthier sleep better its amazing its like mentally and consciously i have turned that corner it isnt what i want to do i am taking back control over my life and for once the future is looking good for me and my family. you mentioned benzo's thye can stay in the system up to 28 days as when i had surgery last year i had a pre-med valium and 2 weeks later when i did a drug test for my key worker she said it is posative for benzo's and i swore that i hadnt taken any which i hadnt and then i remembered the pre-med as one nurse who isnt even my key worker was seeing me while my key worker was on holiday this new key worker was going to stop me getting my prescription in a full weekly pick up i had to get the woman i saw for mental health to write a letter to state that she seen me get the pre-med as she was there with my mother. i have never had a problem with benzo's it was heroin and i was trying to expalin to her that i have done well got myself sorted out its negative for heroin benzo's arnt the problem so why are you being so harsh? i got my prescrition after she looked into my surgery and that is when i was told depending on the persons metabolism rate is depending on wether benzo's are in the system i must have a slow metabolism rate as it took 28 days for a smal amount of benzo's in my system but some ppl its 14 days? drink lots of water to flush you out. good luck.

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