Can I Take Norco And Percocet At The Same Time (Top voted first)


I take Norco 5/325 daily for pain.(Scoliosis) I am having a last minute breast augmentation tomorrow & my Dr. prescribed me Percocet 5/325 for the pain. Can I alternate my meds every few hours? I'm sure it should be fine, but just checking. Don't wanna freak either of my doctors out by asking them!

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You should ask your Dr. before taking anything he did not prescribe for you. Anything else could be dangerous.

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They are both very potent narcotic analgesics, neither treats any specific condition, just general pain, so you really don't need to take them both, at the same time, only one is necessary.

If the surgeon wants you to take the Percocet, then that's most likely the one you should use and it should help with both the surgical and scoliotic pain.

You can learn more Percocet details here.

Are there any other questions I can help with?

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Don't do that. As another poster mentioned these are strong pain pills and not to mention the fact that they are highly vindictive. If you were to tell your doctor that you have 2 different batches of very strong pain killers, not only would he tell you no.. but he could stop any other prescriptions for the other drug through the pharmacy who will no doubt call him when you try to fill the second prescription.

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To answer honestly Yes! Do not "rely" on my advice but i have chronic pain & all my drs have used differnt combos of pain meds ( because otherwise you get tolerant) your cosmetic dr is going to know less about pain then your scolosis dr (most likely) & for surgery you know you definitely need a different and/ir stronger med because of new acute pain. Get a muscle relaxer instead!! A friend just got ba last month she said only day of & next day had pain but that mus relax helped best because of the tightness. You can alternate --ive been pres both of oxy pro & vic for breakthru--so thats not a prob but u are taking a lot of tylenol. Likely ur dr wrote 1 5/325 every 4-6 hrs--not enough so when you complain about the pain he could then say take two every 4 to 6 hours -- but if you take the Vicodin you're going to have way too much Tylenol if I were you I would just take the Percocets on the first day or two and then go back to your regular meds also definitely get the muscle relaxer !

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Hi, I had back surgery yesterday. I'm taking percocet, norco and zanaflex throughout the day, but I'm really congested; I believe due to a hotel I stayed in in WV from Thursday the 18th until Monday the 22nd. I do smoke but I am only like this if I get a chest cold and I don't have one. Can I take mucinex for congestion too?

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Like a dummy, we had a crooked doctor in our town, unfortunately. I got caught up in his web. He had me on oxycodone 30s four times a day. And then Lortab 7.5...6 times a day. This was a few years or so ago. I found out later those to do not match deadly deadly combination. I'm so happy to find out this Dr no longer can practice. Thank you!!
I almost died. So please if you are mixing hydrocodone and oxycodone together be very careful. Actually I wouldn't do it. I would take one or the other. Blessings to all.

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Sorry addictive not vindictive although that word works too

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