Can Celexa Make You Fail A Drug Test (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I am tested every month. Now someone told me my new meds (Celexa) will make me fail the benzo part of the exam. Is this true?

39 Replies (2 Pages)

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I hear u but subbys are the devil in my view I stupidly started using gear in splifs after a while I never knew I was gettin hooked dumb I know but it took me a good year to get hooked then subs for about a year it made me so depressed but when I took b for a week or 2 I was happy my life was like a rolla coster with a stressfull job stressfull baby mom and one day I woke up and thought f*** this my son don't deverve a baghead dad and just stopped it was hell for 3 weeks but it was done still getting mild symptoms but my life is so much better its like my life was on hold for 2 years the first year was f***ing sick but tht don't last trust me I'm on citolapram now but don't wanna go down next bad path on more devil drugs but 4 week in feel so happy now sorry for the life story but it feels good to talk even if nobodys there lol ps I've still kindov got a lilly crack habbit nuttin I can't handle ha ha holla holla

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As a former opiate addict, i have experienced personally, being on methadone for years. and when i got to 42 mg i was just done and came off cold turkey, and i see a friend of mine on suboxon comming off and it seems to be much better...if you have an opiate addiction and can avoid methadone, Do it! if not, get on methadone! its better than the alternative....if you dont know what that means, you havent reached your lowest yet....or just arent intelligent enough to care

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I don't take pain meds at all but I am on celexa and just now failed a drug test for pain meds. You ones that it didn't do it too don't think others are lying about it. It's judging. ALSO it's all true. Now I have to wait on the test to get back so I can go to work. It sucks. But the meds are working really good for me and I have never found anything to help me till now. People please, don't get s***ty on here. 1 man's experience is not the same for the 2nd man's. Bless all.

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YES- Celexa is an SSRI, which CAN make you test positive for Benzo's. I did twice, went off it, then 4 weeks later had a DOC do the test, and showed negative. DO NOT trust flimsy cheap drug tests when it comes to you being accused of something you're not/haven't been doing!

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I have been taking Celera for a couple years now, and every time I'm tested it shows a faint line for benzos.

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Yes it does show up just had a ua and mouth swab it showed in swab unsure of ua yet.

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I NEVER took drugs before and I never failed a drug test until I changed from Zoloft to was embarrassing because it was a group interview and everyone had to take a drug test before they even told you the details about the job... I was escorted out in front of everyone smh

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Re: robb (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I believe I can false positive. It did me

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No celexa can not make you positive for heroin. What you probably over heard was that the patient tested positive for heroin and celexa. There is an ask a doctor website they sometimes take a few days to get back to you but I promise celexa and heroin are in completely different drug classes and would not cause a false positive. I hope that this helps.

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Dude just answer the question... Getting all analytical when u could just answer the question... Lame!

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I said celexa did cause me to fail and that it Was the celexa causing me to fail

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My doc said they are finding that Celexa works better for pain than for an antidepressant. I can't take arthritis meds because of my stomach but this works. So you think you don't take pain meds... Your just not being told.

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Re: patty p (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

Congratulations.... Very strong. Prayer's for you and your family.

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I took celexa 50 MG for the day 100 MG at while I was in a in patient rehab I was proscribed them got drug tested all the time never came up positive for anything.

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No, celexa is NOT a benzo

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NO, Celexa will not cause a positive morphine result. Not even close.

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Yes I take it she is lying my uncle is a Dr. It will not mess or come up as anything

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my daughter tested positive for morphine but all she gas taken recently is celexa, is she lying to me?

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can celexa make someone test positive for heroin? a friend of mine was in a bad car wreck and the hospital said something about heroin but then they changed it to celexa and then someone said that it wont do that. please help me figure this out..

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