Can I Use Suboxone Just To Get Off Heroin (Page 2)
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hi, I'm 21 years old and got into the habit of shooting up heroine. I was wondering how long it would take for the withdraw symptoms to go away if I use soboxone to get off of the heroin. I was doing suboxone before and actually got addicted to that also. Nd then I couldn't get any suboxin so I was really sick nd I ended up getting heroin. I only did heroine for about 2 weeks. I was wondering how long I should take the suboxone to get clean from the h. I want to quit everything. I want to live my life the way it was supposed to be lived. Free of drugs. So if anyone could let me know how long I should do the subs before I quit them so I won't withdrawal so bad. Thank you for your time.

29 Replies (2 Pages)

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I'm working today Tim but would be glad to call you this evening and talk with you.
Look forward to speaking with you my friend. If you are in a position of weakness right now feel free to call me and I'll lift you up and help strengthen your will power at anytime

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Here's my email. Once I hear from you Ted.I'll send my number.

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The worst thing is that the memories of a good high never leave your brain! I was mainlining at least an 8-ball of cocaine everyday and still working -- I was a functional addict for 5 years...then I made the decision to stop along with some user friends -- that helped a lot because we supported each other when we were feeling weak or when times got tough and we wanted to default. I've been clean for 2 years now and I also found Christ -- for the first year, the mind battles were rough and often I wanted to give in. Since I got saved, the battles are much much easier. I joined a Christian group of bikers that ALL used to get high so they understood the struggles I was going through! I tell you this because now, I don't even think about it anymore and when I do, I just laugh and thank God that I won the battle! Each of you can win this battle -- and no, I'm not a Holy Roller trying to lead you to the church (although it would help you). I am an ex-addict that found his way out.....Not sure if my story will help but I will pray for each of you right now that you will somehow, and through some way, find your way out of that pit and live successful happy lives!!
I know you can if you truly want to!
Good luck to all of you!
P.S. (Holy Roller part)...if you want to call and let me pray with you, send me a text at {edited for privacy} with your name and number and a good time to call you.

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Markus, I am going through the same thing. I was in NA for years and stayed clean for almost 7 years. I relapsed this year with my drug of choice...good ol' heroin. I guess you can say I got cocky and thought I could go back and do it just once to enjoy it. YEAH RIGHT! 2 months later, still going. I have blown all my money on my habit and got so pissed off at myself for screwing myself up. Bottom line, I got sick and tired pretty early on which is a blessing. I started with a piece of suboxone (approx. 2mg) in the AM, then before bed, took another mg. Tuesday (Day 2) started with another mg, then repeated before bed. At this point, 5 mg total. Day 3 only took a mg, then waited 24 hours. Day 4 took another mg, nothing since. This morning, I feel a little lazy and my back is achy but OK for the most part. I have had worse. All I can say, is be careful with the subs. That is what started my run. I was taking occasionally and then noticed very uncomfortable WD symptoms. I did dope for a couple of weeks to get the bupe out of my system and like a dumb ass created a habit. Good luck, please stay strong and know its possible. Crossing my fingers for the both of us!

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for the last year Ive been taking small amounts of bupen. to get high. during the week. ,2 to .4 mgs. a day. the weekends I would inject 2- 4 mgs. of subutex with valium and beer. back to work Monday with .4 /.2 mgs.suboxone under toungue and like hungover a couple days endless cycle. cant get in detox and rehab with insurance even, must be in severe withdrawl and I never am, just loosing mind and getting suisidyle. 3 days ago started injecting 1-3 bags of heroin a day. no suboxone for 4 days now. I figure to wait about 2 weeks to get bupe out of me, and try to ween off little heroin habbit with suboxone. my only hope shot. no dr. to help. was clean 9 years in NA. want that again, not mtce.sub or methadone. PLEASE help IF anyone out there SINCERE.

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I was snorting a bun per day for the past 6 months ma boy od'd on H so I decided it was time to kick this demon back to hell where it came from. Bupe is a life saver no withdrawal no craving day 5 n still going strong. I'm at 2mg started at 4mg tomorrow imma drop it to 1mg work helps alot...

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Yes, I had a massive heroin habit back it 2001. They were just using this stuff called buphrenrorphine to help you get off. After the first 2 days of withdrawals, they gave me an injection of 24mg (3 8mg orange stopsigns), the next days the gave me an injection (these were IM injections, by the way) of 16mg, The third day 8mg, After that - nothing.

Now I had at least 30 bags - minimum of $200/day - bundles, mainlining 3-4 bags at time; of Philadelphia China white dope habit when I went into treatment.

Clearly, the first 2 days of withdrawal are the worst, but they cant give you the bupe before then without going causing precipitated withdrawal. But after those 3 days were over, man, to be straight up honest - if I had known it would have been that easy - I'd've gone at LEAST a year before.

You don't have to inject the bupe - you just got to have a friend there with enough benzos to get you through at least 36 hours before you put them under your tongue. 3 pills first day, 2 pills second day, 1 pill 3rd day and if you want to be sure to 1 pill on day 4 - but then get out.

IF you want out - it's time to change your city, your friends (though you'll find all you have left is using buddies), your job, your life-

but it is so worth it.

I wish you luck. email me and let me know how it goes.

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I tried it and if anyone out there has the mental ability to push themselves it's totally possible. I used the SUB strips 12 hours after using last then cut the strips into 1/3 pieces to force myself less and I promise you it will work you have to push yourself and occupy your time in active things. I went to the gym as much as I could (even though I couldnt lift much) if you build up a sweat everyday that factually will speed up the process and help the body detox. Remember it's still a a drug you become extremely involved with but mostly mental, have a strong mindset and you'll win I guarantee you.

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Suboxone contains the active ingredient Buprenorphine and Naloxone, so if it is taken, before you are in full withdrawal, the Naloxone can actually induce dangerous withdrawal symptoms.

Thus, Suboxone has to be started only when a person is already in full withdrawal of the addictive substance. The dosage must be carefully calculated, to bring them out of withdrawal, then slowly tapered, over time, to enable them to become drug free.


Having stated those facts, there is really no precise time frame to give someone on how long they need to take it. It depends on the individual, as well as how much they were taking of their addictive drug of choice.

Have you considered consulting a doctor for assistance?

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